God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1923: Mother and son meet

No matter how determined Lexus is, he is first and foremost.

If you have never imagined, your own mother's appearance, your own mother's affairs, is absolutely impossible.

The resentment of not being accompanied by his mother when he was young was already forgiven in Ling Tian's explanation.

Who would have thought that she would accidentally enter the upper realm of reincarnation?

It's just that now looking at this woman who is like a real fairy, waving the two powers of killing and Anbai, free and easy and not like a human, but in front of her, crying like a tearful.

In Ling Zhi's heart, there were countless complex emotions pouring up.

He didn't know how to describe the face of the woman in front of him, but the blood and intimacy that gushed from the depths of his heart was indelible.

So that Ling Zhi's body on the Tianqi Array was trembling and trembling.

He Qilu, this is the name of Ling Zhi's mother. It was also the first time he knew the name of his mother and what her surname was after he was in Luo Yezong.

"Mother, do you want to reunite with my father and me?"

Ling Zhi cleaned up his emotions and asked.

He Qilu was startled. Before she had time to speak, Shennong came up, "He Anbai didn't waste this bit of his own blood in order not to fight against me. I don't know how much tongue was wasted. He is such a proud person, even I don't know who I am, but I'm so long-winded."

"As for her," Shennong's eyes had some admiration, which was an admiration of maternal love, "This drop of essence and blood may be condensed throughout the body, but only three or five drops."

When Shennong said this, he stopped explaining, but bowed to He Qilu gently, "This grace will be remembered."

Just now, He Qilu directly gifted him the essence and blood of He An Bai, but it has a great effect on him in the current state, and the hope of resurrection has increased by half.

The pure blood that can be condensed from the whole body is only three or five drops, but only when he perceives the aura of Lexus, he directly forces a blood of essence and directly descends here through the formation of the demons.

Apart from parents and relatives, brothers, who else would do this?

Ling Zhi's eyes were flushed with tears, which condensed in his eye sockets, but He Qilu gently wiped a hand on his face with her hand, and rubbed the tears directly on her hand without any scruples.

"Look at you, people in the Saint King Realm, why are you still crying?" She laughed, her pretty eyes narrowed into a slit, and she was inexplicably playful and cute.

With just this action, you can see her character. Thinking of her father Ling Tian's calm appearance, Ling Zhi couldn't help laughing.

Does Ling Tian want to say that his aptitude is not worth mentioning in front of his mother.

Even if He An Bai is just two powers, but being shattered so easily by He Qilu, it reveals her power.

It is precisely because of her strength and the relationship between her and Ling Zhi's close relatives that she can directly reconsolidate the spirit power that Ling Zhi has scattered around so easily.

"Hmm." Seeing Ling Zhi smirking, He Qilu's heart moved slightly, while a smile flashed at the corner of her mouth, a smug flashed in her eyes.

"Huh, can you hide it?" She suddenly snorted, and the hem of the white dress suddenly flew up and shuttled towards the void behind her.

In the blink of an eye, the shadow of the hem of the white skirt disappeared from Lexus's perception.

"This..." Shennong looked at this scene with a wry smile. Even with his personality, he didn't know what to say. "In your current state, even if you catch up with him so hard, it will be the most Let him suffer a little bit, and it won't really hurt him."

Hearing what he said, Ling Zhi had just realized that his mother, who had suddenly appeared, had caught He An Bai's trace through the void, and he was about to do something with the other party directly.

Thinking of He An Bai's strength and strength, Lexus not only had a few drops of sweat on his forehead, "Mother, I will pay this hatred by myself, you don't have to."

He was really worried that He Qilu would suffer, although it was only a drop of blood.

But He Qilu was his mother, and he didn't want to endure the damage of a hair.

He Qilu smiled at him, very soft, but there was no pause in her shot.

Her hair was flying all over her at the moment, and the white hem was suddenly straightened.

"Heh, except for my family, no one has dared to touch my clothes for so many years!" He Qilu's face changed, and she snorted, suddenly a powerful force burst out from the clothes.

Her face was slightly paler, but from the end of the void, there was a groan that was obviously suffering.

"It's just that I have just stepped into this realm, and I dare to be so arrogant. If I dare to touch my son, he will be chased by the end of the world!" He Qilu slowly retracted, but the voice spread into the void, and The surrounding voids collided with each other, forming countless echoes. I don't know how far and how long it has spread.

But on the clothes she brought back, there was a drop of bright blood.

At this moment, she looked like a mother, but like a witch.

As He Qilu's clothes swayed slightly, the blood fell off the hem and recondensed into a drop of blood, which was pushed to the front of Shennong with a gentle force.

"Before, I was thinking about Lingzhi, but it was only then that I realized that you turned out to be that senior." He Qilu's eyes showed a completely different look from before, with humility.

"The line of Jiafu seems to be an existence like the guardian of the earth. It solidified and then came to the earth to give birth to many changes. This line no longer has any prestige and existence, but about you, I learned from him. I have learned something. You are one of the people who truly made the rise of the race. The descendants of Yan and Huang have never done so, but you were rude before."

"Although this drop of blood is nothing, it should be somewhat useful to you at this time."

She was about to wipe away the will and killing intent in this blood, but Shennong spoke at this moment, "It's okay. Keeping this killing intent is of great use."

He stretched out his hand to receive this drop of blood, and the drop of blood fell on his hand and merged into his body. Because his abdomen was transparent, it could be seen that after this drop of blood entered his body, it went straight to the abdomen and was A mass of enchanting color wrapped up.

"Even back then, I have never seen a woman like you." Shennong sighed, "Just to inform the people of this world, don't want to use his idea, you have the power of this drop of blood, but It's a waste of everything."

"The price is quite high."

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