God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1912: See the battle spirit

At the same time when Fang Xiangshi's king prevented Lexus from taking action, the long sword in the woman's hand turned into sword light and flew towards it.

The long sword pierced the head of Fang Xiangshi straight into the Shenting point.

It seemed that there was a force that had been accumulated for thousands of years, erupting from the forehead of King Fang Xiangshi.

This power rushed straight into the sky, and it was the Apocalypse Array under its feet, and there were also some places that lit up.

This power connected to the Xingyu that Fang Xiangshi had opened up, and spread across the universe.

"With the will in your heart, walk into the formation, and see the soul of the battle." Fang Xiangshi said, every word, every word, coughing up blood.

His originally strong body is rapidly weakening.

Ling Zhi's fingers trembled slightly, and he could clearly perceive that the vitality of Fang Xiang's king was declining rapidly.

This debilitating speed is even beyond his control.

Not to mention that the Fang Xiangshi king does not allow him to interfere in the treatment at all now, even if he is allowed to interfere, I am afraid it will not have a good effect.

King Fang Xiang, with his life, in exchange for the opportunity for them to meet and talk with the fighting spirit!

Shen Yinghan walked into the Apocalypse formation blankly, unable to speak for a long time.

Until the obsession in her heart was sensed by the formation and passed into the spirit power of King Fang Xiang, a series of phantoms suddenly appeared between the sky and the universe.

It's like there are countless planets passing by, countless ghosts flashing, everything is so unreal.

This period lasted for a long time, until Lexus clenched their hands.

Because at the time whether the battle spirit really existed and whether it was still alive, no one said clearly, it was the thirty-three-day weapon spirit, and it was just some speculation.

If none of the strong people who knew about the Shen family had the chance to leave a remnant soul, then Shen Yinghan would not get any explanation for this matter.

Then the part of the life that Fang Xiangshi gave to her was of no value.

Sometimes, death is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that death has no meaning.

Even in the eyes of King Fang Xiang, there was some sadness and helplessness.

"Ha ha……"

Shen Yinghan suddenly sneered, "Where is there any explanation, what is the truth, it is all you, you killed my Shen family!"

She has long hair scattered all over her head, looking crazy.

Ling Zhi opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but didn't know where to start.

At this moment, the Apocalypse Array opened a small part and completely wrapped the Fang Xiangshi king in, but he wanted to go in again and forcibly interrupt the movement of Fang Xiangshi, but he couldn't do it.


Suddenly, a clear sound suddenly appeared between the formations.

Everyone suffocated their breath, and then discovered that it was the hand of the female corpse.

She still didn't have the slightest vitality in her eyes, the slightest emotion, but she was so tyrannical, domineering, raised her hand, and suddenly slapped Shen Yinghan.

The slap was very strong and loud, and even made Shen Yinghan's smooth face bulge high, and the corners of her mouth were bleeding, looking quite embarrassed.

However, Shen Yinghan didn't care. She was almost surprised and looked at the female corpse frantically, "Ancestor, it's you, is it you?"

She yelled, screamed.

What's even more incredible is that from the starry sky opened by Fang Xiangshi, there is actually a ray of light descending, and some remnants that are invisible but actually exist in the perception, quietly appear.

These remnant souls seem to have not much remaining power and are very weak, so it takes so long to find them.

Some strange rays of light burst out of Ling Zhi's eyes, and his gaze looked like substance, looking at some places above the formation.

In his eyes, a group of figures appeared.

This is the Sky Eye, one of the infinite treasures of the human body. He had opened it at the beginning, but he had never used it or relied on it intentionally.

The role of the Sky Eye itself is to break the falsehood.

There were too many things involved in the war here. He had already tried it quietly, and he couldn't use the ability to trace back time to try to see what happened.

But looking at the figures that appeared, he could be sure for the first time that even if these people were not all the ancestors of Shen Yinghan, they were definitely connected and related.

They are descending on this apocalyptic formation at this moment, but they are not real souls, but projections.

With the help of the power of the Apocalypse Array, the Fang Xiangshi king's ability is projected.

Without any nonsense, these battle souls appeared here, and immediately began to deduct them, scenes after scenes, appearing in the void.

Suddenly, endless spiritual power emerged from the female corpse, and all the cultivation of the Saint King's third-level realm was revealed. These spiritual powers were mixed in the void, and the pictures appeared to everyone under the outline of spiritual power. In the eyes.

The picture is very fragmented and very incoherent.

But even from some broken pictures, one can feel that the fighting here was more tragic than Lexus and the others had imagined.

Unilateral massacres will only make people feel angry and indignant.

What can be called tragic must be evenly matched. There must be many people who fought to the death, one after another, who were originally humble, gave their lives for their homeland, family, and tribe.

Only in this way can people feel magnificent, tragic, and grand.

However, the more so, looking at these pictures, the mood will become more heavy.

Shen Yinghan's body was trembling, just because most of these people belonged to her Shen family.

As she said, no one came to the rescue until there were almost no strong men in the Shen family.

At this time, the Shen family began to select some of the family children with extraordinary qualifications and unlimited futures, and decided to pay a huge price to send them away.

So far, all the pictures have declared the same facts as Shen Yinghan said.

Ling Zhi's fist was clenched tightly, and his brow furrowed. Even now, he still felt that there must be other hidden things in this matter.

When he got the gossip stove, he accidentally learned that the original owner of the gossip stove was already very exhausted and weak when he was out fighting against a strong enemy, but he still forced a drop of blood to send the gossip stove. On the planet of Reincarnation, I want to send it to the hands of the ancestors of the earth.

But at this moment, Dan Gejia Gaoge's ancestors joined forces to brutally kill those who were going to receive the Eight Diagrams furnace, looted the Eight Diagrams furnace, hid them, and went into hiding.

As a result, some warriors on the battlefield failed to get enough medicine to heal their wounds and restore their spiritual power. They could only use their bodies to fight the enemy to the last moment, and their bodies and souls were destroyed.

He vaguely felt that such great heroes would not be able to ignore the Shen family here.

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