God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1899: Just fast enough

At the moment when he smiled, something strange suddenly appeared in the position of Lexus's left shoulder and armpit.

Lexus didn't know how many times he fought, how many battles he went through, even if it was a battle of life and death, it was countless.

Therefore, he was also aware of this change in Qi.

His body was almost instinctive, and he sent the Weeping Blood Sword over, sweeping across his left chest.

When he took the sword, he was convinced that this blow would not cause any injury to himself.

But this time, he was wrong.

Wrong estimation, the price paid is bleeding.

Before his Weeping Blood Sword arrived there, a small leather figure appeared, and that small fist hit his armpit and ribs so casually.

In this small body, there is unimaginable power.

With a bang, all the ribs on Lexus’s left chest were broken.

Only then did Ling Zhi's Weeping Blood Sword swept there.

But the figure of the leather villain has disappeared again.

The pain caused by the body is far less intense than the shock of the spirit. Ling Zhi has realized the rules of space very early, and when he was younger, he also learned the eight steps of Tianyan first.

Even the cultivation method that was later created was a trick like Nilong Nine Steps.

Although the essence is actually attacking techniques, not body techniques, it also shows that his speed and attacking rhythm are quite accurate.

Especially after he realized the power of space, and after studying with Wen Cang for a while, he believed that he was in speed and had not been caught up before.

But now, he has not only been overtaken by others, he has even been completely suppressed.

It was not that his sword was too slow, but that the leather villain moved too fast. After he sensed the appearance of the opponent, and then he raised the Weeping Blood Sword, it was such a short time that the leather villain had already taken action.

So his sword is destined to fail.

Without attacking his heart and other important positions, it is of course not that Shentuyan is soft-hearted, but Lexus is indeed fast enough. At the moment, Shentuyan could not ensure that the leather villain can reach Lexus before the arrival of the Weeping Blood Sword. Of the heart.

So he desperately blasted Lexus's left chest first.

The ribs were smashed to pieces by the leather villain, and some bones were thrust into Lexus's heart violently.

The powerful physical body created by the Xuanhuang Immortal Body played a role. Even the flesh and blood inside Lexus’s body had a strong defensive ability. In a squeeze, these bone spurs were forcibly prevented from deepening, preventing them from being important to Lexus’s body. The organs play a role in injury.

The warriors who have reached the third level of the Saint King are naturally unlikely to die due to the penetration of the heart and the destruction of the liver, but these injuries will cause them to waste a lot of energy and blood to repair and recover.

It will also cause them to take the action and affect the injury, and there is such a slight disorder, these are not smooth, it is an error.

In a true peak duel, it is possible that the opponent will catch this flaw and kill with one blow.

"How can there be so many weirdness, it turns out that it was just fast enough." Until then, Li Bai sighed lightly and slowly muttered to himself.

It's not that there is a problem with his perception with Lexus, nor is it what kind of formations or weird it contains, but the speed of this leather villain is approaching another level.

At this level, his and Ling Zhi's eyes had lost their function.

And their soul power perception has also lost its effect.

In other words, the leather villain has been moving at the extreme speed.

The speed of this movement exceeded the limit that Ling Zhi's eyes could capture, and it was enough to confuse Ling Zhi's soul power perception, so in Ling Zhi's eyes, such a situation appeared, the illusion that the leather villain disappeared.

If Ling Zhi's spirit power control reached Yun Yi's level, then Shen Tuyan's move would have no effect on him.

He can easily perceive the movement of the leather villain. At that time, even if the leather villain is strong, as long as it does not reach the level of the ancestral holy realm, Ling Zhi will always have a way to solve it, and there will always be a way to break this trick.

But the battle of life and death, there is no if.

Not long after he first entered the Saint King's third-level realm, he hadn't even stepped into the later stage, how could he have Yun Yi's ability to control soul power like that.

No matter how talented he is, it takes a lot of time to try and get familiar with it.

Shen Tuyan used this trick with the help of the leather villain only because it was fast enough.

But many times, whether you are fast enough, strong enough, or hard enough, as long as the enemy can't solve the problem, then you are invincible.

Shen Tuyan's feeling now is invincible.

Li Bai's legs even showed some slight signs of leaning forward.

At this time, two people are definitely better than one.

But Ling Zhi faced him and shook his head.

"He didn't summon the two puppets back. Naturally, he wanted to have a thorough battle with me, one-on-one." Ling Zhi's mouth had an inexplicable smile, "Since it is one-on-one, I am invincible."

I am invincible.

This sentence just fell out of his mouth, and if anyone was changed, it would make people feel a little overwhelming and a little contrived.

But it came out of his mouth, but it was so natural and so natural.

Li Bai's leg that had just moved was completely lowered. He just quietly looked around Lexus, thinking in his mind what he should do if he encountered such a predicament.

It was also at this moment that the Weeping Blood Sword in Lexus's hand turned into a streamer and flew up, flashing behind itself.

He leaned forward fiercely, struggling to stop the forward trend, and a string of blood slipped from the corner of his mouth.

The leather villain hit his back with a punch. If it weren't for his Weeping Blood Sword's timely arrival, this punch would hit the back of his neck.

The injury will be dozens of times more severe than it is now.

At this moment, Ling Zhi raised his head and slowly withdrew a few figures from the surrounding area, which was condensed by him with the technique of one gasification and three cleansing.

Although this Qi Hua Sanqing technique only needs to use his very little soul power, it can fight like a real person, but after all, it uses soul power, after all, it is a distraction.

In this battle, he needs complete meditation.

Just now when he used the dead wood to meet the spring to deal with Shentuyan, Shentuyan had never attacked him himself, so now he clearly has some means to directly attack Shentuyan, but they have not used it.

In this world, all geniuses are arrogant.

This is true even for Lexus.

Shen Tuyan dismantled him, so he would also dismantle this trick.

This is extremely ridiculous to outsiders, but to Lexus, it is a matter of belief.

If you don't even have confidence in yourself, what qualifications do you have to call a strong person?

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