God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1886: Third weight 3

No resentment or dissatisfaction means understanding.

It represents the supreme mind and true free and easy emotion.

The real free and easy, by no means because someone slaps you, you hate to kill the other party's family, you feel that you are free from the constraints of the world, so you are free and easy.

not like this.

The real freedom is that no matter what others do, you can see through the essence at a glance, know whether the matter is good or bad, and then make your own decision.

And the decisions you make yourself, no one else can influence or change it.

In other words, even if you change, it is because of the person who affects you. You are willing to let him affect you and let him change you.

Because he had obtained the result he wanted, there was no need to torture Shu Feiyao and make Shu Feiyao heartache and regret it.

The woman said frankly, "I'm not going to kill him, otherwise I won't have to make so many hands. Of course, he can't be so weak. I want to help him, make him faster, smooth, and feel here. Triple realm."

"I know." Facing the woman's frankness, Shu Feiyao nodded and then lowered her head, "Not only I know, he also knows, but he has no objection, so he just accepted the predecessor's method. I will do it for him, thank you senior."

"Does he also know?" A trace of stunnedness flashed across the woman's face. Only then did she really pay attention to Lingzhi.

She was surprised to find that Ling Zhi's face still had an unbearable pain, and his body would still make many subconscious reactions.

But Lexus never resisted from beginning to end.

His Weeping Blood Sword was in his body, and a thought would fly out.

And the woman knows how someone like Lexus doesn't have some means of escape and life-saving at hand.

"You understand him very well." The woman truly exclaimed, "I can't be his enemy, so now, can you worship me as a teacher with peace of mind?"

"When Ling leaves the customs, I want to listen to Ling's opinions." Shu Feiyao spoke respectfully and gave a definite answer without hesitation and entanglement.

The woman glanced at her strangely, "You are not afraid that I will regret it if you procrastinate like this, and I will regret it? And you should be able to see that I do not like you and you need to seek his opinion even for such things. "

I don’t know when the Xinghai wings that flew to Shu Feiyao’s shoulders trembled, splashing some star-like light, Shu Feiyao looked straight at the woman, “First, I’m not afraid that you regret it, predecessor, because if you regret it so easily, you have already go away."

"Second, I know that you will not like such things. But this is my true heart. If I cover up my own thoughts in order to cater to you and coax you to like it, then since I started practicing with you, I will not Free and easy."

Shu Feiyao's expression is still so humble, but the starlight in her eyes is even brighter.

Even Lexus had never seen her look like this before.

Everyone, including Lexus himself, ignored one problem.

Although Shu Feiyao has never had a strong pursuit or desire for anything, she just wants to follow Ling Zhi quietly, watching Ling Zhi successfully complete one miracle after another, firmly believe in Ling Zhi, and give Ling Zhi the most solid support.

But on the other hand, is it not the greatest pursuit and desire to keep following Lexus?

In just a few years, Ling Zhi had cultivated to the Saint King's third-level realm, which was an amazing speed.

But Shu Feiyao was never left by him.

To stay behind one person, at least in many ways, be close to each other.

If you can't even do what you want, how can you catch up with the opponent?

Until now, Shu Feiyao, intentionally or unintentionally, showed some of her own style.

How can this woman with starry eyes be ordinary?

At least, she can have this innocence in the cruel world, which is already the biggest abnormality.

The bang sound was still ringing, but the expressions of Ling Zhi and Li Bai had changed a lot.

There were also many scars pierced by bones on their bodies, transparent scars.

The woman looked at them and waved her hand. Those light beams poured into the stream, sucked the stream into the sky, slapped it, and poured it on them.

Shu Feiyao looked at all of this, her heart was trembling, she naturally knew that Ling Zhi would not be really troubled, but sometimes it was so wonderful, even if she knew that the person in her heart would not die if his body was abolished, it would still be because Some small scars on the other side were nervous and at a loss.

"If I am no longer free and easy from the moment I followed Senior, it would be meaningless to come to Senior to accept me as a disciple. So in the end, I still want to hear Ling's opinion. He agrees and I will worship you. Be a teacher and even leave with you. If he doesn't like it, he can only ask Senior not to blame."

Shu Feiyao didn't look at the woman, her gaze still fell on Ling Zhi, but these few words were neither humble nor overbearing.

Because she was too worried about Lexus, she had forgotten many things, which caused her to say these few words so straightforwardly that they were not in line with her own quiet personality.

The woman did not make a sound, but a person like her remained silent for a long time, which in fact represented acquiescence and approval.

She was just thinking in her heart now, whether this man who made her favorite descendant could understand the third realm.

The stream was covered with a lot of silt, sand, rocks, water weeds, and withered branches, slapped against Lexus.

Sand and stones were sprinkled into the flesh and blood, and rubbed against the flesh and blood.

The branches creaked in the bones.

The aquatic plants curled up in the mouth and nose, and the smell was unbearable.

Ling Zhi suddenly laughed.

All this is so real.

He felt like a mortal, and he hurt when these sands touched his body.

Those branches hit him, and he felt swelling in the flesh and blood, and he hurt.

The water weeds and other debris rolled up his mouth and nose, and the stream slapped his whole body, and he felt some suffocation inexplicably.

These feelings, after becoming a warrior, he rarely had anymore.

Even he himself didn't care about it, ignored it.

But this is human instinct.

Lost instinct, how to call it human.

How can we use this human body to perceive all the great roads?

This time, he realized Li Bai first.

Not because of his talent surpassing Li Bai, but because of his mind, he is more alive than Li Bai.

This kind of work, because there is still little time to experience, and the young age of thinking, sometimes, it is really young.

Ling Zhi let out a sigh. Looking at the mountains behind him and the stream in front of him, he stepped into the third realm.

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