God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1883: Chasing water plants

Now Ling Zhi and Li Bai, like nonsense, repeatedly say that this mountain is a mountain and this water is water.

Because they saw through the illusion in front of them.

At this moment, they call this mountain a mountain, and call this water water, which comes from their own hearts, not from other people's teachings.

It sounds like it doesn't have any meaning, but being able to have one's own cognition and own thoughts about a thing is the greatest meaning.

There is no absolute right or wrong in anything.

Even the cruel practice of magic repairs, they tortured women, girls and children, the essence and blood they ingested, and the brains of children were wrong in the eyes of outsiders.

But in their opinion, it is correct.

Because everything they do is just to practice and to become stronger.

Perhaps the reason for them to become stronger is that their parents were brutally killed, their wives were shamelessly occupied and bullied, and their children were instructed as dogs.

If from this perspective, they are desperate to become stronger, what is wrong?

Don't shake your heart because of outsiders' comments and opinions.

So Ling Zhi and Li Bai now look at this mountain and the water for a long time, but they see mountains as mountains and water as water.

If two martial artists of the Saint King's third-level realm can fall into the most rare epiphany at the same time, then this opportunity is big enough and rich enough.

In particular, Ling Zhi and Li Bai stood on the top of this mountain and had not yet come down, nor did they have the meaning to come down. This shows that this opportunity is probably not over yet.

Different from them, Yin Meng's perception is completely different from them.

This shows that this opportunity is not specific, but varies from person to person.

Every epiphany of a warrior is hard to find in his life and is truly priceless.

This can cause the martial artist's epiphany, and it's no wonder that Ba Aonan's bug repairs will fight so hard for this.

Yin Meng stood by the stream, seemingly unchanged, but if you were really careful, you would find that there happened to be a stone with silt at Yin Meng's feet.

This stone did not know how big or small the body was. The exposed part was only the size of a fist. The stream rushed across the surface of the stone, and the stone stood still.

Like Yin Meng, he didn't move.

The heart is like a rock, only water moves, but the heart does not move.

Ling Zhi and Li Bai have broad minds and are unique male heroic, so their first focus is not the stream, but the distant mountain.

Their first move was not to go into the stream and look at the long stream, but to climb the mountain peak and climb to the top.

The three of them, at the same time, fell into a deep level of understanding, and they all had their own insights.

Only Shui Wuxun stood there like an ant on a hot pot, somewhat at a loss.

When he was very anxious, bored, and helpless, Shu Feiyao got up and walked in front of him.

As if subconsciously said, "Ah, the flowers and plants on this plain are withered, but there are fish, shrimp and water plants in this stream."

After she shouted this, she stretched out her hand and placed it gently in the stream.

Those gorgeous little fishes and shrimps suddenly came together densely and wandered around her palms.

At this moment, Shu Feiyao realized something.

Shui Wuxun stared at her in a daze, and at Shu Feiyao, there was a strange emotion in his eyes.

He thought that Shu Feiyao was unable to comprehend this opportunity because he saw Ba Aonan’s memory about this place from Xinghai. He even felt sorry for Shu Feiyao in his heart and thought that Shu Fei should be compensated. What is Yao.

But until now, she did not understand that Shu Feiyao was not unable to perceive, but deliberately set aside some time to let Ling Zhi and the others feel at ease. It was not until Ling Zhi and the others succeeded in understanding that she approached directly and felt a little .

This is the real speed.

In the comprehension between this world and nature, Shu Feiyao is undoubtedly all of them, suitable.

Shu Feiyao's behavior completely stimulated Shui Wuxun. He was a little annoyed and walked up the stream, and then he patted the water in front of him.

The water flow was cut off by him, but it quickly recovered.

Li Bai opened his mouth at this moment, and his voice came loudly.

The water will flow even more when the knife is cut off, and the sorrow will be relieved by a toast.

At this point, Shui Wuxun has realized.

If the water flow is interrupted and continued, and the continuation is interrupted by him, then the slow current flowing will become very urgent.

Once the water flow becomes very urgent, it is equivalent to changing the speed and power of the past. When the sun was three poles, the stones at Yin Meng's feet suddenly rang, and the sand around the stones scattered.

The rock that has been firm seems to be rising from the ground.

Even the skirt around Yin Meng's feet was brought into chaos.

The realm of the heart is like a rock, breaking through without attack.

Watching those sands and rocks continue to flow forward by the current.

Watching some small water plants among the sand and rocks rush forward with the current.

Yin Meng ran after these water plants like a little girl.

She wanted to know whether these seemingly soft water plants would break under the turbulent water flow, where they would eventually stay, and what would their final destiny be.

At this moment, a waterweed flowed past a branch floating on the water, and the tail of the waterweed was wrapped around the branch.

In Yin Meng's eyes, it was as if this waterweed looked like a person, and then grabbed a life-saving branch.

The aquatic plants held the branch very tightly and became tighter and tighter.

However, Shui Wuxun's insight seemed to be at a critical juncture. He cut off the water flow faster and faster, and the force of the water flow from upstream was getting stronger and stronger.

The branch that lay on the water from the shore finally couldn't hold it, and then it broke with a click.

The water weeds that had finally caught the branches were instantly caught up in the larger water flow along with the branches, and fell to pieces in the blink of an eye.

Yin Meng's body halted, but the movements under her feet became faster, and she began to anxiously search for the rest of the plants that hadn't stayed on the branches just now.

She followed all the way to the lower reaches of the stream, and only then did she see the plants again.

The water flow downstream of the stream has become much gentler, and these water plants are floating quietly on the water surface at this moment, enjoying the sunshine, very comfortable and comfortable.

It is also very safe.

It was a thousand times better than the waterweed that was desperately entangled with branches just now.

Watching these water plants continue to be carried forward by the slow current, Yin Meng raised her head and looked forward. She could be sure that these plants would reach the shore and then approach the shore, continuing to become calm and safe.

She realized something again, and she really closed her eyes, and just lay in this stream, letting herself float on the stream, letting the stream rush through her body.

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