God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1880: Xinghai Xianwei

"Calm your mind,"

Ba Aonan is the leader who gathers this group of insect repairers, and it is also because of him that these proud insect repairers, the solitary insect repairers, will gather together and act together.

They have been active in the pseudo-world for a month, have killed many self-righteous strong men, and have obtained quite ample resources for cultivation.

This sentence he specifically said has an inexplicable effect, making these remaining insect repairs regain their spirits.

The natal worm that was flying by their side, which belonged to them, flew into their bodies, and accompanied by a strange sound, hot blood burst out of their bodies and showered on these worms.

These blood drenched on these insects, the insects immediately became quiet, and began to make bursts of sounds that only the Zerg could understand, controlling the rest of the insects, and reorganizing their new round of attacks and defenses.

Everything looked like Lexus’s method and failed.

"Well, as long as you are willing to stop, we will agree, because such a stalemate will only make us very tired. If there are other strong people stepping into this plain, they will be cheaper. ."

At this moment, Ba Ao Nan proposed.

He felt that he had regained the right to talk to Lexus on an equal footing.

He also felt that he had put his posture very low, and gave Lexus a step down, and said in very detail, the other party should consider one or two things anyway, and then agree to his proposal.

The death of the previous bug repair was just an accident, a very sudden accident.

He believed that after taking precautions, he would not let any insect repairers die here.

"Cheap them?" Ling Zhi's eyes flashed, and an inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "That's just to ask, what makes them cheap. You slaughtered the warriors on this plain and spent such energy, Surely it can't be just for some evil fun."

Before they simply felt that these insect repairs made them uncomfortable, and the other party wanted to kill them, and they would naturally kill each other.

Here is the world of warriors, there is no other reason at all, if you don't kill others, others will come to kill you.

The strong is respected.

However, Ba Aonan's words now reminded him.

His spirit power was flowing over this entire plain in an instant, and he couldn't help but wonder what kind of chance it was that it was worthy of Ba Ao Nan and the others. For this reason, he made a great effort to expel the fireflies and kill everyone in this Baili plain.

Ling Zhi's expression was comfortable, but Ba Aonan's expression was very ugly.

He found that he was accustomed to being alone. Although relying on his strong prestige and strength, he gathered such a powerful team, but he really didn't have much strategy and scheme.

For example, nowadays, his casual words reveal a lot of things.

"You shouldn't be so smart, you shouldn't ask about this." He looked at Ling Zhi, with a complex color in his eyes.

"Because you know, you can't retreat, you can only die."

Ba Aonan suddenly gave a low voice. The insect repairman standing not far in front of Ling Zhi suddenly opened his mouth. A spider with a big bowl and covered with mucus suddenly came out of his mouth. Climbed out.

The eight spider legs just supported his mouth and face, crawling out.

Just when everyone was confused and disgusted with this spider, its body suddenly exploded when it was completely exposed in the air.

There are countless small, dense spider webs flying around.

The speed that couldn't be stopped at all was wrapped around everyone, including Shu Feiyao and Yin Meng who hadn't shot aside.

The back of the sword in Li Bai's hand was bound, but the flying sword beside him could still fly.

He controlled the flying sword, shot sharp sword light, and rushed towards his body.

The sword light is vertical and horizontal, cutting on these fine cobwebs.

But it only cut off a few layers.

Compared with the endless cobwebs on his body, there is almost no effect.

This is the real accident.

Lexus and the others suddenly lost the ability to fight back.

They still have many means.

However, it takes a lot of time for any means to be deployed. For warriors of their level, the most lacking is time.

The mosquito-like worm next to Ba Aonan flew up for the first time, and the needle on its tail was glowing with cold light, stabbing towards Ling Zhi.

With a movement of Ling Zhi's mind, the spirit-devouring fire rushed out from the abdomen through some small acupoints.

Burning with those spider webs, the speed is quite fast.

But it takes at least thirty breaths from his bondage.

However, the worm was less than ten feet away from Lexus, and at most one blink of an eye.

The little beast grumbled with his eyes wide open, looking curiously at the spider webs that wrapped him, looking at these white, soft spider webs, only curiosity in its eyes, without any fear or anger.

So at this moment, it can't be counted on.

However, in this case, there is still a beast who has astonishing bloodline like Gulu.

It's just that it's very inconspicuous, and it looks very fragile, so even Lexus didn't think of it.

It wasn't until Shu Feiyao was entangled by these spider webs, and the Xinghai lying on her shoulders, became anxious.

It was as if it had just awakened, flapping its wings in anxiety and anger.

The spider webs were clearly and firmly tied to it, but when it spread its wings, it naturally appeared outside the spider webs.

It looked at Shu Feiyao, who was still bound, and a little bit of starlight fell on its wings, and the cobwebs suddenly melted.

"Xinghai, save Ling." Shu Feiyao shouted these words the first time he could speak.

Xinghai didn't hesitate at all, waving his wings and slapped over.

The starlight was still in the air, but the breath on it was completely radiated.

If Gulu is still unable to completely breathe for some reasons, then Xinghai can give out his coercion in all directions without any omission.

This one vowed to kill Lexus with a single blow. When the stars spread out, its body convulsed and foamed sharply on the ground.

It spreads its wings, clings to the ground, with its head on the head, facing the Xinghai side stubbornly, without any dangerous aura from all over its body.

This time, not only it, but all the insects.

Sky Stealing Mouse widened his eyes and looked at the star sea, because even it felt a sense of suffocation.

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