God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1865: Weeping Blood

The blood flowed down the concave groove of the sword body, and naturally pulled into a blood line of blood.

This blood line was printed on the sword, and it was the only variegated color of the black blade.

"I have always had a hunch that you will evolve, but I never thought that you would evolve into other forms." Ling Zhi suddenly looked at the black sword in his hand.

When the black iron rod became a Taoist soldier, it turned into a spear from a rod, but now it becomes a long sword, but it is not surprising.

With this material, there are possibilities that Lexus didn't expect, as well as endless potential.

With the evolution of Taoist soldiers, Lexus could clearly perceive the level of this long sword.

In one fell swoop, from a low-grade Taoist soldier to a high-grade Taoist soldier.

Unexpectedly, this Taoist soldier, who has been slow to keep up with his cultivation base, has surpassed his cultivation base today.

And Ling Zhi was standing in front of the door of the Saint King's third-level realm. At this moment, the Taoist soldiers who had lived with him took the lead in breaking the realm. His body was also affected, and he made a khakakaka sound.

He knew that the threshold of the Saint King's third-level realm was broken in front of him.

Anytime, anywhere, he can enter the Saint King's third-level realm.

"Today, coughing up blood into a sword, and blood flowing from the hilt, falling like tears, then this sword is called Weeping Blood." Ling Zhi muttered to himself and named the sword.

And the word weeping blood appeared directly on the hilt.

At the hilt, some of the yellow spring water droplets that have permeated slowly rolled and bonded together, condensing into two tiny two characters, weeping blood, engraved on the weeping blood sword.

"Practice hands with you." Ling Zhi laughed, ignoring the dry spiritual power in his body, holding the Weeping Blood Sword, and rushing towards the weird unceremoniously.

The Weeping Blood Sword and the Dragon Spear intersected, a burst of sparks swept away, and flames splashed on the surrounding city walls.

Before Ling Zhi slammed on the city wall that was not damaged, small holes were sputtered out at this moment.

What surprised Lexus most was that the Weeping Blood Sword in his hand could actually compete with the Dragon Spear in the hands of the weirdo without falling into the wind.

Although the opponent is not the true owner of the Dragon Spear, nor can it exert its true power, but being able to face the power of the weapon of the powerful ancestors in the Holy Realm, this has already demonstrated the power of the Weeping Blood Sword.

And with the swing of the sword, the sound of Ka Ka in Ling Zhi's body almost became one piece, and his cultivation base was approaching the Saint King's third level infinitely.

As long as he can step into this level, then he and Yun will easily Chu Da, Lu Qian and the others, are warriors of the same realm.

Lexus had never been afraid of a battle in the same realm!

"Brother Li, if it's you at this moment and come to fight this weird person, how many chances are you going to win?" Shui Wuxun said solemnly on the 33rd sky.

"Winning chance?" Li Bai was taken aback, his eyes were weird, "Although Lexus now seems to have taken some initiative, but these initiative is also based on his strangely powerful body, and the power in his hand suddenly increased. On the weapon."

"Or to put it more bluntly, it is because this weird person is not very good at using the power in his body at all." Li Bai was silent for a while, seeming to be pondering his own words, "It is not to mention the ancestral holy realm. What kind of realm, from this battle to the present, Lexus has never left a trace of scars on the opponent, and it is enough to explain that neither Lexus nor us have it yet. Win this Field strength."

"Huh?" Shui Wuxun frowned. "If this is the case, Lexus must be very clear. He has not used the rules of force, so he is not honing his use of the rules of force. In this case, he Why did he risk contacting each other and never retreat? He must have known what we can all discover."

"Because he was not going to hunt and suppress the monster, he was to practice his hand, to break through, to experience the urgency of life and death." The old man of Qi Ling said, interrupting the question of Shui Wuxun, "Up until now, he He hasn't died yet, he was able to survive the last serious injury, and the more he fought, the more courageous he became, so there is only one possibility."

The old man raised his head and looked at the sky above the hanging city, "Here, there has been no warrior for a long time, and it has been possible to break through to the third level of the Saint King, let alone attract such things."

In the direction of the old man's gaze, dark clouds were quietly condensing one after another. These dark clouds and the dark clouds above the hanging city intersect each other, but they are not faintly blended, and there is a very clear boundary between them.

"Lei Jie?" Li Bai exclaimed.

Shui Wuxun shook, and was speechless in surprise.

One of them has actually experienced Thunder Tribulation in person, and the other knows that there is such a Thunder Tribulation from their ethnic heritage.

But just breaking through to the third level of the Saint King, why would such a thing as Thunder Tribulation be attracted?

Even some characters with amazing potential will only attract thunder robbery in every great realm, such as when the king realm breaks through to the holy king realm.

The spirit elder shook his head and said nothing. If Li Bai and the others stood in front of him and looked at his eyes, they would find that the thirty-three days of spirit elder looked at this thunder tribulation, even the eyes of this day. In, there is no slightest awe.

Not only did he not have the slightest awe, but even with a touch of sarcasm.

It's just that this ridicule was extremely suppressed by him, so even if Li Bai and the others were standing beside the old man, they couldn't notice it.

It was just a strange glance at the thirty-three days beneath him, and he was touched by the faint murderous intent that suddenly rose from it.

Lexus and the weirdo are like two knights at this moment. The blood weeping sword in Lexus's hand is against the tip of the dragon's spear in the weirdo's hands.

Ling Zhi forced himself not to pay attention to the face of the weird person, but this situation was similar to how he played against Lin Canghen before, and his heart felt pain for no reason.

Lin Canghen's death was far less complicated than Shu Feiyao.

That is real death.

To this day, he has not found any way, and even heard that there is any way to save the other person.

This is his greatest regret in this life.

"If there is reincarnation here, ghosts will die. If you are willing, I will go and bring you back." Ling Zhi suddenly spoke, looking at the weird person, and said this.

Naturally, he was talking to the dead Lin Canghen, not the weird person in front of him.

At this moment, the strange man raised his head and looked to the sky. For the first time, other emotions appeared in his scarlet eyes.

This emotion is fear.

He was afraid.

He was scared!

Ling Zhi followed him and looked up to the sky. It was only then that he understood.

His own thunder tribulation had been quietly condensed.

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