God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1860: Immortal body

When he first acquired the aura of Xuanhuang, Lexus's congenital Dao body was abolished, thus achieving Xuanhuang Immortal Body.

But it was only a small achievement.

At this moment, the success of the method of burial made the Lexus Xuanhuang Immortal Body step into the realm of great achievement in one fell swoop.

The power of horror radiated from his body, and the black and yellow energy that had not been completely digested, overflowed.

The three extremely powerful living dead, as soon as Pu came into contact, began to disappear from the chest of the upper body.

The flesh and bones seemed to have turned into quicksand, flying snow, quickly melting.

In just a short time, the three of them disappeared into the field, as if they had never appeared before.

It's just that when they dissipated, what appeared on the faces of the three living dead turned out to be a kind of relief.

What's more, there are some worries and concerns, although they quickly disappeared, they are still captured by Lexus.

At this point, Ling Zhi just opened his eyes calmly and smiled.

The physical shortcomings were finally resolved, even he couldn't help but smile.

"You, you, you actually killed them!" The little boy's angry, frightened, and jealous voice sounded.

The feelings are extremely complicated.

Strands of death came from all directions.

One after another, the living dead fell down quickly with thump and thump.

Originally the bodies of the living dead were dark, but when these living dead fell, their bodies turned white and shiny.

"The dead spirit was swallowed up, and only anger remained." Ling Zhi muttered, looking at the corpses of the living dead all over the floor, "After all, the dust returns to the dust, and the soil returns to the soil."

As he said, he raised his hand, and a gust of breeze emerged from his palm, blowing towards the surroundings.

Those corpses one after another, turned into fly ash, scattered in all directions, fell in the hanging city, and were buried between the heaven and the earth.

Without the maintenance of lifelessness, the bodies of these living dead have long been decayed and it is impossible to survive.

From this full house, the dead spirits floating out from the bodies of hundreds of living dead all rushed to the little boy.

The little boy smiled grimly, "You forced me to do it, waiting for life to be better than death."

"It's too much trouble." However, Ling Zhi just said softly, and then from his body, a strange force of rules radiated out.

This is exactly the rule of life and death.

These lifeless auras rushed away, originally rushing toward the little boy, but suddenly at this moment, he turned his direction and rushed toward Ling Zhi.

"Drive me."

Ling Zhi suddenly yelled out loud, the sky full of death, suddenly seemed to meet the blizzard of the sun, in the blink of an eye, it turned into a faint cloud and mist, and disappeared.

The little boy stood there in a daze, watching Ling Zhi's extraordinary behavior, dumbfounded, unable to speak for a long time.

"If it weren't for your eyes, you know that the male and female corpses just now are your parents, and now I really can't do anything against you." Ling Zhi stepped forward, his cold eyes falling on the little boy Body.

The little boy's body trembled violently, "No, no, they are not my parents, not my parents."

"Not your parents? Who absorbed the real lifelessness in your body? It wasn't your parents, but who could listen to your dispatch and let you deploy it after becoming like that? If it’s not your biological parents, how can you worry about your safety before you die?"

Every time Ling Zhi said a word, he would take a step forward. When he finished speaking, he was already standing in front of the little boy.

He stared closely at the little boy's eyes, as if to see through his heart.

At his level, many things can be seen thoroughly with just a few details.

That powerful male and female corpse, as well as the old man, with the cultivation of the three of them, and the relief in their eyes when they died, if they didn't want to be like this before they were alive, they would naturally have a way to do it.

At least, he won't let his body become like this.

But they did not.

Perhaps they were trying to protect the little boy, or perhaps it was because of an accident when they were absorbing the dead energy from the little boy's body.

But in any case, their behavior is worthy of awe and respect.

If the little boy still had the slightest pity, Lexus would not attack the place.

This is his final concession.

Not for the little boy, only for his great parents.

The little boy was stared at by Lexus' stern eyes, and an angry expression appeared on his face, "I don't care if they are my parents or not. They are dead now, they are useless and waste. You have the ability not to deprive me of my strength , Let me fight you, I will kill you and eat you!"

On his small face, there was a hideous look.

Ling Zhi shook his head and sighed, then he gently placed his finger on the little boy's forehead.

The power of the space was surging, and the little boy was banished to the void by Lexus before he could react.

"Perhaps, by personally experiencing the loneliness, loneliness, and helplessness of a person, you will understand how great it is for your parents to be by your side these years?" Ling Zhi shook his head again and took it back. hand.

"Ling." Shu Feiyao approached Ling Zhi gently, and yelled softly.

She was the first person Lexus knew and the person who knew and understood Lexus best.

So she knew that maybe other people would feel that Lexus’s actions would be a benevolent woman, but she only knew that Lexus’s heart must be uncomfortable now.

She only needs this, it is enough.

As for what Ling Zhi did, whether it was right or wrong, it didn't make any sense to her.

Because no matter right or wrong, Shu Feiyao firmly believes in herself and will stand firmly behind Lingzhi.

Yin Meng stared at Shu Feiyao in a daze, at this woman who was very easily shy when she was just chatting with herself. At this time, she was the first to stand up and stand behind Lingzhi.

She suddenly understood deeply why Ling Zhi was so persistent in order to resurrect Shu Feiyao.

"In this hanging city, there is still that weird person," Ling Zhi smiled slightly at Shu Feiyao, and then looked at everyone, "If we want to leave, we must face him."

"That's a false saint." Li Bai was silent for a moment, and said like this, "I don't mean to shrink, just want to remind, don't underestimate any one, the sanctified strong."

"Because every sanctified powerhouse is the protagonist of an era, and a planet of life, in an era, has enough resources to achieve an ancestral holy realm."

Ling Zhi groaned.

"Since Chu Da and Yun can easily escape in his hands, then I naturally have such confidence, no matter what he is, if he fights, he will naturally know."

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