God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1853: Alive!

The sky burial method, Lexus got from the copper coffin, to be precise, from the sky burial coffin, which is exactly the method of burial sky.

The old man of Qi Ling asked him what was buried in the sky burial method and what was used to bury the sky.

He was stunned for a moment, habitually, and a little suspicious of the old man in front of him.

This person knows too much, but it seems that he doesn't even know the burial coffin is on its body.

This is a bit wrong, a bit strange.

The old man looked at Ling Zhiming's suspicious eyes and suddenly laughed.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I would be suspected by you kid." The old man shook his head helplessly, "I don't know how to prove my identity to you. I should recite a few passages for you. , Or a happy trip? Or is it that Shennong tastes herbs and the five ancient emperors decide the universe?"

"Senior! You?"

Ling Zhi and Li Bai stepped forward almost at the same time, leaning forward, looking at the old man in disbelief.

"It's nothing, I always wanted to tell you, since you doubt me, then I will talk first?" The old man tentatively asked, but did not wait for Lexus and the others to answer, and talked freely.

In the old man’s explanation, the creators of the pseudo-world were not dominated by the ancestors of the earth. The will of the ancestors of the earth was more, in the land of reincarnation, to directly kill the upper realm and kill them with fear. Fear, since then I dare not move the hands and feet of the six reincarnations.

Rather than cowering and hiding in this created another world.

But this universe is not simply dominated by the ancestors of the earth, so there is another group of people who insist on creating such a world.

They call it a pseudo-world.

To this end, the first thing they did was to spend countless years to create the pseudo-six realms of reincarnation.

Only when reincarnation is established, this pseudo-world can function normally.

"But is reincarnation so easy to build?" the old man sighed, "Even if it's just a joint effort, not the power of one person, but the people who can participate in the creation of a world, their realm and cultivation are naturally top-level existence. But even they, Nor can it be thought at the first time that this forged six reincarnation cannot allow the spirit of the martial artist to resurrect."

"So the living and dead people you saw in the Hanging City were affected by this factor. In fact, their lifespan has already reached the limit, but the soul has nowhere to go. Relying on the soul and this unique world, a little bit People are not like people and ghosts are not like ghosts."

"At the beginning, the entrance of the pseudo-world was finally negotiated and decided to be the most dangerous but also the safest place, because since the ages, only the reincarnation star and a handful of planets have never been completely Destroyed."

"And the precise location of the entrance is set in the current Supreme City?" Ling Zhi said, "The Supreme City has existed since the history of the reincarnation star. It is impossible to trace the age of its existence. It is just a part of the entrance formation. When it is turned on for a short time, how can it directly tear open the entire Taishangcheng?"

"Tear the entire Supreme City?" The Qi Ling old man hesitated for a while, and then suddenly heaved a sigh of relief, "I am old, confused, and almost failed to react. You are talking about the Supreme City of Reincarnation Star. Not the pseudo-world."

Li Bai's eyes flashed, "This pseudo-world is the real one?"

"Yes." The old man nodded, "This stone city in the pseudo-world is the real Supreme City. It was originally moved directly by those people with great abilities, sitting in this pseudo-world Zhihong, calling it the core of the pseudo-world. It's not an exaggeration."

"You know, the existence of the Supreme City, but it is longer than my body." The old man suddenly said, "If even the Supreme City is so easily destroyed, wouldn't it be a joke."

Ling Zhi touched his nose, "It's no wonder that the upper city of the reincarnation star has more than history, but it always feels that there is a lack of heritage. It turns out that this is the reason."

"The next thing is the most urgent thing I have talked to you so much this time." The old man interrupted Lexus and said seriously.

"At the time I was completely defeated in the First World War, and the six reincarnations were sealed, the life span of the warriors in this world has been greatly reduced, and they will never enter the world of reincarnation. Knowing is limited," the old man's tone became more and more serious, "but there is one thing you must know."

"In that battle, the big people who participated in the battle were not dead, or in other words, many people should have survived!"

The old man opened his mouth and threw such fierce thunder.

"Senior, I don't know how long it has been since that battle. Li Bai has survived to this day, but he was sealed for a period of time. Do you have proof of your words?" Ling Zhi frowned. This sentence seems to be light, but it represents it. The meaning of is too heavy.

Could it be said that he can still see Daozu Laozi, Zhuangjia Zhuangzi, and Shennong Five Emperors again in this life?

Somewhat absurd, some absurd.

"It's not to blame you. Not only have you not touched that step, but it is also difficult to get out of this solid state of thinking." The old man with Qi Ling shook his head, "I ask you, have you ever heard that there were big people in the first battle. Those who help the lower world from the upper world, the upper world, also have our friends?"

"Yes, I know that this one next to me, named Shu Feiyao, is rumored to be the belonging of a big man in the sky tower she now controls. And that big man also fought in that battle. Otherwise, the tower will not fall into the lower realm." Ling Zhi nodded seriously without concealing it.

The elder Qi Ling glanced at Shu Feiyao, then he stopped talking, pressed down, and looked directly at Ling Zhi, "In that case, even if the big men of the year could not enter the upper realm through the six reincarnations, could it be true? There’s no way, smuggling one or two?"

"Or, directly through the six reincarnations, swallow the power of the upper realm? Enhance your lifespan?"

"The people of the upper realm, those who live for millions of years, don’t know where they are. As long as the ancestors of your earth and the heroes of the universe can survive that battle, even if there is only a trace of remnant souls, with their means , Is there really no hope of regeneration?"

The elder Qi Ling said in a deep voice, "You and him," he pointed to Ling Zhi and Li Bai, "You are super talented, and as people of that special planet, do you carry this burden or not?"

"Those sages are really alive?" Li Bai has a much deeper understanding of ancient things than Lexus, and he muttered to himself, his face glowing red with excitement.

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