God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1841: Heavenly Medicine

However, not everyone has the same physical strength as Chu Da.

Not everyone can have treasure protection.

Therefore, the fate of this group of people is destined to be very miserable.

When these chuckles sounded, Chu Da just dropped some skin, but what they dropped was flesh and blood, even bones.

In just a short moment, dozens of people in Huangquan died completely clean, with nothing left!

Not even a bit of scum can be left!

This scene completely shocked the rest of the people who wanted to rush in.

They frightened them out of a cold sweat, each with their eyes widened, looking at the blue and yellow springs in the sky with a frightened expression on their faces.

I just felt that this spring, which looked very docile before and brought hope of life, suddenly became a scourge.

In the blink of an eye, all of them will be swallowed, and there will be no bones left.

"It should be that if the body does not have the third level of the Holy King, it will not be able to resist the erosion of this spring water." Shui Wuxun said, "The reason why the corpse was okay before is because his body has reached the third level of the Holy King. The strong in the environment, other people fall into it, and nothing will be left at all, we naturally won't happen anymore."

"Those people are so pitiful." Yin Meng followed, showing a look of unbearable expression.

Shui Wuxun gave her a weird look, shook his head and smiled, "I heard that a woman from the Nine-Tailed Monster Fox clan suddenly rises, and she advances all the way, saving the identity and destiny of the Nine-Tailed Monster Fox clan."

"Unexpectedly, after you have experienced so many things, you can still retain this pure heart." Shui Wuxun looked at Ling Zhi with a smile, and said, "That Ling Zhi is blessed."

Anyone can hear the smile in Shui Wuxun’s words. Ling Zhi’s mouth moved slightly, and he smiled without saying a word. Yin Meng lowered his head slightly, his face was reddish, and said quietly in his heart, “It’s because of her that I am now. Because I met Ling, I didn't take that last step and retained all my dignity."

The field fell silent for a while, and a group of people who had a good level of cultivation, conscious that they had some opportunities for strength, stood on the edge of the steps, eager to try.

Some conscious cultivation bases are worse than those who just died, but they stand pessimistically, not knowing what they are thinking.

What's strange is that Lu Ya was the first to make a move before, and he was anxious to get out and leave here.

Now, after the blue and yellow spring appeared, he suddenly calmed down. Chu Dadu was already about to disappear into the yellow spring with the big clock, another void in the crack, he hadn't moved yet.

The same was true for Yun Yi, standing there, his eyes swept from Lu Ya from time to time, but he never got up and left.

The big clock left, and the void cracks became more and more unstable under the blue and yellow spring.

The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became more subtle.

"What is this person waiting for?" On Lexus's side, Li Bai couldn't help but fall on the sword on his waist. He had some guesses of his own, but he couldn't tell what it was, and he had already made a shot. ready.

Seeing him like this, both Shui Wuxun and Yin Meng stopped comprehending, and the spirit and soul power in their bodies rolled past, ready to follow him at any time.

"The gourd in this child's hand... unexpectedly discovered the strangeness so early." The old man Qi Ling glanced at Lu Yi, as if some dusty memories were suddenly opened, and there was some surprise in his eyes.

The flow of water seems to never stop, as if it never stops, and it is impossible to judge or guess how much yellow spring water is in it.

Even the speed of the water has not slowed by half a minute.

It's just that under the gaze of everyone, a corpse will occasionally flow past, without exception, it is not a powerhouse of the Saint King's third level.

These corpses either closed their eyes tightly or had white pupils open, their faces were stiff and expressionless, and they floated up and down with the current.

Since then, there have been no other foreign objects.

Until, a little green suddenly appeared in the yellow spring water.

Everyone is at least the martial artist of the Saint King Realm, and naturally they will not miss such an obvious difference.

This green is obviously the rhizome of some kind of plant, slender and curved, about the length of an adult's calf, as thin as a slender straw, it looks a little hollow.

The green veins are clearly visible.

The green rhizome first emerged from the void crack.

Immediately behind it was a small yellow flower the size of a palm that fell on the top of this stem.

It stretches out in four directions, and there are three yellow sheets in each direction, making a total of twelve sheets. In addition to the twelve pieces, twelve slender small black flowers and leaves stretched out from the top.

Although Lexus and the others looked slender, but the alchemist who encased Lexus, when they first saw this yellow flower, they all thought of it as a wild flower by the side of the road.

Compared with the full-body flame of the blue glaze and red fire, compared with the huge colorful soul-raising lotus that fills the entire soul sea, compared with the unicorn magic medicine with three little unicorns each running, and compared with the ginseng king with a human face, This little flower is too ordinary.

Whether it is the appearance or the breath that everyone feels from it.

However, just being able to survive safely in the yellow springs, and driving so beautifully, this is the most extraordinary thing.

So everyone knew at this moment that this little yellow flower was something that Lu Ya had been waiting for, taking the risk of being suppressed for thirty-three days.

In an instant, countless attacks went straight to the sky.

Yun Yi's majestic soul power, like a huge mountain, slammed into the yellow spring, splashing countless spring water, and she arrived first with soul power.

Afterwards, there was a sword light and a sword light.

They come from Lu Ya and Li Bai respectively.

Zhan Xian Fei Dao shot several sword lights, and flew towards Yun Yi and Li Bai respectively, "What I fancy first, you also grab it!"

Lu Ya shouted, his face suddenly hideous, he was waiting for this thing, naturally among all people here, the person who knew the origin of this yellow flower best.

How can you tolerate being snatched by others.

And when he blocked Li Bai and Yun easily with the sword of Zhanxian flying, from the other murals, there were also several attacks rushing over.

A total of two attacks fell into the yellow spring.

This also shows that among all the people here, in addition to those who have already shot, there are also two hidden warriors of the Saint King's third level!

Only then did they decisively make a move, and they have tolerated it to the extreme!

"The Heavenly Magic Medicine, it turned out to be it?"

At the same time, Ling Zhi finally understood what this little yellow flower was!

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