God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1838: Break the law with one force

If Gulu suddenly did something, and then this thing surprised and shocked Ling Zhi, then this thing must be enough to surprise the world's people and the world's strong.

Like now.

When everyone, including Lexus, hadn't reached the place for twenty-one days, Gulu rushed directly.

It seemed to be climbing an unusual step, it seemed that it was just a moment of interest, and it was going to be seen on the first day.

Then it did it arbitrarily.

Everyone, including Lexus, including Chu Da, the whole person within thirty-three days, all opened their mouths, just staring blankly, watching the hands and feet used together, it looks fat, very cute Little beast.

Guru is facing everyone now, because it has rushed in front of everyone.

It rushed to the twenty-first day, and then the small body couldn't stop staggering, almost being impacted by a strange force.

"Hey." It yelled dissatisfiedly, still screaming with milk.

Then, it was just that, standing still, standing straight, standing firm.

Then, it continued to climb online.

Twenty-second, twenty-third...Twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth...

Seeing, the distance from everyone is getting farther and farther, the distance to the first step, or to be precise, is the thirty-third day, getting closer and closer.

Except for the few people on Lexus's side, everyone was bombed.

A group of people instantly lost their faces, and several people sat down directly, slumped on the steps, speechless.

"How can this be compared, how can this be compared..." Their eyes were blank, with incomparable holes in their eyes, and they couldn't say anything.

It was Chu Da and Yun Yi, Lu Ya, the three people who had always been in the lead, now looking at the scene that suddenly appeared in front of them with a bit of amazement. With their minds, they couldn't react for a while.


The old man Qi Ling once again grabbed a few of his beards and was angrily speechless.

"Wonderful, nonsense, nonsense!" He yelled several times, patted his chest angrily, and coughed.


Just when he finished saying these words, Gulu had already rushed to the thirty-second day.

It was only a step away from him.

Because of curiosity and interest, Gulu worked very hard this time.

Because of its hard work, its talents and abilities burst out, stunned the people's eyes.

"This, I'm afraid it's not cheating!"

Some yelled, some wailed, and some just cried bitterly.

A moment ago, I was still looking forward to whether my team would be the one that could survive. The next moment there was someone from Lexus who would rush to the 33rd day, the first step, and win the final victory.

This sudden change is personal and cannot be tolerated.

"What the hell!" Chu Da roared, his face full of dissatisfaction, he directly summoned his big clock, blocked it in front of him, and was ready to kill at any time.

Yun's movements were not much slower than his easily. She had also taken out the skull and crossbones, floating on top of her head with a solemn expression.

"Hey!" Gulu suddenly yelled as if he was trying to suckle, and then jumped up.

Jumped to the thirty-third day.

The clouds rolled, and its figure completely disappeared in front of everyone.

"It's over, it's over, we are going to be thrown off the steps, we are going to die like this." Someone said dejectedly.

The burning hot clouds rolled over again and again, except for a sudden scream of pain, there was no other movement.

No one was driven out.

No one was kicked out.

No one died.

Everything seemed like it hadn't happened, and the waves became calm.

"what's the situation?"

"What's the matter?"

A group of people escaped, stood up in disbelief, looked at their healthy body, and was surprised.

"The test continued. Except for the first team, all the others were kicked out of the stairs, and the rules of endurance were poured into their bodies. The... the previous one...no...not count."

After a long time, there was a voice from the 33rd day.

"Sure enough, it is a tool spirit." Ling Zhi and Li Bai looked at each other, and they all saw the clues.

"Damn, this old fellow... why doesn't it count?" Stealing Sky Mouse stood on the eighth step, curled his mouth for a while, muttered, "It can be up to 33 days, that's Gulu, this baby is so powerful, why? Yes, why don’t you say that it doesn’t count."

It was muttering, and suddenly it trembled for thirty-three days. Starting from the eighth day, there was a violent shaking. The rules of powerful force suddenly diffused, and they swayed back and forth on the steps where Stealing Rat was located. drifting.

Although he did not directly attack the Stealing Rat, in this situation, if the Stealing Rat is careless, he may be accidentally injured.

It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to comprehend something under such circumstances.

The thirsty rat grinned, full of resentment. In his heart, he didn't know how many times he had cursed the thirty-three days of spirit, but he never dared to say anything indiscriminately.

With his lesson from the past, everyone naturally didn't dare to say anything more, and could only regard the previous [笔趣阁www.sbiquge.vip] incident as a farce, but they secretly rejoiced in their hearts.

No matter what it is because it doesn't count, but for them, it is definitely a good thing.

Time flowed slowly, and Lu Ya and Li Bai finally stepped on the twenty-first step. Their reaction was much greater than that of Guru.

The force of the rule of force that suddenly rushed up from the twenty-first step almost directly lifted them out.

It can be seen that the rule of force in the twenty-first heaven has touched the advanced level and state of the rule of force, which is far from comparable to the previous twenty days.

On this step, they spent a particularly long time. It grew to the point that Yun Shi, Chu Da, Ling Zhi, Yin Meng, and several unknown warriors all caught up with them, and stepped on the twenty-first day. Neither Li Bai nor Lu Ya climbed any further.

Ling Zhi stood on the twenty-first day, and had spent more than half a day. By this point, all the power rules he had previously mastered were no longer enough and could not support him, so he went up unscrupulously. the climb.

It's just that Lexus still didn't spend too much time on this stage, at least a lot less time than Lu Pressure.

Just because his understanding of the word force is only a real sentence.

This is also a concept he insists on.

One force breaks ten thousand laws.

Why is the rule of force divided from the rules of wind, fire, thunder and lightning, the five elements of heaven and earth, and become two systems?

Because, with force, you can break the world and the world.

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