God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1834: Can kill at the same level

This is how people are. Outside, they dare not, and cannot ridicule Lexus.

Because even if they don't need to ask Lexus now, they will still wonder if they will find Yaowangfeng in the future.

But now, since it is doomed, either they will be born or Lexus will die, there is no other third possibility, so naturally there is not so much scrupulousness and caution, and they can speak presumptuously.

At this moment, this group of people knew that they didn't have much expectations, and the possibility of surviving was all pinned on those in the forefront of their team, so they simply gave up.

While giving up, they also want to do something else, such as interrupting, disturbing the enlightenment of other people.

Whether it is Li Bai, Shui Wuxun, Yin Meng, their speed of enlightenment is not slow, and they naturally attracted their attention.

It is obviously a good way to disturb Yin Meng and their mood by hitting Lexus, distracting them, and slowing down their enlightenment.

"Elder Ling, don't pretend to be there. If you can't understand it, you can't understand it. Just give up."

"Isn't it? Look at the few people in front of your team, no one is waiting for you at all, they have thrown you away."

"Hey, we little people like us have all easily climbed a few steps. I can't think that your big person is so much worse than us. Why do I suddenly feel a little happy?"

The filthy remarks were thrown at Ling Zhi one by one.

"It's a pity, it seems that while your parents gave you the talent for alchemy, they didn't give you the talent for cultivation. I'm afraid it was during the'activity' that night, forget it?"

Ling Zhi's expression was always calm, and he didn't take these people's words seriously.

The Yanque is well aware of the ambitions of Honghu. How can these people who give up so easily know him, and how can they understand his aspirations and plans.

But these people, perhaps because they are talking too casually, perhaps because Lexus has never responded, making them feel that Lexus is soft, or perhaps because they have some madness and wanton under the pressure of life and death, they are talking, It was even pulled at Lexus's parents.

Starting from the first sentence of insulting Lexus's parents, they seemed to be dragged over, and they even attacked Lexus's parents collectively in words.

At this point, Ling Zhi finally raised his head, frowned, and looked at them.

"Yo, why, are you angry?" they said frivolously.

The cold light in Ling Zhi's eyes became more and more profound.

"Ling." After Ling Zhi raised his head, Yin Meng finally couldn't help but yelled back.

She and Li Bai and others are all aware that Lexus has already mastered the rules of strength, and staying on the first step at the moment must have his own considerations and plans.

"Don't worry about me, you can feel at ease." Ling Zhi shook his head, "This place, if you can go out alive, it will simply give us all a great opportunity and a rule of strength for nothing. None of us can miss it."

"They are too noisy, so I need to deal with it first."

Ling Zhi said a few words calmly, and then he started to move forward.

It's just that the steps he took were not up or down, but to his right hand and walked over.

This step is very wide and very long, but everyone is trying to climb up and up, so no one goes to the sides.

Ling Zhi suddenly moved around like this now, and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Uh, our great Elder Ling, this is going to... a walk?"

"Isn't it, I didn't realize anything, I don't have to relax, or I have to drive myself to death, dryness."

Several people shouted in two voices, which caused many people to laugh, especially the warrior who was still on the first three steps, who laughed harder.

However, facing these smiles, Ling Zhi just smiled without saying a word, and walked his own way.

He was surprised to find that the rules of force on each step were different.

For example, in the first step, he saw that one plus one equals two, and the next step is one plus two equals three.

There is no difficulty in itself, and there is almost no change.

But even if it is almost absent, there must be.

A simple thing is not difficult to succeed once, but it is difficult to succeed thousands of times.

In this kind of walking, it takes a short period of time for Lexus to take each step, and he can gain more insights.

He quickly informed Yin Meng and others of these insights and discoveries through his spirit power, so that they should not rush to climb up, but lay a solid foundation. Only in this way, on the back steps, It will be more relaxed and enjoyable.

At this moment, Lexus finally reached the edge of this step.

In front of him, there are some mountains, there are no steps, there is a gap of several meters.

"Why? Can you come here or not?"

Opposite Lingzhi, a few warriors stood on the second step, looking condescendingly, and shouted.


However, as they wished, Lexus really took a step immediately and stepped out of the air.

Yin Meng's heart tightened slightly and looked at him with some worry.

No one knows what will happen if you take the initiative to jump from this step.

On this step, it is difficult for everyone to climb up and move left and right, not to mention jumping up and crossing a distance of several meters.


However, Lexus did it.

He walked in a leisurely courtyard, a mood of slowly watching Yunjuanyunshu, and walked over in a relaxed and comfortable manner.

Standing on the steps of the opposite group of people.

Standing on this first step.

Those people were taken aback for a moment, and then said with weird faces, "It turns out that this step can be traversed, but it gives you a great prestige. It's a pity that we are standing on the second and third steps. Can't come up, why are you running here?"

"Your words are much better."

Looking at them, Ling Zhi raised his head and said slowly.

"It's buzzing like a fly and it's annoying."

"Facing the buzzing of flies, there is only one way." Ling Zhi said, and then he started to step and climb.

About nothing more relaxed than him, he stepped up directly, stood on the second step, and then raised his hand to pat the person in front of him.

The man hadn't reacted yet, he was slapped in the slap, coughed up blood and flew out, directly outside the steps.


The person vomited blood and landed on the mountain, not on the steps.

The power that had previously attacked Chu Da suddenly appeared, hitting him, and in an instant, a face-to-face, turning him into powder, even the blood stains did not have time to spill out.

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