God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1829: Xuan Huang Immortal Body

"Open heaven and earth, reincarnation will stand first, the aura of Xuanhuang will grow, and chaos will open."

Above this vast avenue is chaos.

But before the chaos filled the sky, when the universe first opened, it was based on the aura of black and yellow.

At this moment, the gas that appeared in the black hole of Lingzhi's dantian was the purest and most pure, mysterious and yellow gas.

Most of these gases are gathered at the center of the black hole, as if to open up a universe, they re-opened a big world in Lexus's body.

The world is first opened, and everything is born.

But inevitably, there will be a small part, as the black hole rotates, slowly seeping out and entering Lexus’s Dantian and body.

Lexus was like being in an empty room, surrounded by nothingness and blankness. All his senses were placed on the body, in flesh and blood.

At this moment, even if a child from the outside holds a knife and stabs Lexus into his body, he will not even notice it.

He almost closed all his perceptions.

"Close the six senses and reconstruct the body?" Shui Wuxun glanced intently, and said in surprise, "How can he reconstruct the body without taking anything? What is the support?"

"Take one's own support." Li Bai sighed, looking at Ling Zhi's eyes, the first time he paid attention, and also the first time he felt a touch of sentimentality.

"The stronger the enemy you need to face and the greater the responsibility you have to bear." Li Bai muttered to himself, "I just don't know if you can afford it."

Because of Lexus's state at the moment, everyone didn't even ask questions, and silently, they stood by Lexus's side spontaneously.

Shui Wuxun, Li Bai, and Yin Meng formed horns and guarded Lexus behind him to prevent all possible crises.

While Ling Zhi sat between them, there was still no change in his appearance, which was not the same as the earth-shaking changes in his body.

He watched the black and yellow energy enter his body, into the flesh, meridians, and cells.

A kind of unspeakable strength, unspeakable robustness, emerged in my heart.

The physique of his body, powerful, is changing at a speed that makes him dumbfounded.

And, like never ending.

Until the change gradually slowed down, he still felt unfinished.

And he can obviously feel that he can be stronger, but in the black hole, there is no longer a large amount of black and yellow air, only a small part, this small part, for Lexus’s current body , Too little.

"What is the limit of this kind of physical strengthening?" Feeling his body, Ling Zhi was shocked, he felt that he could be stronger, twice, several times, or even ten times stronger!

As long as there is enough Xuanhuang Qi.

"As long as this black hole is there, the power of reincarnation is there, the rules of life and death are there, and the aura of black and yellow will continue to be produced, then my physical body is not getting stronger every day and every moment?" Ling Zhi's spirit stood In front of the black hole, silently examining all this, this time the innate Taoist body was suddenly abolished, but because of a blessing in disguise, it had such an opportunity.

He has been looking for a method of refining the body, but now, he has got another chance, a way to strengthen himself and strengthen the body completely from the inside.

"As long as you go out and find a body training exercise, you can definitely make your current physical body stronger, and the black and yellow energy can be best developed." Ling Zhi secretly made a decision, and then his soul, first Once, actively, stepped out into the black hole.

This time, there was no sense of contemplation, and Chaos Qinglian did not have her own protector.

Ling Zhi stood in front of the black hole as if stepping in the back garden of his home, walked into the black hole, scrutinizing everything.

The black hole is not completely pitch black. In the distance, from time to time, there will be some colorful things appearing and drifting past.

There are too many mysteries in this, it is impossible to see clearly and feel through.

"Are those colorful things the energy of the five elements?" Ling Zhi frowned, carefully identifying everything he saw in front of him.

This black hole seemed to be like a complete universe that had not yet been completely born.

And this universe was conceived in Lexus and belonged to Lexus alone.

After a brief examination, Ling Zhi turned around, walked out of the black hole, the spirit returned to the platform, and the body opened his eyes.

His eyes opened slowly, and there was a faint light from the outside world, and the surroundings were no longer so gloomy because of the disappearance of death.

"You finally woke up, Ling." Yin Meng looked back and exclaimed in surprise.

"How long have I been in the dorm?" Ling Zhi was surprised, touched his nose, and said.

"Seven days and seven nights." Li Bai thought about it seriously, and then said, and his thoughtful expression made Ling Zhi see some clues.

"Here, there is a problem with the passage of time? Or is there some force interfering with your perception? Seven days require you to calculate it. If it is several months and years, wouldn't it be that the years have long been forgotten."

Ling Zhi stood up and said solemnly.

This is a very serious matter. Martial artists are very sensitive to the passage of time. With the power of Li Bai's soul, the passage of every minute and every second can be accurately calculated. Now such a whole time must be in mind. Calculating, calculating in my head, it is a bit scary!

The problem that Ling Zhi suddenly discovered was thrown out, and Li Baishui didn't find them until they realized it. Everyone woke up like a dream, and their complexions became a little ugly.

"You can't stay in this place for a long time, you must leave as soon as possible." Shui Wuhen said in a deep voice, realizing that it was not good.

Even in this house, it is still not safe.


Ling Zhi nodded and took a habitual step.

In front of him, the ground under his feet suddenly burst into pieces with a bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang bang, bang bang, bang bang, bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang pats the ground ground the ground the ground the ground the ground the ground s s burly the ground bang bang bang bang's bang bang bang bang bang bang bang the ground

Ling Zhi's expression became stiff, he hurriedly put away his strength and raised his foot.

Then... he flew out by himself.

The whole person seems to be in a vacuum, without gravity, unable to control his body.

"Haha." Shui Wuxun laughed unabashedly, "Although I am very jealous that your physical body has grown so much and the sudden increase in power is beyond your control, it is quite pleasant to be able to watch you embarrassed! "

Yin Meng covered her mouth and chuckled. Looking at Ling Zhi's awkward look, her eyes narrowed with a smile. The long eyelashes and crescent crescents were really beautiful and intoxicating.

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