God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1827: False saint

Slow to say, but progress is fast.

However, when Lexus exercised his physique, the outside world was not peaceful.

The lifelessness in the yard disappeared completely, as if all this was felt by the powerful existence outside, the sense of oppression was very strong.

Everyone even felt that he would hit the courtyard gate at any time and rush in directly.

In this yard, among the closed doors, although there is no lifeless overflow, it always gives people some bad feelings.

Based on your experience, there will certainly not be such a child in such a house. It is very likely that there will be more people, young and old, and a group of people.

These people, will they be in these rooms?

Does each one have such a powerful strength as a little boy?

In other words, stronger?

This makes them have to be jealous.

And this kind of jealousy, it is all from death, if it weren't for the existence of death, Li Bai would have already split this yin house with a sword, to figure it out, to see it thoroughly.

"Don't worry, he can't get in."

At this moment, from Shui Wuxun's side, suddenly such a childish voice came.

Tongyin is immature, with some timidity and fear.

But everyone reacted for the first time. This voice could only come from that little boy.

Looking around Shui Wuxun, the little boy has returned to normal at this moment, but his face is very pale, there is no blood on his lips, and the anger in his body is very weak.

To put it bluntly, that is to say, this little boy has too little vitality and is only a step away from death.

"He?" Yin Meng was most afraid of this little boy before, but now she feels very distressed to the little boy, so her eyes are slightly moist, and she steps forward and speaks softly.

"Well, that's the weird guy outside. As long as he is in this yard, he can't get in. As long as you don't get out, he won't be able to hurt you." The little boy nodded, his courage gradually increased, from the water Wuxun walked out behind him.

Shui Wuxun had helplessness and pity in his eyes, "I simply asked him something."

"He doesn't know what the weird person is. Naturally, he can't say how strong he is. He only knows that the weird person often appears outside. They also have small partners rushing out of the side door and want to go to other places, but they are all caught by that. The weird man was taken away, it should be... all dead."

"So we always heard before, and even saw children pushing open the side door, not to observe us, but to take the opportunity to go elsewhere?" Li Bai frowned and said.

"Well," the little boy nodded, "We want to go out, want to get together, but that weird man is too powerful, we can't beat him, we will be eaten by him."

There was a strong feeling of horror in the little boy's eyes, which made people feel distressed.

Although what he said was unclear, he also let everyone understand the situation at this time, and he was somewhat relieved.

"Why do you come in this city? Our city has not been in for a long time," the little boy's spirit seemed to be pretty good. He boldly ran to Yin Meng and asked.

Maybe Yin Meng is the only woman who looks kind and kind.

Yin Meng squatted down slightly, "We came in from the outside, and we didn't know how to get in for a while. What about you, have you always lived here?"

"Yes, I have lived here since I was born, but my memory will always be lost for some reason, so I can't tell you anything."

The little boy tilted his head and thought for a while, "But I know how to get out if I want to go out. None of us will forget this."

"Go out?" Shui Wuxun and the others lit up, bringing some expectations. This news is the best news among the bad news at the moment.

Yin Meng also quietly comforted the little boy with a few words, feeling uneasy, went to Ling Zhi's side, looked worriedly, always paying attention to Ling Zhi's body, that fox fur was still in her hand.

If there is any sudden change in Lingzhi, she will definitely help him without hesitation and do her best.

"Well, there are two ways to go out. The first is the most direct, but it's also particularly difficult. You'd better not be impulsive." The little boy is very mature, and he still knows how to persuade them. "As long as you kill that weird person, you can move around in this city unimpeded. It's easy to find the city gate. As long as that weird person dies, the city gate will open automatically and you can leave at that time."

"kill him?"

Everyone took a deep breath, their expressions a little ugly.

The man hid in the black mist, killing a few holy kings in the second level, like pinching a few chickens to death, and what the little boy meant was that this strange man didn't know how long he had been in this city.

This is really worrying and fearful.

"And those characters who can touch the ancestral holy realm, but fail to break through, will really be completely erased from this world?"

Li Bai just said this, because the little boy's sudden action was interrupted, and now he took the conversation and continued directly.

"The characters who failed to break through are all very amazing, they are peerless geniuses, but only because they lack a trace of opportunity and a trace of Tianxin. Such failures make them unwilling and full of resentment."

"After they die, if they can keep their bodies intact, this resentment will be on the corpses, absorbing their powerful physical essence, qi and blood, and regenerating another new spirit, which cannot be cultivated. But it happens to possess the strength of the dead, becoming something that is neither human nor ghost."

"This kind of thing, we call it a false holy. It is a strange and unique existence."

In a few short words, Li Bai introduced a new existence, a powerful existence between the Holy King's three-level realm and the Ancestral Holy Realm.

"According to my speculation and understanding, the weird person outside is likely to be this kind of existence. That's why the Yun easily and Chu Da are in his hands, so downhearted. When the Saint King's third level rises, every time he steps out Small steps are extremely difficult, but they are also extremely powerful."

Speaking of this, it is the poet Li Bai himself, his brows are deeply locked together.

"No wonder, if it is such an existence, it is normal for people in this city to not get out. Without the strength of the Ancestral Holy Realm, how can we deal with such a powerful and strange existence." Shui Wuxun said,

"Then there is another way to get out, what is it?" He looked at the little boy and asked.

The first method is obviously a life of nine deaths, making it difficult to choose it.

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