God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1820: Diaocheng Yinzhai

After stepping into the formation, Ling Zhi thought a lot about where it would lead.

I just didn't expect that what appeared in front of me would be a city.

A city shrouded in a dim setting sun.

I can't see far away, I can't see far away, I can only see the dark streets and the dark courtyard walls.

Now Ling Zhi and the others were standing on a certain street in this city, looking around, none of the people who came in before were here.

Looking back, where are the entrances and exits of the formations, they have long since disappeared.

"It's the pseudo-world." Ling Zhi felt it a bit and nodded slowly. He had been in the pseudo-world and knew that the rules here were slightly different from the outside world.

It's just that when he came last time, he only explored a very small part, so he didn't know much about the pseudo-world.

For example, the city in front of him is completely unclear and unclear.

"Could it be that city?" Li Bai murmured as he looked around.

"Look first, what kind of city it is. If you can, leave first." Shui Wuxun looked at it solemnly, "I always feel that the life of this city is too heavy, and it gives me a heavy feeling. Something is wrong."

"Me too." Yin Meng nodded, she clasped Lexus's arm and glanced around quietly, "It seems that there is something, something, staring at me in secret, there is always some coolness in the back."

At this time, the animal pet bag on Lingzhi's waist rolled over, and Gulu took the initiative to run out of it.

Stealing Rat is no exception, almost rushed out afterwards.

"Guru, Steal Rats, you two should be careful. I don't know what dangers are here yet." Ling Zhi hurriedly said, for fear that these two heavens would not be afraid of going out of some dangerous place.

You know, this world was built by those top powerhouses.

Among them, there is no lack of ancestral holy realm powerhouses, and only such powerhouses can have this strength and work together to create a lasting and stable great secret world.

In such a world, it is unpredictable what kind of crisis and what kind of trouble it contains. It is only right to be careful everywhere.

"Hey." Gulu looked back at Ling Zhi dissatisfied, staring around with big eyes, very curious, and in the short time when Ling Zhi finished speaking, it had rushed out more than ten meters.

At this moment, he turned his head back dissatisfied and quieted down briefly.

"When you are uncertain, don't use your spirit power to scan around. Also, in the original creation process of this world, it should be based on huge secret realms, then moved and merged and transformed, and then the pseudo-six realms"

Ling Zhi and his party began to choose a direction and walked forward.

The city is terrible and terrible. It has just rained on the ground, and the rain has gathered in a pool, stepping on it and making noises.

"Like the stone city that was surrounded by the wall at the beginning, are they all in a deep sleep?" Ling Zhi looked around, looked at the empty streets, looked at the closed doors around, and asked himself in his heart.

In this pseudo-world, many people are the descendants of the strong who came from the earth back then.

It does not rule out the descendants of many other planets who participated in the creation of the pseudo-six-realistic reincarnation.

Because the six realms of reincarnation were closed at the beginning and the pseudo-six realms of reincarnation had problems again, the race, all the people here, in the long life, had huge problems in their bodies.

And the most obvious of them is the inability to leave this world. Once you leave, you will definitely die.

Moreover, most of them describe withered, one side of the body is clearly powerful, but in a very poor state, there is a feeling of dying at any time, and the breath of life on the body is extremely weak.

The feeling this city gave him was heavier and even more exaggerated than the city he saw when he first entered this world.

The surrounding houses are like ghost houses, with chill and gloom everywhere.

The only one present who didn't feel this way was the grunt.

Had it not been for Lexus, it would have ran into those yin houses long ago, where would it have been honestly.


Just when Lexus and the others had walked less than a hundred meters away, on one side of the street, in a secluded alley where only one person was walking, suddenly there was a door opening.

The old wooden door made such a harsh, unpleasant squeaky sound when it was pushed open.

In this empty city, it seemed very sudden.

Ling Zhi looked at each other with solemn expressions.

Ling Zhi tried to hit a little spirit-devouring fire, wiped a corner of the alley, and slowly drifted towards it, wanting to see the scene in it.

Did not rush in.

The fire light slowly shone in, and a pale human face disappeared into the sight of everyone in a flash, and disappeared from the fire light.

Only a half-open wooden door was left, where it shook slightly, making a squeaky voice, sounding like a person was grinding his teeth.

"A person?" Ling Zhi frowned, the other party's speed was too fast, and the flash was so sudden that he couldn't see clearly in the first time.

"It's a child." Li Bai nodded, "I'm ten years old."

Thinking of a pale child who opened the door and disappeared in this deep alley shortly afterwards, everyone's hearts were tight, and Yin Meng's face was pale, and he couldn't help but wrap his clothes.



Almost at the same time, beside Ling Zhi, Li Bai suddenly grasped the sword shell that had not had time to unscrew, and stabbed it forward and backward.

Ling Zhi reacted quickly and turned his head, only to see a large white figure smeared on his face, standing behind one of the people in the group, tightly clinging to that person.

Sticking out his tongue at the moment, facing the man.

Li Bai's sword was very fast, before his tongue touched the person, it was already sent over.

Even if the sword was not drawn, the sword shell still had a powerful force, appeared directly between the figure and that person, and then slapped it on his mouth.

Li Bai's tongue was suddenly withdrawn by Li Bai, and it bounced on his upper jaw, bleeding from it.


Unexpectedly, this figure was extremely cruel, he snapped his tongue violently, and then broke away from Li Bai's Qingfeng sword, and his probing hand grabbed the back of the man in front of him.

This person should be a strong man of the Wanling Ancestral Star who came with Yin Meng or Shui Wuxun, and his strength has reached the early stage of the second stage of the Holy King, but at this moment, his body is like a piece of paper, which is directly penetrated. Over.

A heart that was still beating fell into the hands of the figure, was grasped by him, and retreated quickly.

And on the way back, he ferociously stuffed the heart into his mouth and chewed.

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