God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1814: Tiandao Monument Fusion

This sword light was like a meteor suddenly rushing from the other side of the reincarnation star, flying in front of Chu Da, covering the sky and the earth.

The aftermath was on Taishangcheng.

As a result, the already crumbling Taishangcheng collapsed in this one and was torn apart from it.

Chu Da instinctively raised his arm, and the big clock flew in front of him, blocking Jian Guang's path.

But this sword is too fast and too sharp.

When the big clock flew, it could not completely block the sword light, and a part of the sword light directly wiped it over and hit Chu Da.

Chu Dana's so-called unparalleled body, under the sword light, was pierced and pulled through a **** hole.

"This clock is not bad." The man in the green shirt just said such a sentence with his sword, and then he swung his sword again and cut it with one sword.

"Enough!" Chu Da was furious, roared angrily, and enlarged his body. He was originally in the air, but now he suddenly became standing on the ground with his head on a higher level.

He is taller and mighty than the distant mountain.

The green shirt man's sword light that could cut a city flew in front of him. He didn't use the big clock to resist, he directly probed his hand and grabbed it towards Jianmang.

"Do you really think that with your sword, you can hurt me? It's not because I don't have any defense before." Chu Da sneered, and the huge palm hit the sword light.

Bang bang bang.

There was a burst of metal clashing, and the sword light fell on his palm, cutting off some of the outer skin of his palm, just like cutting a hard rock.

The man in the blue shirt raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. Just when everyone thought he was going to give up the attack, he suddenly said, "I was wrong again. You can actually support him and fight him. Your strength, But it is much stronger than before, and the rapid progress of the cultivation base has exceeded my expectations."

He looked at Ling Zhi and smiled.

The smile is gentle and free and easy.

Then he tossed his right hand, and the long sword in his hand flew up. Then, he pulled down the hip flask around his waist and shook it violently.

"Huh?" Chu Da frowned vigilantly, retracted his palm, looked at the few red marks between his palms, and regarded the man in the blue shirt as a threat.

However, the next moment, the man in Qingshan just opened the hip flask and raised his head to take a sip.

His feet flickered, like the immortal falling into the earth, holding a sword in the air.

Few words.

In the presence, only Lexus could recognize it.

Maybe there is one more person who came here, but now I don’t know where it is, Zhuang Yi.

This sentence is, "Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls for nine days."

Ling Zhi murmured and read this sentence.

Then all the doubts and all the uncertainties in his heart dissipated.

He stared at the man in the blue shirt, the shock in his heart could not be added.

He was so excited that even his hands were shaking uncontrollably.

If Lu Ya and Chu Da suddenly joined forces, Ling Zhi was shocked.

Yun's easy participation, the conspiracy of this battle, made him surprised and angry.

Then the appearance of the man in the green shirt in front of him made him want to shout out to vent his feelings.

A generation of poetry immortal, Li Bai, the word Taibai, the name is Qinglian Lay!

How could he have imagined that after the first emperor of the emperor, he finally saw him, a person who had already seen him in the picture of the "town" tablet.

Even if an ancestral holy realm powerhouse appeared in front of him, he couldn't bring him such a shock.

Shi Xian used the three-foot blue front sword in his hand to engrave poems in the space, lightly sketching it, and saw that from the sky full of stars, suddenly the galaxy really turned upside down and rushed down.

A dozen stars in a row were so drawn by him with a single sword. During the rapid flow, they ignited spontaneously. The excess and all the wasteland disappeared, leaving only a dozen or so huge star essences.

It was really flying down three thousand feet, and the Milky Way fell for nine days.

This star blasted towards Chu Da with supreme power.

Chu Da was forced to face him, his big hand shot one after another in the air, and every time he broke one, he had to step back a few steps.

When the last star was smashed, he wowed and coughed up a mouthful of blood. The five internal organs were shocked by a huge force, and the six internal organs were injured.

Shixian didn't have the slightest surprise about this, he just put the hip flask in his nose and sniffed it, and then covered it again with unsatisfactory thoughts, never drinking again.

Chu Da stared at him several times, but never spoke again. He just shrank his figure and returned to his normal appearance, standing there without speaking.


At the same time, Wen Cang and Lu Ya also walked out in the air.

There was a faint blood stain on the corner of Lu Ya's mouth, and Wen Cang was so free, there was no injury on his body.

Lu Ya rushed out and rushed towards Lingzhi.

Just because the four Heavenly Dao monuments were undisturbed, they had now flown to Ling Zhi's side and began the final integration.

The four pieces are in the form of four corners, but the distance is only a few inches, each flowing with strange power, intertwined with each other, and may complete healing at any time.

"Lu Ya?"

He suddenly rushed out and rushed over again. The man in the green shirt who was suspected of being the poet Li Bai raised his head in surprise, glanced at him, and cried.

Lu Ya was taken aback, stopped, and looked at Li Bai with fear, "How do you know my name?"

"Green jade gourd, cut immortal knife." Li Bai smiled freely, "With these two things, your identity can't be more obvious."

"It's just your cultivation level, it seems, there are some problems?" Li Bai said, "As you are, you have already taken that step."

The more Li Bai said, Lu Ya not only didn't come closer, but backed out instead.

It was the Tiandao monument, he didn't even come to **** it in the first time.

He stared at Li Bai, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Who I am, it doesn't matter, but you, don't seem to know, who you are!" Li Bai shook his head and smiled, losing interest in talking with Lu Ya, muttering to himself, "Well, the time is almost there. They are coming soon."

Ling Zhi was concentrating, feeling the movement of the Heavenly Dao Monument beside him, temporarily put aside his doubts about the identity of the other party, and devoted himself to the Heavenly Dao Monument.

The three monuments of Heaven, "Zhen", "Dragon", and "Ling" accepted the arrival of his soul power at the first time. Only the last monument with the word "Sha", when his soul power drew closer to the past, rushed from it. He picked up a white tiger, waved his claws, and grabbed him towards him.

In this white tiger, there was a strong killing air, which was far from the white tiger's thunder spirit that Ling Zhi had destroyed in the Thunder Temple.

Facing this scene, the fierce light in Ling Zhi's eyes flashed away, he suddenly probed his hands into claws, condensed into the claws of the real dragon, and attacked the white tiger with the tricks of the real dragon.

Fight between dragons and tigers, and the winner is king.

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