God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1746: Reproduce the road thunder!

"Hey, why do these alchemists suddenly stop talking?"

A warrior was puzzled, and then he was gagged.

Afterwards, everyone including this warrior heard a thunder.

This thunder, like a thunder in the dark night, pierced everyone's hearts with dazzling lightning.

The practice of alchemy is much more blurred than the practice of practice, and there is not much inheritance from the master. Most of them rely on their own exploration and occasionally get the guidance of seniors, which is worth three days and three nights.

But cultivation is different, it has become systematic and extremely proficient.

So most people, even Lexus himself, have been discrediting progress for a long period of time.

There were four major families in Xuanzhou. Jian Leyu was the ancestor of the Jian family in the alchemy family, and the most amazing genius of thousands of Jian family.

But he was stunned that he was stuck at the level of a sixth-rank alchemist, unable to make progress.

Because the night in front of him was too long and too long, he walked in the dark and made too many detours.

Too much time wasted that shouldn't be wasted.

The reason why Lexus was able to make rapid progress was greatly related to the fact that he had a chance to shock Dan Dao with shocking words and opened the door of the avenue by chance.

Although he was extremely talented on the alchemy path, he had fumbled forward with one of them before meeting Eastern Angzong.

Jian Leyu also said that Ling Zhi's alchemy method has many basic common sense errors.

At this moment, Ling Zhi showed the Dao Lei Yin from his enlightenment in front of everyone.

Just like a beam of light, accompanied by thunder, it pierced everyone's path forward.

Illuminated their way forward.

Many people shed tears of excitement when this beam of light shined.

They found that they had already drilled in a valley and got into the tip of a horn. If it weren't for this beam of light, they would probably spend a lifetime of time and would never make a single step of refining alchemy.

Others shouted, shaking with excitement.

They had been working hard for a long time, consuming the family, consuming their own wealth, all working hard.

But no success has been seen.

Originally they had to give up. This time I heard that Yao Wangfeng suddenly invited alchemists from all over the world. They came crazy and wanted to fight for the last time.

Just like Lexus’s original mentality, they spent their entire youth for the entrance examination and college entrance examination. But I don't know where the future lies.

Many people work hard for one thing all their lives, no matter the result, at least they have no regrets.

But if it can be successful, who would be unwilling?

So the Lexus stood here, so when the road thunder sounded, when the beam of light shone up, they were pleasantly surprised to find that they were only close to success.

As long as they gritted their teeth, sweat and blood, they are successful people who will be admired by thousands of people.

They were so excited that their entire bodies were shaking.

They were so excited that their entire bodies were convulsing.

There were tears, laughter, crying, soreness, and pain on their faces.

Even Jia Gaoge entered this state for the first time.

As a spirit-level middle-rank alchemist, he deeply understands that those who can inspire thunder in the Dao Dao are the ones who have been recognized by the Dao Dao.

If you insist on refuting it, you are going to confront the alchemy. For an alchemist, it is tantamount to giving up the way you pursue.

There are irreparable consequences.

Suddenly, in front of the main peak of Yaowang Peak, all the alchemists sat cross-legged, quietly feeling the thunderous sound echoing in their ears.

Lexus will naturally benefit the most from the one who motivates this thunder.

Lei Yin hovered in his mind, and finally formed a kind of chessboard, a kind of record, recording his own understanding of alchemy.

The brows were raised slightly, and Ling Zhi suddenly stood up, his soul power spreading towards the surroundings.

[Xinbi Quge www.xsbiquge.vip] This is a rather dangerous thing.

Because among the group of warriors, some people with bad intentions did not accept this thunder sound. Although warriors can also accept it, and get some insights related to their own way by analogy, if they don’t accept it, there will be nothing. With a big impact, at most, you will not be able to step into the elixir way for life.

But Ling Zhi obviously didn't care too much about this matter. His spirit power spread to the surroundings, wrapping all the martial artists and alchemists who had accepted the Dao Lei Yin.

Then, under the shining of lightning bolts, these people who took the opportunity to grab all the time and rushed forward suddenly saw a pair of hands.

A pair of hands holding them forward.

These hands stretched out from the darkness at their front and appeared in front of them, containing the experience, insights, and knowledge from first-grade spirit pills to spirit-level middle-rank spirit pills, and even some high-grade spirit pills.

It was so calm, without the slightest concealment, in front of them.

Let them learn.

Let them learn and comprehend.

These are all Lexus' own insights. He borrowed Dao Leiyin to consult with Alchemy Masters in the World.

And the rewards are only insignificant, other alchemists' perceptions of alchemy.

But the accumulation of less will make more, when the insights of all alchemists converge, it will naturally be of great help to Lexus.

help each other.

This word, which has never appeared in the alchemist group, has been achieved by Lexus today.

This situation has been going on for a long time, and it took a full half a day, which was tens or hundreds of times longer than the first time Lexus triggered Lei Yin.

Just as the Dao Leiyin was about to end, several warriors finally made up their minds, and a burst of surging soul power suddenly rushed out of their bodies.

This is completely different from what they showed on the outside, the mere king state.

They turned out to be all Saint King Realm martial artists, including two Saint King Second Level Realm.

Suddenly they broke out, and a wave of spirit power pierced towards Ling Zhi's scattered spirit power. As long as they stabbed, Ling Zhi's spirit would inevitably suffer severe damage.

Especially when he opens his mind at this moment, it is even more likely that he will form a self-closing situation, and he will not be able to advance half a step on the alchemy path.

The anger, almost immediately, appeared on the faces of thousands of alchemists in the audience.

Their spirit power and Lexus mirrored each other, and naturally they could truly feel the change.

They were so angry!

This is destroying Lexus, but also destroying them!


Just when these people thought they were about to succeed, Ling Zhisuo opened his eyes, and his eyes were thunderous.

"Waiting for you to do it for a long time!"

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