God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1729: Learn from

"The "South China Sutra"? Didn't it have been sent by someone..." Ji Fanchen frowned, stopped again, and turned to look at Yan Chong.

"I asked you to fetch the "South China Sutra" and deliver it to them. Didn't you do it?"

Ji Fanchen's eyes changed a little.

"Peak Master, that, because..."

"Yan Chong," Ji Fanchen sighed, "After you go back, you will retreat for a hundred years. After a hundred years, you will come to the main peak to find me. During this period, if you walk out of the room for half a step, I will abolish your cultivation. Drive you out of Yaowangfeng."

"The blame is blame, you didn't even listen to the words of the original ancestor."

Having said this, Ji Fanchen ignored Yan Chong’s begging for mercy and coldly glanced at all Yao Wangfeng who was present, “Tomorrow morning, all elders and stewards, all go to the main hall, I have something to announce.”

"I will take you to fetch the "South China Sutra" personally." Ji Fanchen turned around and smiled apologetically at Ling Zhi.

On that day, Qiu Qian attacked Lexus and tortured Lexus with an illusion, but was later forcibly broken by Zhuang Yi. In the end, it was because of the power of Nanhua Jing that he succeeded in doing so.

From that moment, Ling Zhi understood that Zhuang Yi had not received the "South China Sutra".

Otherwise, his attitude today would not be so bad.

The "South China Scripture" is a work of Zhuang Yi, but for some reason it was not circulated in Zhuang Yi's hands. It was left in Yaowangfeng by Lao Zi Li Er.

But at the beginning, Lao Tzu Li Er said very clearly that if the descendants of Zhuang Zhou came, the "South China Sutra" should be returned.

Ji Fanchen personally arranged the people to set up the Earth Line first. Ling Zhi, Zhuang Yiluchuan and others followed Ji Fanchen towards a mountain in the middle of Yaowang Peak.


"Master Ji Feng needn't say much." Ling Zhi smiled slightly, "Although the trouble is unpleasant, I have no right to really blame you. The reason why I do this is mostly because of Zhuang Yi and others, and secondly, because of Master. "

"I have no intention of staying in Yaowangfeng, but Dongfang Angzong is my master after all. I don't want to see the sect he created, so it's destroyed."

What Ling Zhi said was not polite, "I admit that your character is excellent, but obviously, you are not suitable for the position of this peak master."

Ling Zhi glanced at Ji Fanchen and said directly.

Absolute talent, strong alchemy level, and management ability are never the same kind of ability.

Ji Fanchen was silent, and led Ling Zhi and the others forward, until they reached the foot of the mountain, and then nodded, "I understand. That's why I thought, if it's you..."

"Master Ji, you should understand more," Lu Chuan stepped forward, blocking Ji Fanchen's words, "Although Yaowangfeng is extraordinary, it is obviously impossible to trap Ling Zhi with Yaowangfeng's position as the peak master. Instead of having this mind, you should be genuine, and treat him as a supreme elder of your Yao Wangfeng, a worshipper."

The character of Lexus has always been a great kindness.

Ji Fanchen stunned, the color of Mingwu flashed in his eyes, without responding, and took the lead to walk towards the mountain.

"At the beginning, the Taoist Lord left the "South China Sutra" on the mountain of Yaowangfeng. Since then, this mountain has been uninhabited. Only the elders of Yaowangfeng, the peak owner, or those who have made outstanding contributions are eligible. Come and observe."

"It's just a pity that although the patriarch translated it into the words of my reincarnation star with the help of the Taoist monarch, but I don't know why, looking at the words of the reincarnation star, it is better to look at the text of the "South China Sutra". More sentimental. But this sentiment is still not deep, so until now, no one can understand the meaning."

When I walked to the top of the mountain, I discovered that a few houses had been built out of thin air on the top of the mountain.

"Is this built with straw and mud?" Lu Chuan glanced at it and said in surprise, "It hasn't fallen since then?"

"Yes, it has not fallen. There is no magic circle on this mountain. These straw houses have gone through the spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the wind and sun have not fallen. Look at the straw and the soil, they are all commonplace. And there is no power blessing." Ji Fanchen nodded and sighed.

"Daojun is a character that even the ancestor admires. His methods, even me, can't predict. I think it must have reached the realm of the ancestral holy realm."

"Zhuang Yi, you can go in, we just need to wait here." Ling Zhi turned back and motioned for Zhuang Yi to come forward and get it by himself.

Zhuang nodded, stood still, and began to organize his clothes.

He even gathered a ball of water and started a simple cleaning.

Bathe and change clothes to remove all blood stains.

Organize your hair and keep it clean.

He did all this for half an hour.

But no one disturbed him, because his every move was so standard, and so serious and rigorous, it would inevitably have a sense of sacredness.

Ling Zhi sighed in his heart. In the past, seeing those tedious etiquettes in ancient times, he always felt a little awkward and contrived.

But now that I really see it, this is only Zhuang Yi, but there is a sense of solemnity, that kind of grand and melodious feeling, and it reveals a historical weight.

This is a nation, country, and land with a complete, complete and long history!

The history of the earth will never be a short five thousand years, in which there must be too many eras, submerged in the long river of history.

Just the scenes that Lexus saw were not things that happened in the past ten thousand years.

After doing all this, Zhuang Yi nodded slightly to thank Ling Zhi, and then walked in towards the straw house in the middle.

He takes three steps forward and takes two small steps backward.

Lexus had never heard of such a move.

But this is not funny.

Soon, Zhuang Yi walked to the door of the room, he stretched out his hand, placed it gently on the door, and was about to push it away. At this moment, he suddenly turned around with a look of shock in his eyes, "Ling...Ling Brother, ancestor, let you enter this room on the left."

"Ancestor?" Ling Zhi was also shocked, looking at him incredulously.

Zhuang Yi's eyes were more complicated. The moment he opened the door, he heard the ancestor's voice. How could this not shock him.

"Well, it's an ancestor, this voice comes from blood, it can't be wrong." Zhuang nodded, then walked into the room by himself.

The door was closed, and after a quick glance, you could see the items from the period, all very simple.

Ling Zhi was silent for a while, did not take care of it like Zhuang Yi, and walked toward the house on the left calmly.

"Under the solemnity of Zhuang Yi, Brother Ling can still get out of this kind of freedom and break through the invisible shackles left by Zhuang Yi in front. It's really amazing." Lu Chuan admired, and at the same time Ji Fanchen expressed admiration.

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