God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1723: The King of Ginseng

"Is it finally here."

Ling Zhi spoke indifferently, and his body disappeared.

The next time I reappear, it has already arrived from the same body.

This is the first time he used the Dragon Spear after he turned into a bone.


Since Tong Tong’s eyes suddenly widened, he, the dignified elder Wang Feng, just died like this

Yan Chong's body shook again and again, watching the death of one elder after another, he didn't know what to say.

Without these people, Yaowangfeng, would it still be the holy land of that world alchemist?

However, the existence of these people is really good for Yao Wangfeng?

He was confused, puzzled, and puzzled.

Ling Zhi is different from him, he sees very clearly, so he takes action very decisively.

Some people, no matter how strong they are, they will only harm the sect and the family, they are the black sheep.

Leaving it, just like the ants under the dam, will eventually cause the dam to collapse.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed in an ant nest.

This is the simplest truth.

"You are fine, fine!"

As soon as Qiu Qian rushed over, he saw that Cong died in the hands of Ling Zhi, his gaze fell on the field, in this weird atmosphere, and only after a while, he reacted and said something like this.

The aura on Ling Zhi has not changed, it is not surprising that he can recognize it.

"You don't need to praise, I know I'm fine." Ling Zhi sneered, "It's you, it doesn't seem to be good anymore."

"I'm really bad, so I'm very unhappy, I'm unhappy, I want to kill."

"Then you are late, you are almost killed by me, you see, there are still a dozen people left here, do you want to leave it to you?" Ling Zhi stood by the corpse of Congtong, scanning the group of people who were from Tongtong. People, this group of people with extraordinary status among Yaowangfeng, smiled.

If it weren't for the slightest blood on his face at the moment, with his voice at the moment, it would really be very kind and kind.

When he saw this group of people, they hurriedly backed up and fell to the ground, lying on the ground with their hands and feet together. It was hard to see the extreme.

Ling Zhi glanced at them with disdain, but lost his interest in doing things. He stood there and didn't rush to kill these people.

"Killing them, how can I kill you, and feel more fulfilled." Qiu Qian fell to the ground from a distance, "Do you think I will go crazy?"

"As long as you kill you, as long as you get what's on you, what do they do?"

Qiu Qian smiled contemptuously, still talking.

Suddenly there was a flower petal, coming from behind Lingzhi, towards the back of his head.


However, with such a sound, this petal, under the burning of the undead fire, directly turned into ashes, and it was not able to cause the slightest harm to Lexus.

"Your natal pill fire is clearly the fire of devouring spirits, how can there be fire of immortality?" Qiu Qian's expression changed for the first time, and he was very puzzled and puzzled.

"What's that?" His gaze fell behind Ling Zhi, on another group of undead fire. It was a Vermillion Bird's egg, and on the other side, it was something like a silkworm pupa formed by Xia Ning'er.

"The opportunities around you are so heartbreaking." Qiu Qian said, full of boundless greed.

For those of them who have reached the third level of the Holy King, any chance, especially this kind of unclear and unguessable chance, is the most temptation for them.

Because no one can say whether such a chance will make them realize the power of the ancestral holy realm.

If there is a slight possibility, break through to the ancestral holy realm.

So in today's reincarnation star, that is the king, the uncrowned king.

Soon, Qiu Qian and Ling Zhi were fighting together.

The undead fire is terrible, but it is not Lexus's own power after all. It can only be used for simple defense. It is difficult to directly use it for attack.

Especially dealing with Qiu Qian.

The spirit power of Lexus was inferior to the opponent at first, and it became more difficult to attack accurately.

The two quickly fought together, and there was a sense of evenness.

However, Lexus did not think so.

His movements are still fast, and faster and faster, even at a certain point, fighting for injuries, wanting to solve Qiu Qian as soon as possible.

But who is Qiu Qian?

People who dare to openly resist Ji Fanchen, cooperate with the Heavenly Alliance, and seek skin with tigers, how can their strength be low, and how can they be taken so easily.

"Haha, sure enough, there is a big problem in your current condition. It can't last. I said that you clearly suffered such a serious injury a few days ago. It turns out that you want to regain a new life through the undead fire and remove all the injuries on the body. ."

"But I was interrupted by Cong Tong. I acted for this group of people first, and awakened briefly from that state." Qiu Qian quickly guessed the current situation of Lexus, and the speculation was extremely accurate.

Although his face is young and immature, he doesn't know how long he has lived, and his knowledge is extraordinary.

This is the scariest part of these old monsters.

Once he discovered this, he didn't act anxiously at all.

It's there to shoot freely, relaxed and comfortable.

Regular defense, backing, deliberately consuming Lexus time.

"Let me guess, in your current state, you have survived the most painful period of Nirvana, but you don't have enough strength and plenty of time to let you grow blood again?" Qiu Qian sneered, leisurely.

"It's no wonder that you killed so many people in a short period of time. It turns out that you can't fight for a long time. It turns out that you have reached a critical moment."

What he guessed was already inseparable.

If it weren't for the most critical moment, how could Lexus wake up a little later.

Just because before that, he couldn't wake up at all!

Otherwise, how could he kill so madly, this is also a kind of self-blame.

Even if he has tried his best, but cannot completely protect the people around him, he still feels extremely self-blame and guilty.

"Unfortunately, you can't kill me with one blow. Your strength, your strength, are not as good as mine. Although I can't take you in a short time, it is too simple to delay one or two." Qiu Qian shook his head and reversed. Backward, deliberately hanging Lexus.

If Lexus wanted to fail in Nirvana, he couldn't hold on first.

He didn't know what kind of power the stone tablets on Ling Zhi had, so he didn't want to take risks.

These old guys are too smart!

Ling Zhi's heart was angry, and an unknown fire broke out in his heart. Just as he was about to force his strength to come again, the Naling Ring on his boneless hand suddenly lit up.

He was startled and hurriedly stretched out his spirit power and looked over.

I haven't seen it clearly, but it is the King of Gambling and rushed out.

After so long, with the help of Qilin magical medicine, colorful soul-raising lotus, etc., this old ginseng king, who has lived on his own for ninety-nine thousand years, finally accumulated enough power.

And at this moment, it aroused its magical medicine.

For 100,000 years, it has survived countless catastrophes, and this is the last catastrophe.

This is the ultimate leap.

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