God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1718: Formation, break!

The fireball burst, and Suzaku was born on fire.

Only this scene.

Nothing else.

Only this scene.

That's all.

Qingli Chihuo got up, floated up, motionless.

In the field, fell into a dead silence.

Ling Zhi stood there, motionless, although his eyes fell on the Vermillion Bird Egg, there was no focus.

It was not until a long time later that he breathed out deeply and nodded slowly.

Qingli Chihuo once again threw an undead fire, directly on Ling Zhi's body.

As soon as the undead fire touched Ling Zhi's body, it suddenly rose.

Ling Zhi let go of all the defenses and let them burn.

Some wonderful mental methods, naturally, appeared in his heart.


Suzaku is not immortal, but it can be reborn with the help of undead fire.

While the flames wrapped Lexus, the Vermillion Bird egg suddenly cracked and cracked.

A Suzaku that was no more than one meter long came out from it.

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, he rushed directly into Ling Zhi's arms, and together with him, accepted the fire of immortality.

Those eggshells burst open and merged into the undead fire, causing the flame to expand several times in an instant, forcing everyone out of this range.

Zhuo Ling guarded the periphery worriedly, and refused to leave his sight for a moment.

However, she could only see Ling Zhi's cracked skin and body from the edge of the flames.

Time just passed bit by bit.

The undead fire is still burning, and it seems to be burning until the sky is old.

Ling Zhi's figure has never been out of the flames.

Lu Chuan and others have been here for a long time, and will leave from time to time to go to the formation, strengthen the formation, etc., occasionally come over, hoping to see Lexus walk out.

However, all this seems to have become a luxury.

In the eyes of some elders Yao Wangfeng, there was even obvious disappointment and abandonment.

The undead fire has been burning for so long, and the temperature of this flame is incomparable to the cold holy fire that day.

Even if Lexus was a top-quality ore, it was completely refined, not to mention a flesh and blood body, or a seriously injured flesh and blood body.


Suddenly, in the middle of the next night, Zhuo Ling suddenly let out a scream, which shocked everyone.

Lu Chuan was the first to come, and Zhuang Yi and Sun Huai rushed along with Yan Chong.

"What's wrong?" Lu Chuan frowned and asked cautiously.

Zhuo Ling took a deep breath. Every part of his body was trembling, even his tongue was shaking, "White, white bone. I saw a white bone."

"There is no trace of flesh and blood, no trace of flesh and blood..." Zhuo Ling suddenly became desperate, stepped on his feet, and even rushed towards the fire of immortality, Ling Zhi.


Lu Chuan suddenly shot, rushed up, and slashed her back on the neck with a palm.

Zhuo Ling raised his head and fainted directly.

Lu Chuan hugged her, jumped to the periphery, and entrusted it to others to take care of, and then came again.

They looked at each other with Zhuang Yi and they all saw the anxiety and tension in each other's eyes.

"I don't believe that he will fail silently and die silently." After a long time, Lu Chuan shook his head and spoke first.

"I don't believe it either." Zhuang nodded and said firmly.

Sun Huai and Yan Chong looked at each other, their lips moved, and did not speak, only sighed.

They didn't even have a trace of flesh and blood. They couldn't figure out what reason Lexus could survive.

It's just a bone.

Without the physical protection, the soul is fragile. Under the burning of the undead fire, it can't hold on for even a moment.

"I have crushed the Peak Master's token, he should be about to wake up from the retreat..."


Yan Chong had just finished speaking, when the valley location over there suddenly lit up.

The sound of the collapse of the formation sounded.

Two days and two nights.

Even with the help of Lu Chuan and others, this formation has reached its limit.

From the same eyes with bloodshot, standing outside the valley laughed, "Finally, finally broke open!"

"Go and tell the elder, it's time to harvest the fruits!" He laughed, and sighed deeply.

In the past few days, he mobilized all the power that Yao Wangfeng could mobilize, and in the end he directly allowed some outsiders to enter, which finally broke through within three days.

He wouldn't doubt that Qiu Qian would kill him if he didn't break it within three days.

"Congtong, from the Heavenly Dao League, it is possible to come here at any time. You'd better remind your elder. If you can’t solve these troublesome things by then, I can’t guarantee that you will be treated as agreed. What you want, I'll give you."

From the same side, one person spoke with a cold expression.

"Put away your face, why do you talk to me like this?" From the same face, he scolded.

"Congtong, haven't you realized the change in status between you and me?" The man mocked without fear.

Shen Xiong, Heavenly Alliance, Seven Elders!

Shen Xiong stood by Congtong, squinting at him, "I think it was decades before this, right? I came to Yao Wangfeng to ask you for a spiritual pill, you refused in every way and made things difficult for me, do you remember ?"

"Now you still want to look at me condescendingly?" Shen Xiong sneered, "When your great elder bowed his head to us, you should be a little behaved in front of me! Understand?"

"You!" The same expression was angry, but he suppressed the anger again, and walked forward without saying a word.

"Haha." Shen Xiong laughed, beckoning the others in the Tiandao League to follow, swaggeringly walked behind Congtong, and looked around.

That look and look were not only proud, but also a feeling of taking this as one's own trophy.

On Yao Wangfeng's side, the several elders, worshiping others, all looked angry, but helpless, each with different expressions, very exciting.

Almost all those who can become elders in Yaowangfeng are senior alchemists, and most of them are those with high cultivation bases.

In the past, this group of them didn't know how many people were offering it, but these days, they have to beg this group of Heavenly Dao League everywhere.

This makes them very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, and feel aggrieved.

This made them have to doubt, believing in Qiu Qian, it seems that it is far better to follow Ji Fanchen.

At least, they still have the dignity that belongs to the alchemist.

But no matter what they were, when they stepped into the valley, the expressions of Zhuang Yi and others were extremely cold.

They know that this fierce battle is inevitable.


Da da da.

Suddenly, just as they stepped forward, the group of descendants on Earth suddenly ran forward collectively, especially the group of children, the group of elderly women who had not cultivated, holding hands, shoulder to shoulder with each other.

In front of Ling Zhi and Xia Ning'er, the firm gaze showed indomitability. The next chapter will be delivered soon.

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