God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1714: Holy Fire Tianhan

Pulling the blade of the long blade so hard, the flesh and blood of Lexus's palm instantly became blurred.

It looks amazing.

However, Lexus didn't care about this, so he pulled up the knife abruptly, looking at this person without any emotion in his eyes.

The man was completely frightened by him, and he didn't know how he appeared.

He was still in a daze when Ling Zhi lifted his knife into the air and the Panlong Spear in his left hand was sent into his body.

One shot killed one person, and Ling Zhi pulled Sun Huai up and threw a few spirit pills into his mouth.

"Elder Sun, are you okay?"

"Ling, Ling Zhi?" Sun Huai looked at him in disbelief, a strange look in his originally desperate eyes.

"Well, you retreat one after another, I'll help you stop one or two." Ling Zhi nodded, stuffed Sun Huai with a bunch of spirit pills, and then flashed away in other directions.

"Lu Chuan, as a disciple of the Buddha Sect, you actually shot me Yaowangfeng!" Congtong's voice came from a distance.

Lu Chuan slapped a person in the air, turned his head and glanced at him, "Don't use the Buddha sect to press me, it is too lazy to care about you during the day. You are afraid that you treat me as an ordinary Buddhist sect disciple!"

With that said, Lu Chuan's subordinates kept on, and after a few breaths, the two of them had been resolved.

He and Lexus were in this battlefield, and soon the group was forced to stop and stopped pursuing them, leaving a gap between them and Zhuang Yi and the others.

"Elder Ling, you also come to intervene." Cong Tong sneered and turned the spear to Ling Zhi.

"Hehe." Ling Zhi sneered, "Congtong, you were there when I protected Xia Ning'er and their thoroughness. When the Eastern Patriarch appeared, you were also there. Now that you actually attacked them, I underestimated you."

"You didn't underestimate him, you underestimated me." Qiu Qian stepped on from the same person, his eyes were not fully opened, looking at Lexus, "I want to send someone to attract you, but now it doesn't seem like So troublesome, you bring it to the door yourself."

"Where is Ji Fanchen?" Ling Zhi looked at the corpses all over the floor. Several of them were familiar figures he had seen before.

What is flowing is the blood of China.

In his words, there was strong dissatisfaction and anger.

He entrusted Zhuang Yi and others to Ji Fanchen and Wang Feng to administer medicine.

Now in this medicine Wangfeng, Zhuang Yi and others are being hunted down!

Ji Fanchen must give him an explanation!

Yan Chong and others looked stiff and could not speak.

Regardless of the explanation, Ji Fanchen had promised to protect the village and their safety. There is no excuse for this!

"Brother Ling, after receiving us from Yaowangfeng, Master Ji took good care of us. This time it was a sudden retreat. He didn't expect that these thieves would take advantage of this opportunity to attack us. Elder Yan and the others Come to help, do your best, this matter cannot be blamed on Master Ji."

Zhuang Yi drank loudly, speaking for Yan Chong.

"That's also his peak master, he can't be it!"

But this time, Ling Zhiyuan was not so good at talking.

This is his taboo, all the friends around him are his taboo.

No matter who it is, it can't hurt.

Not even Ji Fanchen!

So his words are rather rude.

Behind Yan Chong, some of Yao Wangfeng's disciples showed dissatisfaction, but they were stopped by Yan Chong.

He knew that Lexus was a man.

The cultivation base of the king's realm can fight against the warriors of the second-tier holy king.

Hardly resisting the Heavenly Dao Mengyun with a single blow, not only did he not die, but was a blessing in disguise, turning all the power in his body into fairy spiritual power.

And he knew better Ji Fanchen's expectation of Ling Zhi, so he was just Noo at the moment, not arguing with Ling Zhi.

"According to the plan, everyone will hide in the valley formation and save their lives first." Yan Chong's expression was gloomy, and he ordered.

A group of people, under his arrangement, rushed towards the valley.

Zhuang Yi and him all stayed.

"Leave together first, they should have a plan. I think you should first see if the few people you care about are still inside." Lu Chuan came to Ling Zhi's side and said his soul power.

Lexus's complexion changed slightly, and he nodded secretly.

"How about letting you retreat? Just seek your own death. In this medicine Wangfeng, there is a formation we don't know?" From the same side sneered.

Qiu Qian had already rushed out, interrupting his sneer, "No, I don't want to wait, take him down first, and other people, whatever you want to do."

When he was not moving, no one felt it, but now that he moved suddenly, it did make everyone in the valley feel palpitations.

"Brother Lu, retire!" Ling Zhi yelled, forcibly lifting his body's strength, and rushing out with nine steps against the dragon regardless of his injury.

Lu Chuan shook his head. Not only did he never step back, but he became more persistent, "Go together, go up, and be together."

He followed Ling Zhi's side, full of golden color, and Ling Zhi left and right, and attacked Qiu Qian.

Qiu Qian sneered, raised his hand, and suddenly a stream of fire flew out.

This fire is blue all over.

When the flames flew out, even the void was almost frozen.

"Holy fire, Tian Han!" Ling Zhi's pupils shrank, "Can't resist hard, it's extremely cold."

He and Lu Chuan hid to both sides, Ling Zhi raised his hand and shot out the spirit-devouring fire, which swallowed the fairy spiritual power in his body, rushed out, and went toward the cold sacred fire.

"Oh?" Qiu Qian raised his eyebrows, "It's really such a flame, unexpected joy!"

He hooked his finger, and that day the Cold Sacred Fire suddenly changed its direction and rushed toward the Spirit Devouring Fire.

As soon as Pu touched, the Spirit Devouring Fire suddenly stopped, and the flames on the outside were actually frozen into ice.

With its temperature, it turned into ice in an instant.

"Blast!" Ling Zhi didn't rush, and shouted violently, a pure celestial power broke into the fire of devouring spirits.

The frozen spirit devouring fire exploded fiercely from the inside, propped the ice block, and rolled away in the opposite direction.

Two sacred fires collide with each other, one is extremely cold and the other is extremely hot. Every time they collide, the void will be like a mirror, and layer upon layer will collapse.

The cold was alternating, the place of war, not to mention Lexus, but Qiu Qian, they all stepped back and dared not walk in.

The two temperatures staggered, making the center of the battlefield extremely dangerous.

"Huh." Lu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Who said that this alchemist is not capable of fighting? This scene of pill fire fighting is so terrifying."

"Pill Fire has been well cultivated, and it just made up for some of the shortcomings of my Heavenly Cold Sacred Fire." Qiu Qian nodded in satisfaction, looking at the Spirit Devouring Fire with a scrutinizing gaze.

"I can only do it myself, I have taken you down." He looked at Ling Zhi and rushed towards Ling Zhi.

Between the palms of the hand, between the valleys, there were suddenly countless flowers blooming, which was really coquettish.

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