God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1709: First Arrival at Yaowangfeng

After Ling Zhi and Lu Chuan walked a street, the big man fell down in a daze. A wound appeared in his heart, where all the meridians and blood vessels were broken.

At least half of his vitality was abolished.

From now on, unless he takes the spirit-level pill for tonic day and night, his body will become thinner and thinner, thinner and thinner as bones.

His figure will become increasingly rickety.

It is no longer possible to pretend to others in this form.

He will live like a sick person, a dead person.

Through this method, Lu Chuan gave him unforgettable pain, let him remember, let him feel, and feel the lives of those who had been bullied by him!

This trick is not unskillful, but also ruthless.


"Brother Lu, why did you come here?" Ling Zhi asked curiously.

"Ha, I have some trades between West Florida and Yaowangfeng, and I like to wander around, so this time I want this title, find a reason to come and see." Lu Chuan laughed and said calmly.

As a disciple of Buddhism, it is rare that he likes to play so much.

Lu Chuan shook his head and stopped Lexus’s question, "What can I do? Look at my cultivation level and you know that I’m fine, but you, how can your physical condition be so bad? And your cultivation level, it seems There are also big problems."

"Your physical identity can easily suppress those two people, but your cultivation realm is clearly the king realm. But I can't perceive your spirit power level. Either your spirit power is stronger than mine, but I You are already on the second floor of the Holy King Realm, so either you have obtained the treasure related to soul power?"

Lu Chuan asked very directly, especially in the last sentence, guessing whether Lexus got some treasure.

This is the most taboo among other warriors and friends.

Who doesn't understand the truth of guilt?

Even the same sect brothers and others, there are people who kill each other for a treasure, a spiritual pill, let alone the treasure of soul power?

But Ling Zhi understood that this is what Lu Chuan is, and this is one of the reasons why they can become friends.

be honest and open!

Ling Zhi grinned, and said with a wry smile, "Where is the treasure that I have obtained, and also to hide the realm of soul power. It is only because when I forcibly broke through the tenth floor of the king realm, it failed for the first time, and then left the wound of the great road."

"Later, I broke through to the Saint King realm, and this injury has not been removed. Then in an adventure, the injury recurred, causing the cultivation base to fall. Therefore, the body and soul power are both at the Saint King level, and only the cultivation base falls. It's a bit miserable."

"Dao injury?" Lu Chuan frowned. "The injury of the Dao Dao can be described as the most difficult one among the martial artist's injuries. Except for a few rare elixir, it can hardly be cured."

"Well, it's true." Ling Zhi nodded, and roughly picked some important ones from his own experience, and said it roughly.

"Distressed!" Lu Chuan shouted suddenly, "I knew that the auction would be very exciting. I didn't expect that so many people appeared, even the things of Nan Xiaoer Senior appeared! Regret, regret not making it!"

Ling Zhi glanced at him speechlessly, stroking his forehead and said, "Friend, should you care about my injury?"

"Um, I think you are vowed and confident, and you have a plan. Don't worry, I believe you." Lu Chuan suddenly patted him on the shoulder and laughed.

This kind posture, matched with his bald head, was inexplicably funny.

I don't know if I was seen by the elders of the Buddha Zong and others, would I want to slap him to death.

"Brother Ling, since you happen to be going to Yaowangfeng, then we happen to be together and we will talk on the road." Lu Chuan suggested that they left Pill City with Lingzhi and rushed towards Yaowangfeng without stopping.

Leaving the city of Pill, Ling Zhi's spirit power swept across the surrounding area for about a thousand miles. Before Lu Chuan could scream at his second-level spirit power, he suddenly opened the ring and took out something, "No, This thing must be of great use to you, right?"

This thing was obtained by him in the river water under the magma of Qilin Magic Medicine, the Nine-Rank Lotus Terrace.

On that day, he thought that his Dao injury could be healed, but found that the lotus seeds on the Ninth-Rank Lotus Terrace had disappeared, and they were suspected of being picked.

But later the Ninth-Rank lotus platform agreed to enter his body and then took it away.

The lotus platform has always been the most famous of Buddhism, so Ling Zhi will think of it when he sees Lu Chuan at this moment.

This also made him more aware that if the entrance to the pseudo-world is really opened, the issue of Shicheng must be treated seriously.

Among them, all kinds of rare elixir, wild beasts, Qilin magical medicine, Suzaku's nest, small beast family, and this chaotic green lotus, the nine-tier lotus platform.

There are so many powerful dead bodies by the river.

He himself couldn't explain how many strange places there are in that stone city.

Just the magic medicine, there are two, it is still a lotus level!

It is hard to imagine what kind of place it is.

And why, to be called, the last hope!

Here, Ling Zhi had just taken out the nine-tier lotus platform, and Lu Chuan just glanced at it and rushed forward.

I caught it in my hand and looked at it nervously.

After a long time, he just raised his head and swallowed, "Here, where did you get the Nine-Rank Lotus Terrace?"

"It's not clear in a few words," Ling Zhi shook his head, "but unfortunately, when I saw it, the lotus seeds had disappeared, so there was only this."

"It's okay, the lotus seed itself is useful to me without the lotus platform. As long as the lotus platform is there, the lotus seed is only a matter of time." Lu Chuan calmly sighed, "But if the lotus seed is there, your injury will not be a problem."

He looked extremely open, only sighed, and he was delighted, "Brother Ling, this thing, to me, even a top-grade Taoist soldier cannot be exchanged. Now I am in Buddhism. , I guess there is only a nine-tier lotus plant in the hands of the master,"

"and so……"

"Since it is taken out, it will naturally be given to you." Ling Zhi calmly rushed forward, approaching Yaowangfeng.

Lu Chuan was about to speak, but he had already been thrown off for hundreds of miles.

With his mouth opened, Lu Chuan showed a smile, put the Nine-Rank lotus platform into his body, shook his head and laughed, and followed.

Some kindness, you don't need to talk about it all day long, but you can do it for your friends, benefactors, and go through fire and water.

Too much, it seems hypocritical and embarrassing.

Say nothing, fake tricks.

Lu Chuan secretly remembered this great favor in his heart, and Ling Zhi hurried to Yaowangfeng.

The two were extremely fast, so on their way, they soon came to the front of the Yaowangfeng Protector's Formation.

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