God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1701: Kill Yuanfeng!

Ling Zhi's eyes were full of radiance, and he knew immediately who was coming.

What was different from him was that everyone present except him trembled when they heard this voice.

"Damn it." Yuan Feng cursed, and reached out to grab Ling Zhi, intending to grab Ling Zhi directly and leave first.

"I heard it all, it was my voice, you still want to do it, and you want to run away."

A figure, before he acted, seemed to have crossed thousands of miles in an instant and came to him.

A thin palm stood in front of him.

"How crazy are you, how don't you look at me?"

The figure slowly changed from virtual to real, it was Wen Cang.

"He was taken away by me, plus everything from the auction," Wen Cang turned to look at the crowd, "If you are not fools, you can't fail to see what I mean. You want to accept him as an apprentice. Today, You even partnered to kill him?"

"Isn't it like killing my wife and children to cut off the inheritance of my old fellow?" Wen Cang's voice was so cold for the first time.

His personality has always been very good. Even at the auction, Yun easily waited for people to be so nonsense, he didn't have too many expressions, and he always turned around as a strong peacemaker.

The mood today is the first time Lexus has seen him since he met him.

He is, really angry.

The less irritable people are, the more terrible they become.

"Smell senior!"

Ling Zhi suddenly spoke, his voice abrupt.

Wen Cang's white eyebrows trembled slightly and looked at him, "What?"

"The person in front of you, I want to solve it myself." Ling Zhi bared his teeth and smiled.

The smile was warm, but these words made Yuanfeng's body tremble.

"As for them," Ling Zhi turned his head, "The sharpening I want is enough, please smell senior..."

"Okay, needless to say, go." Wen Cang waved his hand, his figure flashed, and he appeared between Ling Zhi and the group of powerful men.

His fingers suddenly turned into black light, and he swiped in the void, as if swimming in the sea. He even directly separated the attacks of Ling Zhi and the group of people from it and directed them into the void.

Ling Zhi's spiritual power was exhausted, but he was free to himself. He flipped and jumped out, threw a few spiritual pills in his mouth, sneered, and walked towards Yuanfeng.

He didn't respond to all the rest, all the pleadings, all the calls.

Wen Cang's cultivation base is much stronger than this group of people. Without the interference of the Saint King's third-layer realm, none of this group of people want to escape!

"Yuanfeng, you killed your son with your own hands, but planted it on me. It's the most shameless person I have ever seen." Ling Zhi sneered, "When the harm done to me, today, it will be doubled back. !"

"If you don't rely on others, can you fight me?" Yuan Feng screamed wildly, blushing and his neck thick.

"Haha," Ling Zhi swallowed the spirit-level spirit pill in his entrance, exploding with amazing spiritual power, quickly supplementing his consumption, "At this time, you still want to play with your poor scheming."

"Don't worry, in this battle, no matter what the outcome is, I won't let Senior Wen Cang take action. If you have the ability, you can escape."

After Ling Zhi said this, he rushed out amidst Yuanfeng's expression of surprise.

How about fighting one person, even if it is the second stage of the holy king?

Ling Zhi flickered and appeared directly on Yuanfeng's right side, punching away.

Yuan Feng raised his hand and was serious. Although it seemed irritable, Lexus knew very well that Yuan Feng's heart was actually very calm.

This person's motives are very deep, this is deliberate, in order to prevent Wen Cang from taking action, only in this way, he can escape from here.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ling Zhi's mouth, and the gravity enveloped Wen Cang's body suddenly changed. After passing through the Jiuding Peak and observing the Jiuding, his grasp of the power of these rules has made long-term progress.

This time, he only used gravity against one person alone. Yuan Feng couldn't control his body. The internal organs were dragged down, becoming extremely heavy and dislocation.

But the fist that was originally against Lexus naturally lost its strength.


Lexus is not soft.

A punch with the most powerful force hit him on the shoulder, and Yuanfeng's shoulder blade slammed open.

This severe pain caused him to let out a low growl, but he couldn't help using his soul power.

Soul power rushed directly into Ling Zhi's mind, trying to interfere with Ling Zhi, and withdraw the gravity from him.

"I think you are really confused!" Seeing this, Ling Zhi not only did not hide, but became even more indifferent.

Last time in Kaiyuanzong, Yuanfeng tried to kill him directly with his soul power, and he had already suffered the loss of the Tiandao Tablet.

Today, in an emergency, he still did this and did such a stupid thing.

"Not good!" When Yuan Feng himself was playing soul power, he also reacted at the same time, and wanted to withdraw immediately.

But now Lexus's spirit power is also in the second-tier state of the Saint King, not much worse than him. With the "Town" tablet, the master's counterattack will be fatal, how can he be allowed to withdraw at will.

The "Town" tablet shook slightly, and Yuanfeng's spirit power was wiped out on the spot.

The breath on his body suddenly weakened.

He rolled his eyes, and was almost shocked into a fool.

And when the "Zhen" monument was shaking, somewhere in the distance, a figure that had already stood there suddenly opened its eyes, "You can use the power of the Heavenly Path monument. This power is the character'Zhen'. The extinguishing power of the monument?"

"Just a piece of Heavenly Dao stele can resist the power of the saint king realm martial artist, and it is invincible. If the four pieces are in harmony, how strong will it be?" His eyes were hot, flashing crazily.


Originally, Yuanfeng's cultivation base was very strong, and his strength and combat experience were even stronger than Lexus.

This battle is bound to be a fierce battle for Lexus, but under Wen Cang's appearance, he fell from heaven to **** all at once. Although he was forced to calm down, his heart was already turning crazily, a little flustered.

As a result, he even forgot the lesson from last time and directly used his soul power to attack Lingzhi, which directly aggravated his death.

After being wiped out by the "Town" monument, most of his soul power was severely injured.

In Ling Zhi's eyes, he was just a passerby with the Saint King's second-tier cultivation base, without the slightest threat.

The repetition burst out, and it was cleverly used by Lexus on the Panlong spear, and the tip of the spear sank directly into Yuanfeng's heart.

The Panlong phantom immersed in his body and swallowed his soul in one bite.

Accompanied by heart-piercing screams, this arch enemy was finally killed by Lexus today!

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