God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1698: Encountered a siege


Ling Zhi slammed a punch, and the power of the fist was partially dispersed, causing the enemy to enter his body.

He forced himself to cough up a bit of blood.

The blood was spit out, and his breath became a lot weaker, as if he suddenly leaked.

"It turned out to be strong. I really thought you were so strong."

These people were going to shrink back, but now he suddenly became weak, his eyes lit up, one after another raised a wave of strength and forced him to come again.

There are more and more people coming from all around, more and more beyond their imagination, and they are more anxious than one.

However, Lexus is like an undead strong, although some blood will drip from the corner of his mouth, but it will not fall down, not only that, but also punch them from time to time.

The power is more domineering than them.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with their bodies, but in fact, only they know the real suffering.

The teenager in front of him didn't know what the situation was, and instead of directly injuring them, he had been attacking the inside of their bodies with dark power. This way, although it was not visible from the outside, it was more strenuous.

In such a state of being surrounded, they still waste energy so much that they cannot understand.

As for the idea that Lexus was just trying to seduce everyone, they never even thought about it.

That's crazy, it's not a warrior of the king's realm, it will burst out.

As for the spirit power, they clearly feel that Lexus’s spirit power is not strong at all, but no matter how they use the spirit power to attack, they will not be able to achieve the slightest effect. On the contrary, there will always be a kind of heart palpitations that make them dare not at all. Misuse.

The Lexus who was in front of them at this moment was not the same person as the one who had been helped by a sword before.

The veteran had more combat experience and fighting skills than them, and it was simply terrifying.

Soon, they sadly discovered that Lexus became more and more brave as they fought. They looked glamorous on the outside, but in fact, even the spiritual power inside was almost exhausted.

And outside them, the appearance of a group of martial artists, some of them the aura of the Saint King second-tier martial artist, made them a little desperate.

"So cautious?"

Ling Zhi's spirit power has been spreading to the surroundings, and when he found that such a method could not lure the group of people over, his eyes changed, suddenly changed his previous method, and began to fight back strongly.


He stepped out, Nilong reappeared in nine steps, rushed directly to a person, wiped his body and skipped, hooked his wrist with one hand, and flicked directly.

As a human weapon, hold it in your hand Zheng


This person yelled, his soul power controlled his weapon and attacked directly towards Ling Zhi.


On Ling Zhi's side, the Panlong spear flew up on its own, and directly collided with this short knife.

With a click, this was only a weapon of the highest grade king soldier level, which was directly cut off by the Panlong spear.

The weapon shattered, and the man raised his head and spouted a mouthful of blood. The breath in his body was in chaos, and Lexus was left to hold him, unable to resist.

boom! Ling Zhi carried him and whirled like a whirlwind, blasting on another Rao.

The powerful force directly destroyed the bones of the whole body in his hand, and even shocked all the power of the shock on that person.

One move, kill two people! The expressions of the remaining few people changed drastically, they took a meal, put away the offensive, and were about to flee.

How could Lexus let them go,

"Isn't it rampant just now? How can I just expose it so simply that it made me bleed."

Nilong stretched out in nine steps, and Ling Zhi's body moved from left to right, moving extremely fast.

His cultivation is not the late king stage, but the tenth level of the king stage.

At the beginning, he dared to fight a saint king-level warrior by virtue of his soul power, not to mention that the power in his body now consists of immortal spiritual power.

After merging into the spirit power, even in the cultivation base, he did not fear these martial artists of the Saint King level.

If you are not afraid, then Lexus is invincible! As his realm improved, Nilong Nine Steps became more and more perfect, gradually becoming more advanced, faster, more changeable, faster and more domineering.

Before these people could accurately capture Lexus's figure, they were solved by Lexus.

The Panlong spear picked up the short knife and flew into Lexus's hands. Lexus was holding the spear, and without looking at it, he picked it up behind him.

This is the only Taoist soldier in the hands of these people, and it is also their leading weapon.

There are quite a few saint king-level martial artists, and there are definitely not many, even very few, very few possessing Taoist soldiers.

Controlling the flying sword to attack Lexus from the rear, the man turned his head and was about to flee away.

However, he looked at his flying sword too high.

Look too hard, the Dragon Spear in Lexus's hand.

The dragon shadow on Panlong flashed past and was directly wrapped around the flying sword.

The claws grabbed the flying sword directly, and the tip of the gun flashed past, and a gap appeared on the flying sword.

"It's a big loss!"

Noting this scene, Ling Zhi frowned.

"Although it's not good, but it can also sell a lot of top-quality spirit stones.

This is good, the price will drop by half. "

The formation on the flying sword was destroyed, the backlash rushed into the owner's body, and Ling Zhi directly pierced his heart with a gun from behind.

"This is where you just assassinated me with a flying sword?"

Ling Zhi snorted coldly, his arm turned, and the Dragon Spear rotated, shaking the person into several segments and tossing them away.

All this came slowly, but in fact, at Lexus's speed, it was extremely fast.

Some of them watched Lexus being besieged by a group of people from a distance, and were stretched. When they arrived, they found that only Lexus was left in the field.

Can't believe it

"Sure enough, you have hidden your strength, no wonder you dare to walk alone, with the cultivation base of the king realm, you can kill the strong Saint King and let you break through to the Saint King realm, isn't it invincible?"

Someone clapped their hands and cheered for Lexus, but the sound was not cold.

"Unfortunately, you have seen the attractiveness of those things in yourself, so no matter how amazing you are and how much blessing you have gotten, today, you have to die."

This person stepped out one step at a time, and the cultivation base of the Saint King's second-level realm scattered from him.

And after he spoke, among the dozens of warriors gathered in Ci, at least a handful of people showed such a breath.

Fear is that he has reached the second level of the Saint King and can build a medium-sized sect.

"Everyone, since today we are all standing together, the purpose is the same.

Please wait, no matter what happens, you must leave this person's life, otherwise, once you let him escape, with his demonstrated strength, no one of us will think about getting better in the future. "

These people spoke indifferently, as if they had sentenced Lexus to death.

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