God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1695: Key to the pseudo-world

No one knows what exactly this key is related to.

I can't even imagine what it is that makes an old monster like Wen Cang so sentimental or even lonely.

But Wen Cang obviously didn't want much, and he never spoke again here.

It is not easy for everyone to ask questions.

After Tai Shangcheng discovered such a change, it gradually subsided, as if the scene in between was just a dream bubble.

The merchants are still doing business, the pedestrians are still walking, the children are still playing on the street corner, nothing seems to have changed.

But all the martial artists whose soul power has reached the level of the king realm, vaguely felt the kind of heavy blessed man that the soul feels holding the key in his hand, turning around and rushing to the distance, he is not without mind, heart There are too many strong knowledge clusters, if they join hands, even he can't protect this key.

"Where to go!"

Yun snorted easily, flipped his hands and put the futon into the ring, and chased it down.

The speed of the expansion of the two powerhouses disappeared in front of everyone almost in the blink of an eye.

As the most powerful person in the Dao League, Yun easily has extraordinary soul power attainments, and certainly not the card in her hand. The white skull that rushed out of her body before, she has never used it, and must have reservations.

With the departure of the two powerhouses, the atmosphere of the cluster suddenly became active. Many warriors all told Pu Chang and others from Wantong Bank and left one after another in a hurry.

The changes in the upper city really aroused too much heartiness. Although everyone seems to have nothing on the surface, they have already secretly remembered in their hearts. The eagerness to leave this time is to investigate the matter and want to know. In the end what happened.

Don't look at it now, it seems that Yun Yi is the only one to chase the key in the man's hand. If he really finds any clues, it will definitely alarm the next person.

Lu Ya glanced at Ling Zhi, with a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, and walked out without mentioning the Taoist monument.

After Ling Zhi and Ji Fanchen bid farewell, Wen Cang stretched out his hand, took Ling Zhi, Yin Meng and others, and disappeared in the auction. Some of Zheng who coveted the Taoist stele in Ling Zhi's body all showed disappointment and disappeared quietly.

...In a place tens of thousands of miles away from Taishangcheng, there is a valley where the birds and flowers are fragrant and the scenery is pleasant.

At the corner of the valley, Yin Meng walked in a cherry blossom forest, with pink cherry blossoms falling on her shoulders, matching the pale pink clothes, which was pleasing to the eye.

Several months have passed since the change of Taishangcheng at this moment.

Since being brought here by Wen Cang, Ling Zhi has followed Wen Cang to learn the rules of space and never left.

He planned to master the rules of space before rushing to Yaowangfeng.

His aptitude was inherited from his mother, and he was superior, and he was quite gratifying in the understanding of the power of space.

Ling Zhi stretched out his hand and stretched it forward, but when he came out, it was several feet away.

But his body is clearly still in place.

As early as when he had just mastered the power of space, Lexus knew that if you want to use the power of space to teleport, you actually think of the space between the two places as the two ends of a line, grab this line, and connect the two. Ends together.

Naturally, it only needs to enter the space, then walk out of the space, and then enter the other end.

But he never tried to fold the space partially.

Just like where he is sitting now, fold up this space in his hands so that he can attack farther places unexpectedly.

It is a more flexible application.

"Well, it's barely a success."

Wen Cang was in the valley, raised his head and glanced here. Although his words were plain, his face also had a faint joy.

In the past few months, the scar on Ling Zhi's eyebrows became even more red.

Lexus knew very well that he used his wounds to sharpen himself, and he had reached the limit.

If you continue to sharpen it, it will only be counterproductive.

"You go back to Yaowangfeng first. I have deduced it for you. Even if you can really get the Phoenix Clan's nirvana technique, it will still be difficult.

But it is too rare to be able to heal the Taoist support, even I have never found it.

I asked Wantong Bank to pay attention. If there is news, I will let someone contact you. "

Wen Cang glanced at Ling Zhi's eyebrows and said.

Yin Meng picked a few cherry blossoms and held them in his hands, and walked from the cherry blossom forest.

"Ling, are you leaving now?"

She asked.

"Well, you have to leave first, and then solve the injury."

Ling Zhi nodded.

"What I should teach you is almost the same as you. To be specific, you still need to find out by yourself slowly. If you don't understand anything, send someone to pass it to me."

Wen Cang waved,

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't bother me here."

Ling Zhi was startled, with a smile at the corner of his eyes.

"This matter is settled, and you will be good again, thank you for your old age, you don't have to bear with us, just come out, we won't laugh at you."

Wen Cang glared at him.

"I hate that you are too late, and I can't bear you.

The girl I can't bear is much cleverer than you. "

Ling Zhi touched his nose and smiled twice.

"Since you are leaving, then I will tell you about the events of Supreme City. I estimate that it will be a year later or almost half a year later. The changes in the Supreme City will be revealed, and you will definitely come again. ."

"The Supreme City is actually a twin cities, that is, one foundation and two cities.

This Taishang city was rebuilt on the foundation of the city at that time, so it looks a bit renovated and does not have a strong breath of time.

It was very different from the breath after the key appeared that day. "

"In the original Supreme City, the city did not collapse, nor could it collapse. It was forcibly pulled away and brought into another world. I heard that there was a certain plan and plan. I am not clear about this. ."

"If you want to enter that world, except for some peculiar ways, there is only this one. Use the key to activate the Supreme City, pass the Supreme City and enter its Zheng."

"That world is also called the pseudo-world.

It's the one you asked me about. "

Wen Cang glanced at Ling Zhi.

"Your entry and exit back then was really an accident, and you can no longer use it.

And the stone city you belonged to, I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so I can't judge whether it is the real Supreme City. "

"The people who built the pseudo-world,"

Wen Cang paused, as if he had to organize his thinking.

"That group of people are all strong in the ancestral holy realm. I heard that many people eventually stayed in Qizheng."

"This news will not be hidden for too long. With the opening of the Supreme City, it will inevitably leak out. In the name of these ancestral holy realm powerhouses, the reincarnation star and the Supreme City will definitely be in the future. Become a disputed place in the universe."

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