God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1670: Coincidentally, I also have

Pu Chang seemed to have expected it, clapped his hands, and began to remind that if no one bids after ten breaths, this star map will belong to the Dao League.

Unsurprisingly, everyone looked at each other, looking at Sun Xiu in Room No. 3, crushing silver teeth.

"you guys!"

Sun Xiu snorted these two words, there was no sound.

3.5 million yuan to photograph this star map, it is clear that he spent a million more than the estimate of the best spirit stone.

Although Pu Chang's face was calm, the unstoppable smile at the corner of his mouth was so obvious.

The organizer of the auction will draw a commission of up to 10% from the turnover of each item.

And 10% of a million spirit stones is 100,000.

For nothing, I got more than one hundred thousand superb spiritual stones, so I am naturally happy.

Pu Chang ordered people to send the star map to Room No. 3, and then he spoke.

"According to our own calculations and combined with the situation of several friends from Wan Ling Zu Xing, although the area covered by this star map is not very large, it is likely that there are some good ones in the area covered by it. Things exist."

"The Ancestral Star of All Souls is no less than my Reincarnation Star. There are many masters on it, and in the nearest area of ​​its planet, there may be some supreme powers who enlighten the Tao and leave a precious heritage. , Even within the cave mansion."

Entering the Holy King Realm, you can survive on the dead planet.

Some people like to cultivate in the boundless sea, and naturally others will yearn for the endless starry sky, and these places not far from the life planet are naturally the first choice.

This old fellow Pu Chang obviously wanted to make money, but didn't want to offend Sun Xiu completely, so he came up with their own inference from Wantong Bank.

The drawing of a star map is very special, not as long as you give it to you, you can copy it directly.

A star map like this requires soul power as a primer, plus some special methods, and it takes a long time to draw it.

You know, in the starry sky, there is a large distance, and there is no reference. Ordinary maps are useless at all.

Therefore, Wantong Bank's remarks almost gave Sun Xiu a big chance.

To a certain extent, spending a million spirit stones to buy news of this opportunity is not a loss.


Sun Xiu laughed out loud.

"It turns out to be so, it's interesting, this is very interesting!"

"My friends from Yao Wangfeng, and my friends from Room No.7, how do you feel? How do you feel now?"

He immediately turned his brows to Ling Zhi and Yan Chong, and laughed wildly without disguising.

There is a blessing of a sudden lift


In Room No. 4, the elders behind Yan Chong sighed and shook their heads.

"The Supreme Elder is still too much after all, some are not stable enough,"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a gratitude to the alchemy sent by the elder Taishang. Compared with that, a star map is nothing."

"Sun Xiu, you are lucky this time. I hope you can gain something in that area, but you have to be careful, don't die on the way to find!"

Yan Chong said angrily, unhappy with what Sun Xiu looked like at the moment.

Lexus seemed to slow down, and sighed.

"The area covered by this star map is so powerful? Unexpected, unimaginable."

"There are so many things you can't think of. Don't worry. When our Dao League finds a few strong cave houses, inheritance or something, we will definitely inform you of this good news and make you happy too. See if you take the initiative to give up What a great opportunity this star map contains."

Sun Xiu returned to him strangely.

"Being so powerful by you, I suddenly remembered, I really want to have this star map too."

Ling Zhi smiled, his voice spread throughout the auction.

For a time, all eyes gathered together, filled with deep unbelief. No one would think that Lexus would really have a star map of this area.

There is almost no possibility of that kind of coincidence.

The starry sky is so big, the star map is so rare, and there is such a coincidence, he also has exactly the same star map.

"You also have the same star map? A joke, you're confused!"

Sun Xiu sneered and didn't believe it at all.

"I don't have the same star map."

Ling Zhi smiled.

There were sighs everywhere.

"Which planet does this outsider come from? It really is. If there isn't, there won't be any."

"Yeah, if you don't have it, there won't be. We don't do anything to him. His words now make us shameless."


Amidst the full discussion, Ling Zhi stretched out his hand, grabbed Yin Meng's hand, and gently brushed the wall in front of him.

He injected the star map into Yin Meng’s sea of ​​consciousness, and with the help of Yin Meng’s power, he presented it in the hall. Since everyone thinks that the person sitting in this room is an outsider, he naturally does not need to take the initiative to use his soul power to expose it. .

The dazzling stars appeared, just like what Pu Chang had inspired before.

When everyone in the audience saw it really, Lexus gently applied his force, and dozens of stars appeared at the edge.

There are dozens of stars on each side, and there are hundreds of them, which is almost a third of the size of the star map.

"No, I really don't have the exact same thing as you, but there is something slightly bigger than the one in your hand."

Lexus spoke.

"Yin Meng?"

At the same time, there were exclaims in several rooms of the font size.

Yin Meng's power appeared to be divine spiritual power, but these demon ancestors who majored in divine spiritual power knew very well, not at all.

Yin Mengxiu's power was the power of the ancient nine-tailed monster fox, spiritual power, the power of rules, and the same power as the reincarnation star.

Only to gain a foothold in Wan Ling Ancestral Star, will there be an illusion that resembles divine spiritual power.

"It turned out to be the adult."

In some rooms, many people were silent for a moment.

Yin Meng once slashed the second-tier martial artist of the Saint King in angrily, attacking quickly and ruthlessly, extremely quickly, leaving a deep impression on these forces.

In addition to her unique identity, he was the third-level Saint King, and he didn't want to provoke her easily.

Sun Xiu looked ugly, gritted his teeth and glanced at Room No. 7, without words.

"It seems that Elder Sun has fallen into other people's plans. This Master Yin Meng clearly has a better star map in his hands. After all, they came from Wanling Zuxing."

"Master Yin Meng Yin, I was fortunate to have seen her with my own eyes. Compared with her, those selected as the most beautiful are simply scum, and can't be compared with her."


In Room 7, Ling Zhixie smiled and looked at Yin Meng.

"Let me see how beautiful this great beauty is."

"The first lot was produced by our Wantong Bank, the second lot was produced by the guests, and the third lot was naturally produced by the warrior of Reincarnation Star."

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