God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1654: Root of all evil

All the distracting thoughts, at this moment, were all thrown out of Lexus's mind. In his eyes, only the few figures remained.

The figure standing up, the figure sitting cross-legged, the figure lying on its side.

This figure rushed up and faced each eyeball.

Dao Zu sat motionless on the back of Qing Niu.

However, at this moment, a sudden change came out.

The three eyeballs not only did not oppose the three figures, but instead rushed toward the outside of Jiuding Peak.

Dao Ancestor shook, and seemed to stand up from Qing Niu's back, and couldn't tolerate the other party fleeing this Jiuding Peak.

However, he hadn't stood up yet, and from the cauldron in front of him, a great head rushed up.

Just at this moment when a head rushed out and was reflected in Ling Zhi's eyes, Ling Zhi's body trembled, and the picture before him was fragmented.

From the time tracing, to escape, there is nothing in front of him except the mark of the hoof.

Ling Zhi was silent for a while, not because the time trace ended early, but because he was digesting and digesting what he had seen, the complete one-qi transforming three-cleansing method.

Although he didn't see the strength of the three figures exploding, it was enough for him.

This time the trip to Jiuding Peak has been worthy of the school’s understanding of the power of rules, and the supplement to the art of one qi transformation and three cleansing, for him, is much better than opportunities such as Dao soldiers.

Being strong is truly strong.

Awakening from the enlightenment, Ling Zhi raised his head to look at the big tripod in front of him, and walked firmly.

He wants to know the result of that battle.

He already knew what that eyeball was.

He wanted to know whether this head had also escaped.

I still remember that in the sea god’s burial place, he once met Situ Fei, a man from the North Mozhou! This person has a face, half of normal flesh and blood, half of a skull face, very terrifying and hideous.

In the duel, Lexus could clearly crush the opponent, but he almost missed it several times because of the opponent's terror ability, which was life-threatening.

That's the eyeball that the other party has won.

He took off his eyeball and replaced it with this eyeball, and then he quickly rose from a character.

Later, during the confrontation, that eyeball rushed into Ling Zhi's body and disappeared invisible with the Seagod's true bones.

Even so far, Lexus has not been able to accurately locate the opponent.

If it weren't for a few Taoist tablets sitting in his body, this would be an important trouble for him.

And this eyeball is exactly what he saw in the time trace, the eyeball that burst out of the empty cauldron now, is exactly the same.

The whole body is evil, devilish, and one of the most evil forces in the earth.

In Ming and that battle, at least one eyeball of this demon escaped. As for the others, there should be no one that Ying can be sure about now, only the head in front of him.

Ling Zhi walked towards Dading.

Finally, it's near.

Holding on guard, he looked into the cauldron.

"Jie Jie."

Before he could react, a head suddenly rushed.

It wasn't until he rushed to a position similar to the outside of the cauldron that was blocked.

That kind of strange laughter resounded through the sky.

"My eyes, my eyes."

The head opened his mouth and roared.

At the same time, Ling Zhi suddenly felt that his whole body was one piece, and from his body, a skeleton, stepped away.

On this skeleton, there are many complicated patterns printed, densely packed, and countless.

This was what Ling Zhi left behind when he drew the power of evil. It was originally in his body, but was forced by the agarwood spirit array and attached to the seagod's true bones.

The Seagod’s true bone was condensed into a single true bone in the Seagod’s burial ground, and was given to Zhuo Ling by Ling Zhi.

No matter how you look at the real bones that suddenly appeared, there was also a breath of Lexus.

"Hidden in my body, absorb some of the useless, excess power that I exude, and form a new skeleton based on my body?"

Ling Zhi looked at this scene with a cold expression.

He didn't even know that all this happened.

How can we not be upset.

The only difference between this skeleton and Lexus’s skeleton is that there is a deep recessed hole at the center of the eyebrows. At this moment, in this hole, that evil eyeball is standing right in its right. Ge www.biqugetv.xyz] The skeleton faced Lexus, his eyeballs opened, he glanced at Lexus, and without much language, he turned and walked towards Dading.

"Go away!"

Ling Zhi yelled violently, and then the Panlong spear shot, stabbing towards the skeleton.

It is absolutely impossible for him to let the other party touch the big cauldron, the period and the head are blended.

In that way, did he become a sinner? Shouting and furious, the flesh of the Lexus Saint King Realm, carrying a fierce Panlong, pierced the skeleton.

Straight through its ribs, pick it towards the back.

"Death, death, death!"

The head yelled three times, very furious that Lexus dared to stop it.

His sane seems to be something wrong because of the long-term suppression, so he looks very violent at the moment, but lacks the feeling of terror and prestige above everything.

The skeleton turned around, unable to prevent Lexus from resisting, and let Lexus pick it up.

But the eyeball above it slowly widened until it opened completely.

A sense of nausea suddenly appeared in Ling Zhi's heart.

That kind of nausea, with evil, with a strong magical power, it was like being in **** for an instant, everyone around was eating flesh and blood, and some, eating corpses.

The corpses were decomposed and still had maggots on them.

Someone picked up the maggots, put them in the mouth, chewed them and splashed them.

The maggots bred from the corpse were originally fat, but at the moment they became delicious food in the mouth of those figures.

This is only the most trivial part.

These scenes seemed to appear in Lexus's memory instantly, and he became one of them, feeling all the evil and all the nausea.

So much so that for a time, he actually had a crazy idea.

Even with the suppression of the soul power, it is still in a state of madness and rapid transformation.

This eyeball, like the origin of evil, is an aggregation of the evil side of all things in the world, and contains the evil of all peoples.

It is the source of all evil.

Ling Zhi practised all the way, and killed countless people with his own hands. However, compared with this eyeball, he was like the most pure and good monk, and there was no comparison at all.

One kind, slaughtered the thought of forgiveness, rushed into his heart, and wanted to manipulate his will to turn it into a walking corpse who only knew killing.


Ling Zhi yelled in his heart, trying to get rid of this feeling, but the more he repelled, the more unable to calm his heart.

The more he couldn't calm down, the more terrifying the effect of this eyeball on him, and the more intense the thought of killing forgiveness.

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