God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1647: The land of demons and demons

The demons and foxes are just spirit beasts, not divine beasts.

However, the nine-tailed demon fox is not a spirit beast, and its rank and life level can even be compared with the four holy spirits.

It is even more rare than stealing a mouse.

Unlike the four holy spirits, the nine-tailed demon fox can only work with the first generation of demon foxes. The descendants of the demon fox have only a few nine-tailed blood.

That time, Ling Zhi took Yin Meng to the Ancestral Star Stele, but unexpectedly, he unexpectedly sent him into the Ancestral Star Stele, got the chance, awakened the blood, and fully recovered the blood of the nine tails.

"There shouldn't be a second nine-tailed monster fox in this world, right?"

In Ling Zhi's eyes, there was a rare hint of enthusiasm. For the girl Yin Meng, there was an inexplicable emotion in his heart, unclear, unclear.

If they could meet here, it would be a surprise.

Thinking of this, Ling Zhi's face was a little slow.

"Just give it a little punishment, let's go."

He said lightly.

After stupefied, he didn't openly oppose Lexus. After kicking Zong Miao away, he followed Lexus and walked downstairs together.

"Hmph, be scared! Wait, wait until my adults come back, that's when you regret it!"

Zong Miao lay halfway on the ground, with a graceful posture, some important parts looming, covering her face, she screamed.

Ling Zhi's body paused, Zong Miao's body trembled, his face was horrified, and he hurriedly crawled backwards, not daring to shout again.

Ling Zhi ignored her and walked straight down.

Zong Miao gave him a fierce look, got up, and disappeared in place.

"Lexus, what's the situation?"

After leaving the inn, he stole a mouse and leaned on Lingzhi's shoulder and asked.

He knows that Lexus's temperament is not a good person, and Lexus is never soft when he provokes his enemies.

"It's nothing, it's just her sir, I might know it."

Ling Zhi shook his head, not caring too much.

Since Zongmiao is here and their adults are not there, he only needs to wait until the auction enters the later stage, and their adults will naturally appear.

At that time, everything will be clear.


He glanced suspiciously at him, and after a long while, he said meaningfully.

"Oh, I see, it's love.

Don't be embarrassed. Although I don't think they are beautiful, the demon fox clan is indeed famous, and their adults must be even more beautiful. "

"How do you know that her lord is not a man."


He looked at Lexus contemptuously,

"Isolate and ignorant, there are not many men from the demon fox clan, and they are an absolute feminist society. Standing in the top gambling, they must be women."

"But what are their nine tails, fake? Nine tails haven't appeared in many years, how could there be a nine tail, that's a top beast."

Steal a rat, don't believe it.

"Don't think about this. Before the auction, we don't have much time left. Let's go to Jiudingfeng to take a look."

Lexus didn't have much, and walked outside.

Taishangcheng is so big that I don’t know how to describe it.

Especially the kind of breath that lasts forever, it is extremely fascinating and intoxicating.

Perhaps a certain brick under your feet has already spent millions of years.

This kind of breath of long history takes a long time to polish.

It's not just one night, you can embrace cherry blossoms

"It's just that there is a slight difference compared to Shicheng. It's not good whether the two come first and the other second."

Ling Zhi couldn't help comparing the stone city in the pseudo-world with this Taishang city.

In the end, I was surprised to find that the history and ancientness of Shicheng may be even longer than it is too far.

"According to calculations, the establishment of the pseudo-world seems to be after the Supreme City. Isn't the stone city built in the pseudo-world?"

Ling Zhi calculated silently in his heart, did not go too much to observe this city, and steal the rat, and flew towards the outside of the city.

Thousands of miles away, for them, it is naturally very easy.

Soon, a mountain appeared in their sight.


Standing in front of this mountain, weird.

Jiudingfeng, the name of the peak is not domineering, but in the mouth of Wantong Bank Puchang, the whole Taishangcheng people are in awe.

But the mountain in front of me is only a few hundred meters high.

This height may be considered good on the earth, but among these mountains that are often tens of thousands of feet tall, this mountain that is several hundred feet tall is a bit short.

Even Ling Zhi felt that with one foot he could walk from the foot of the mountain to the top.

This is very different from what he imagined.

"Go up and take a look."

Ling Zhi said, walking forward, his spiritual sense had no effect, and he couldn't see what was so strange about this Jiuding Peak.

It really seems to be just an ordinary mountain.

However, it was less than half the distance forward, and there was still some distance from the foot of Jiuding Peak. The expression of stealing a rat became solemn.

When they came to the foot of the mountain, Stealing Mouse even stopped and didn't go any further.


Ling Zhi looked at him strangely.

"Don't you feel that there is a huge pressure, pressing on yourself?"

Peeking at him.

A drop of sweat appeared on the black forehead.

Ling Zhi felt it carefully, shook his head, and said,

"No, I don't feel sakura at all"

"is it?"

Steal the mouse and question,

"Could it be that I feel wrong?"

At the same time, Steal Mouse took the initiative to step forward.

The first step was taken, its body shook slightly, and then, it gritted its teeth and continued to walk forward.

After taking another step, under this clear sky, a thunder tribulation suddenly descended and struck towards it.

The rat retreated quickly, and the speed was expanded to the extreme. It was still rubbed by thunder and lightning to a front paw, and a piece of flesh fell.

It stood behind Ling Zhi, looking forward in shock.

The thunder and lightning appeared too suddenly, too quickly, and it appeared directly in front of him.

If it weren't for its extremely fast speed, there would have been no chance to dodge at all, I am afraid it would be directly split in half.

"So weird?"

Ling Zhi was surprised, lost a spirit pill for the rat to nurse, and walked forward cautiously.


Two steps.

Three steps.

In a blink of an eye, Lexus had already taken ten steps forward, and he was almost one-tenth the distance away.

But don't feel a thunder and lightning, just a drop of sweat.

"The land of demons and demons."

Facing all this, facing Lexus's doubts, he gritted his teeth and said this sentence.

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