God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1641: I still have

"Stealing rats, what are you doing?"

After finishing the alchemy, Ling Zhi got up and adjusted his breath, looking at Stealing Mouse speechlessly.

The thief mouse actually lay on the Suzaku's egg, stretched out his arms, and held the egg.

Thief said frankly,

"I'm caring for it, you think, it hasn't been born before it has its father and mother. It must be very pitiful. If I hold it like this, it will feel the love of the father."

"Roll me as far as you are,"

Lexus almost slapped it to death.

"This is the Holy Spirit, it is the Suzaku, not your mouse. It's fatherly love. Your heart was heard by this guy's parents, and an undead fire burned you to death."

"At that time, this unique rat who went underground, was burned alive because of his own death. Will this matter appear in the blood inheritance of your next generation? As a warning, warn them not to do it themselves. dead?"

Ling Zhi attacked it.

Stealing the rat is a good abacus. I hope that the Suzaku can hatch as soon as possible and get the skills of the Suzaku clan as soon as possible.

In addition, newborns, whether they are humans or wild beasts, always feel kinder when they see them at first sight. In the past few days, Steal Rats have followed the Vermillion Bird Egg all day long and stayed with each other. This is the calculation.

"Hey, I, don’t you be in a hurry? Your broken path injury is about to suppress your cultivation to the middle stage of the king realm. These guys have fallen from the tenth floor of the king realm to the seventh floor of the king realm. You said, if it wasn't for your spirit power to be a bit perverted, I would have to beat you up, a king, and dare to scream in front of me."

Ling Zhi's cultivation base at this moment is exactly the seventh floor of the King Realm, the upright seventh floor of the King Realm. With regard to his cultivation base, any strong Saint King Realm can crush him.

But only a few days ago, he had stabilized his soul power in the second-tier state of the Holy King. It had stabilized and was gradually rising.

Following this trend, it was only a matter of time before entering the middle stage of the Saint King's second-tier realm.

Divine Soul does not necessarily determine everything, but such a powerful Divine Soul...

"It is enough to bully you."

Ling Zhi smiled, and his soul power reached out and directly pulled the thief mouse over.

"Take out the space crystal, the spirit pill is almost ready, after you use this space crystal, you must go out, otherwise you will be embarrassed if you miss the auction."

Ling Zhi warned.

Stealing the rat to take out the spatial crystal, it is rare to be nervous and embarrassed.

"Well, this, what, you risked your life to make things, I am alone, how bad, not as good as half of us?"

"This is a spatial crystal, it's not something to eat, you can share it with your sister."

"I don't have a sister."

I was very embarrassed to confess to the rat,

"Unexpectedly, you are also interested in our clan, but unfortunately I don't have a sister, otherwise I can accept it. If you combine, maybe the next generation will be safe."

"My day."

Ling Zhi stroked his forehead, and said an **** that he could not bear anymore.

"The word'day' is very rude."

The rat looked at him with weird eyes, secretly rejoicing, but fortunately he didn't have a sister.

Ling Zhi rolled his eyes,

"In the space crystal, there is a space power after the entire secret is exploded. Tell me, how to divide it? Your teeth are so sharp. Come on, take a bite."

"Can't bite?"

The rat blinked.

"Of course not, when the power of the entire secret realm burst from such a place, can you bear it?"

Ling Zhi nodded.

"Lexus, I played with you!"

The rat rushed over suddenly, extremely fast,

"When you asked me to help you explode the secret realm, but it's alright, we split equally.

I can't divide it now, didn't you plan to give it to me in the first place! "


Ling Zhi was taken aback, and suddenly reacted. He leaked his mouth, smiled awkwardly, and avoided the rat attack.

"Why are you angry, aren't you? I didn't even think I could live, so I hid first."

"If you didn't show up later and brought out the three of them, I really wouldn't give you the space crystal. Now, I didn't want my share, I just gave it to you."

"Huh, it's almost the same."

He hummed coldly, nodded in satisfaction, grabbed the space crystal, and sat down.

In a weird posture, he and Ling Zhi have already studied the power of space in the past few days after entering the cultivation Zheng, only the last step is to be implemented.

"I always feel that this is not fair to you."

The mouse chuckled and looked at Lexus. Actually, there was a bit of embarrassment.

Ling Zhipi smiled at him without a smile.

"Do you really think it's unfair to me?"


"Then do you want to make up for me?"

"I definitely can't find this space crystal, but if you count the number of elixir, I will definitely find it for you.

Except for the magic drug, everything else is fine. "

The rat patted his chest to promise.

"That's also school"

Ling Zhi nodded.

"It's enough to have you, and I'm relieved."

Then, Ling Zhi carefully and heartily took out a crystal from the ring.

This crystal is more than the one in the rat's hand, and the light is almost colorless. If you don't look closely, you can't see it at all. Lexus took out something and thought his hand was empty.

"There is still a space crystal?"

The rat exclaimed,

"Are you early, it's just that you have one piece and I have one piece, so good.

Although your little bit, but rest assured, I will compensate you. "

"Oh, thanks."

Ling Zhi nodded, and calmly accepted the kindness of stealing the mouse and the pride of his mouth.

After that, Ling Zhi directly grasped this time crystal and began to understand.

From the moment he felt it, the expression on the mouse's face changed and became extremely exciting.

"This this,"

The rat's eyes widened and rounded,

"This is not a space crystal, this is a time crystal? This is actually a time crystal?"

Thief couldn't believe his eyes,

"I finally understand why you were chased and killed by such a strong man across the border. I still thought, a space crystal. As for this, it turned out to be like this, it turned out to be because of this time crystal!"

Compared with the time crystal in Lexus's hand, what is the spatial crystal obtained by stealing a mouse? Ling Zhi is a grateful person, and stealing the mouse did help him, plus this spatial crystal is really small, and it won't be of much use to him, so he gave up.

On the contrary, it was this time crystal. He had a strong interest and a strong expectation.

That's why I have waited until today, prepared in every possible way, and then decided to use it and feel it.

But I don't know whether this time crystal can surprise him.

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