God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1639: Reincarnation

A few days later, Nan's three relatives left and went to Yaowangfeng to look for Zhuang Yi and others.

The rat stayed beside Ling Zhi, and his breath was a little upset at the moment, which turned out to be a sign of breaking through.

The rat leisurely wandered back from the field, reached out and swiped, and three or five nine-level elixir fell in front of the Qingyang furnace. After all this was done, it walked aside and lay on its side.

Ling Zhi glanced at it, and stretched out his hand to sort out these few elixirs. The poison that was thrown into the ring Zheng Tumo's body was terrifying. It was hard for Lexus to imagine how many elixir had been swallowed by this product. People can't predict.

It was just a simple reconciliation of some spirit pills that stimulated some, and the poison that was distributed directly pushed the rat-thief's cultivation base toward the middle stage of the first level of the Saint King.

I am afraid that within a few days, the second level will be available.

At that time, the power of stealing the rat will be increased, especially its speed and teeth.

These days, Lexus has been staying in this mountain forest, recuperating his body, and now his physical injuries have all recovered, even some shocks in his soul body have all recovered.

Except for the blood stains left by the wound on the center of the eyebrows, it seems that there is no major problem.

The rat stealing was so happy that he ran out all day, often dragging the ninth-level elixir back, and this mountain forest has not been at ease these days.

The ninth-level elixir is already enough for powerful desolate beasts to guard, it must be stolen directly by speed, and those desolate beasts often roar in anger, shaking the forest.

"You, you, who's stolen the elixir again this time. In the past few days, I heard that tiger yelled two or three times. Even if you are going to grab the elixir, you can't hold a tiger. Keep stealing, isn't this trying to drive it crazy?"

Ling Zhi smiled and cursed. He had been to see that tiger. He was a strong man in the late stage of the Saint King's first stage, and he was the king of this mountain forest. He had so many ninth-level elixir.

It is estimated that these days, he is about to lose his temper by the rat.

It is really a pure competition speed. When the rat steals break through, even the powerhouse of the second-tier Saint King is not necessarily fast.

Ling Zhi Youran's refining spirit pills, on the one hand, is to dissolve the poison in the rat's body, and first control the poison in his body. On the other hand, it is also that his spirit pills were overconsumed in the last big battle, and there will be an auction at any time. When the news comes, he needs to prepare in advance.

In order to get enough spirit stones, he needs a lot of spirit pills, but that big piece of earth profound essence is a windfall.

"Your cultivation level has not fluctuated in the past few days, you are still in the king realm, but your soul power has become more pure."

Sneak glanced at him, and suddenly said so.

"Well, Dao injury has been suppressing my foundation, preventing me from regaining my cultivation base. It would be difficult for me to maintain such a cultivation base if I were not for the advanced Dao body."

Ling Zhi nodded.

"Your soul power has become more pure?"

The mouse rushed to him, threw a spirit pill into his mouth, said,

"You didn't find it, I feel that you are now refining spirit pills more and more quickly. It seems that it is not only because of proficiency, but also seems to be related to your natural condition. After thinking about it, only your soul power is becoming It's powerful and can be explained."

Ling Zhi’s eyes lit up, his heart sinking in the dantian sacred platform, and he was not aware of his own soul. These days, because of the decline of spiritual power cultivation, he unexpectedly went to the soul power. Take a step forward.

"With only a slight difference, only a slight difference, you can enter the second level of the Holy King!"

Feeling the soul body carefully, Ling Zhi was shocked.

When he was at the tenth level of the King Realm, his spirit power was enough to compare to the ordinary Saint King Level 1 Realm. Later, crossing the Saint King Tribulation and Crossing the Heart Tribulation took another big step, almost comparable to the Saint King level late stage.

Before in the secret realm, Shu Feiyao used the colorful soul-raising lotus to help her, and her spirit power had reached its peak.

But the amount of soul power reached the peak, it didn't mean that it could break through, and that opportunity was still missing.

How could he have thought that this time his cultivation was declining and he focused on soul power, he had seized this opportunity.

Just like the blind and the hearing will be better, the deaf, the mute and the vision will be stronger.

God opening the window is vulgar, but it is not unreasonable.

When the cultivation base is weak, Lexus will naturally unconsciously, but pay more attention and rely on the powerful soul power.

"The cultivation base of the king realm is as strong as the soul power of the second-tier holy king, you are also a strange person."

The rat thief smiled and said, it has been with Lexus these days.

"Smelly similar"

, The relationship is quite harmonious.

However, Ling Zhi no longer knew what it was, and his whole mind was immersed in it.

Half a day later, in the eyes of the mouse, Ling Zhi's black hair suddenly turned white, and the white was so fast.

Originally, when Lexus created the method of reincarnation under the reincarnation pool and on the chessboard, the tips of his hair were always white because the exercises were incomplete.

Today, not only has his hair not all turned black, but all white.

"Yes, when the creation of "The Law of Reincarnation" only refers to the whole body of the six realms, and some understanding of my own, but I am stuck in a dead end, relying too much on spiritual power, I know my own power, it is a fusion Soul power, but in the "Samsara Law", there is no soul power cultivation and application."

Ling Zhi muttered to himself, clearly understanding.

This is a self-made exercise. You can't get it right in one step. You need to work slowly, make countless revisions, adjustments, countless insights, insights, and insights.

In the end, under various adjustments, they were refined into steel, and came up with a world-famous technique! In this unknown mountain forest, Ling Zhi was wounded on his body and created the second part of the method of reincarnation.

His hair returned to black.

At the same time, his soul body stood up from the sacred platform, and the eyes of the soul body radiated divine light, covering all directions.

Holy King second level! His soul body has been advancing so fast, reaching such a level.

"There should be a third part, about the power of rules, the cultivation of the power of the great path, but yin and yang, life and death, space, power, these several rules, each of which is the supreme law, who to abandon? Who to leave? All It's impossible to merge, and it doesn't seem suitable to discard anyone."

Ling Zhi frowned and muttered to himself, then shook his head again and stopped thinking.

"I don't have a thorough understanding of the power of the rules, how to make such a decision."

He laughed, not in a hurry, but in a good mood.

Soul power broke into the second-tier holy king first. At this moment, his strength did not retreat but instead advanced. With the second-tier soul power, the combat power he could explode could be a level higher than before.

The perfection of reincarnation is a surprise and a life-long benefit.

Under the powerful soul power, he keenly sensed that there was a slight heartbeat from an object in the ring.

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