God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1636: The whereabouts of the "Sha" monument


Word monument? Ling Zhi frowned. Although he hadn't seen this monument in person, he had seen it in Bierao's memory.

It was a desolate planet. One of the white tiger's paws was broken there. On the side of the paw, in a pothole, there was a road stele lying quietly.

That is the fourth and final monument.

At the same time, it is also a monument that Lexus has always wanted very much.

The Taoist stele was held by each of the four holy spirits back then, and it has never been assembled. I don't know what the four Taoist steles will look like after they are assembled.

But I want to rely on the strength of the real dragon to cherish it, and the four pieces of assembly should have extraordinary strength.

Otherwise, Lexus has clearly established a connection with the three Taoist monuments, but it is always difficult to use them. They can only use their power simply, and the effect is really small.



Judging from the help that the word stele has provided to him over the years, and the suppression of soul power, the level of the stele will not be weaker than that of the soldiers.

Accompanied by a loud bang, the rat swiftly broke through the guardian formation, took the three of them, and disappeared in the distance.

Out of the formation, at their speed, they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At this point, Ling Zhi's heart was also slightly relieved.

This was an agreement between him and his child Nan, and even a child's agreement could not be fulfilled. It was too useless.

Yuan Feng's face was ugly, but he didn't move rashly. He felt a different kind of breath from the three Taoist tablets in front of Ling Zhi.

A danger, but with a breath of temptation.

It's like a Pandora's box, knowing that this thing is not easy to mess with, but this thing exudes a strange atmosphere, people can't help but want to have him.

With his strong spiritual sense, Yuan Feng knew that these three stones, absolutely extraordinary, even the natal Dao soldiers who reached the middle-rank Dao soldiers in his hand, could not be compared with them.

"Could it be the natal soldiers of the Saint King's third-tier martial artist?"

Yuan Feng frowned, this is what he has been most worried about, worried that there are other forces behind Lingzhi! In particular, he noticed that the spirit pills that Ling Zhi swallowed every time were all of the grade of spirit-level spirit pills. Every time he didn't move, he had a few pens like Zheng, which swallowed tens of thousands of best spirit stones in one bite. Even he, the master of the dignified Kaiyuan Sect, didn't have the confidence and boldness to be so wasteful.

This made him even more suspicious that the force behind Lexus was absolutely extraordinary.

…Three Taoist monuments emerged today, and in such a collective, it was the first time to present such a posture, and even summoned the phantoms of four adjacent Taoist monuments out of thin air.

Ling Zhi stared into the air, trying to find a connection between the four Taoist monuments, to see through the secrets of the Taoist monuments, and to see what it was.

Unfortunately, he can only be disappointed.

Soon, three Taoist monuments flew down in suspension, surrounded by his body, and they were somewhat close to him. They never flew away directly, and left.

Ling Zhi couldn't help but stretched out his hand, touched the fourth Taoist monument.

At that moment, he almost doubted, and he touched the real Taoist monument.

At the moment he touched it, on the continent of Samsara, at a certain teleportation formation, a figure suddenly raised its head. With a dull gaze, [八一中文网www.x81zw.xyz] showed violent fluctuations. .

"It turns out you are all scattered here!"

He muttered to himself, with surprise on his face,

"It's no wonder that I've been uneasy and unable to practice anymore. I specifically broke through the barrier and just hit the teleportation array. This is really a surprise!"

The figure faintly glanced at the people outside the teleportation array, with a faint disdain in his eyes, he suddenly rose from the ground and disappeared here, without taking care of the big forces coming from all sides.

And as he flew into the sky, the last Taoist monument emerged from his body and was held in his hand.


Words are like writing in blood.

"The fluctuations are so intense, there are a few monuments here. I wanted to keep a low profile, but now it seems that I am going to kill again."

The figure whispered towards


The direction pointed by the word stele flew quickly, and the speed was astonishing, that is, Lexus is now trying his best to drive the road with the power of space, and he can't match his speed.

With his movements, the missing Taoist monument almost turned into a real stone monument.

Ling Zhi suddenly reacted, with divine light in his eyes.

"Could it be that someone holding the fourth Taoist monument came to the reincarnation star!"

He suddenly thought of the Interstellar Teleportation Array, and thought of this.

A kind of intense expectation, a hundred claws scratching his heart appeared in his heart, like that excited figure, he had obtained an adjacent Taoist monument from the beginning of his cultivation, and after so many years, it was hard to gather three pieces, but it was almost at the end. One piece, how can you not look forward to it! Hum.

Suddenly, Yuan Feng took advantage of Ling Zhi's panic and started doing it.

"No matter who is behind you, if you dare to come to Kaiyuanzong today, you must stay.

If you ran away to steal a mouse, just use those pieces in your hand to pay for it! "

Yuan Feng thought thoroughly, no matter what Lexus had behind him, since he had already offended him, killing the other party was the best decision.

Ling Zhi reacted instantly and waved his hand to meet him. In any case, he would never sit back and wait for protection. But just as he urged his body's strength, he was involved in the injury. The injury broke out, and he hurt himself first. It shook and almost fell over.

The more he procrastinated, the more terrifying and exaggerated his Dao wounds, and if he was consumed like this, he would definitely die! At the beginning, he forcibly attacked the tenth floor of the king's realm, leaving such an injury, and has not healed yet!

"Just like you are now, what is the difference from the useless person, and still wanting to oppose me, is really ignorant to the extreme."

Yuan Feng sneered and stepped forward again. The light on the mirror was brewing, and the surrounding formations sent him extra strength.

Yuan Feng no longer intends to delay any longer, and intends to directly solve Lexus, in case there are many nights and dreams, it has taken him so long to kill a warrior at the first level of the Saint King, which has already made him very embarrassed.

At the early stage of the Saint King's first stage, he should have killed him directly.

The light of the mirror finally shot out, and it was as if it was beginning to break through thousands of miles of earth, even more dazzling and bright than the sun in the sky.

Ling Zhi was eager to make the final decision.


The word stele suddenly dissipated, and the other three Taoist steles seemed to have been stimulated, and suddenly flew away, each bursting with extremely powerful forces.


The word monument flew into the black light, swallowing all power.


The word tablet flew to Feng's head, suppressing all soul power.


The word monument flew towards Yuanfeng, hitting his body directly.

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