God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1631: Fierce battle

The only luck was that the King Snake had restrained Kaiyuanzong’s second Saint King second-tier powerhouse.

And Nan's three relatives recovered some strength after receiving Lexus's spirit-level pill, and they could simply block the attack of the Kaiyuanzong Saint King Realm powerhouse.

"Since you can't go, then fight!"

Ling Zhi was full of energy and blood, and a big dragon rushed from his back.

The dragon rushed out of his spine, and it was a condensate of his powerful qi and blood.

The big dragon rushed into the sky, soaring and dancing, vowing to tear through the sky.

Qi and blood tore away all the clothes on the upper body, Lexus moved his upper body, revealing a streamlined figure that is not exaggerated, but very strong.

Strong muscles, perfect lines, slightly white and tender.

The Panlong spear uttered a sound of a dragon, rushed into him autonomously, hovering over his shoulder, pointed at Yuanfeng with the tip of the spear, and would attack at any time.

Ling Zhi stretched out his hand to grab it to the right, grabbed the Panlong spear in his hand, brandished the spear, and rushed towards Yuanfeng.

"A bit of guts."

Yuan Feng sneered, waving his palm in the air, and a tornado appeared out of thin air, rolling towards Lexus.

In the place that I passed, the river rolled back, and the rocks on the bank were rolled over.


Lexus uses the Panlong spear as an axe and a stick as a downward force.

The gun body was split from the middle of the tornado, the tornado brush cracked, splashed, split into two, and dissipated.

But on Lexus' face, there was an extra wound, which was blown by the wind, and a drop of blood dripped down the wound, adding a bit of bravery to him.

"Courage is commendable, but unfortunately, too weak."

Yuan Feng nodded and rushed towards Ling Zhi.

He grabbed it, and a goshawk condensed from water suddenly emerged from the air, with its claws standing on his shoulders, with sharp eyes like a living creature.

The rules of the wind are condensed on the side of the fly, and in the end, it turns into the feathers of the goshawk, which is vividly inserted into the body of the goshawk, shining.

Ling Zhi did not dare to neglect. Under the strong crisis, he did not hesitate to use the power of rules, the power of space emerged, his feet were wrong, his figure suddenly disappeared, and he walked towards Yuanfeng's back.

However, just as he appeared from the void and the Panlong Spear was about to stab Yuanfeng, the Goshawk suddenly turned his head, and stared at him with that fierce eyes.

Afterwards, the Goshawk opened his mouth and spewed out a jet of water, which collided with his Panlong gun.

Panlong shook, Lexus' wrists shook, and he stepped back, his body flashed, escaped into the void, and teleported away again.

He is already physically injured, unable to display his full strength, plus fighting against a veteran powerhouse, he simply cannot bear the burden.

"This is my fame stunt. I have practiced this trick so hard. How can you break it if you want to."

Yuan Feng sneered, dismissing Lexus.

He just stood in the air, but with the goshawk there, Ling Zhi could not get close to his body.

"Hey, wait for death."

Yuan Feng sneered, and a water-like mirror appeared in his hand. The mirror was round in shape. On the outside of the mirror, various images of beasts were carved.

At this moment, as Yuanfeng raised his hand, a black light was shot out of the mirror, and he was hitting Lingzhi.

Lexus raised Panlong to resist, his arms shook, and he was smashed back again and again, his chest was stuffy, and a mouthful of blood came out.

"Only you have Dao soldiers, when I don't get it?"

Yuan Feng sneered. As Kaiyuan Sect Sect Master, an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, his Dao soldiers are no worse than Panlong Spear.

If it is a Dao soldier refined by the warrior himself, it is called a natal Dao soldier, as the warrior grows, it can evolve and become stronger.

This mirror of Yuanfeng is the well-deserved middle-rank Wang Bing, and with its strong strength, it is enough to overpower Lexus.

The scene became extremely unfavorable for Lexus.

In this situation, Yuanfeng's hole cards are no less than his.


Wu Guang flew again, and Ling Zhi brandished his spear, flying Wu Guang and smashing it in other directions.

Wu Guang rushed into the river bottom, set off a huge wave, and the silt flew up, smashing a big hole with a radius of tens of meters.

A wave of black light flew up, and the spear in Lexus's hand turned into a ghost of shadows, picking up all the black light and flying away.

Ling Zhi held Panlong's hand and began to bleed from the tiger's mouth. The tiger's mouth was torn apart by the huge force.

"I want to see how many times you can stop."

Yuan Feng sneered, raising his hand to take a ninth-level spirit pill, Wu Guang flew constantly, and slowly recovered his spiritual power.

This is his natal soldier. If this kind of attack is made by someone else holding this mirror, it won’t take dozens of hits, but for him, it won’t. It consumes several times, but the power of the attack is Several times bigger.

This is the natal Dao Soldier, the general Saint King Realm powerhouse, if you can’t refine the Dao Soldier, unless the Dao Soldier is special, you will rarely buy the Dao Soldier directly, but will choose to continue to use the Wang Soldier that you have used all the time, because the purchased one Dao soldiers are difficult to use, too much consumption is a problem.

Dao soldiers are powerful. They are not natal Dao soldiers. You have to spend a lot of time slowly nurturing, nurturing, and establishing connections. It’s not impossible, but it’s difficult, and requires many special methods.

Of course, this didn't affect the price of Dao soldiers, just because it was too precious.

The materials for refining Taoist soldiers are very scarce, and many warriors of the Saint King realm have no way to gather the materials for refining Taoist soldiers.


Being forced into helplessness, Lexus began to use the power of space to dodge, and no longer resisted. The figure was erratic and appeared everywhere in the air. For a while, there was no danger.

But for this, Yuan Feng not only didn't get angry, he was still holding the winning posture.

The Goshawk standing on his shoulders stalked after Lexus, and at the next moment, suddenly spread its wings.

It was originally only the size of a normal goshawk. After spreading its wings, its wings could reach several meters in length.

All of a sudden, it was very exaggerated.

Those feathers were all condensed by the rules of the wind. At this moment, as his wings opened and closed, the goshawk flapped fiercely, and countless hurricanes rushed out.

These feathers, turned into the sharpest weapon, shot in all directions.

From any angle, any direction, all feathers are shot, no matter how Lexus dodges, you must take this blow, there is no choice! Ling Zhi's body was forced out of the void forcibly, and he gave up the teleportation. He watched all this with cold eyes, his eyes were firm, his teeth gritted, and Panlong danced a whirlwind in his hand.


He desperately rushed towards Yuanfeng as the goshawk spread its wings.

I want to intercept Yuanfeng when the Goshawk can't stop him, and can't quickly put away the offensive! A mysterious power emerged around his body, and the feathers that rushed towards him suddenly fell down unconsciously.

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