God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1627: It's numerous fun to fight the destiny

Panlong stood on the ground, against, Ling Zhi stood proudly on the edge of the secret realm here.

His eyes were extremely firm.

There is no fear or fear at all.

When the gun went down, the secret realm exploded, cracks in the void were everywhere, and the turbulence was flying. One unconsciousness was the fate of being sucked into the cracks and exiled by the void.

But there is no dangerous chance.


Ling Zhi shouted, as if he had made the final decision, brandishing the Dragon Spear and poking a shot at several special space nodes in the secret realm.

Like a reduced version of the end of the world, from the bottom of this secret realm, boundless fire suddenly rises. The magma flies from the ground, breaks through the ground, and sprays directly to the high-altitude Zheng Lingzhi. The edge rushed away.

"I'm doing it, don't blame me if you die!"

The rat screamed strangely at the exit, and moved quickly in several special positions, each taking a bite.

It's much simpler than Lexus.

At the end of a mouthful, it didn't even think about it, and rushed out of the hole like flying without daring to look back.

The secret realm completely collapsed.

Suddenly at this moment, the space of a thousand square meters began to shrink violently from the outside to the inside.

Just as a complete space suddenly began to squeeze inward from all directions, the entire secret realm should be directly squeezed into a piece of nothingness and returned to the void.

As for Ling Zhi, right now in this space, with the surrounding squeezing force, attacking this squeezing force.

He must break a gap and let himself out before this space is completely squeezed together, otherwise he will be catching turtles in the urn.

Such a once intact secret realm, completely crushed power, even if it is him, can't resist it, if you bear it all, you will undoubtedly die.

What he is fighting for is his grasp of the power of space, and he can find some weak points in the first time, attack, and strive for that front line.

The Panlong Spear left a trail of afterimages in the air, and with the movement of Lexus's arm, the space squeezed towards him came down and down.

The tip of the gun that was originally indestructible, at this moment, seemed to be extremely dull, and even a gap could not be opened.

A few drops of sweat actually dripped on Lexus' forehead, his expression became more serious, his movements became more determined, and his strength poured out.


[Appointment Novel www.xbooktxt.me] Soon, this huge mystery was directly compressed to about tens of meters.

The squeezing force of the space instantly fell on him, causing Lexus's chest to be bombarded with a sledgehammer, spouting blood on the spot.

The blood was red, falling on the space, as if sprayed on a mirror, following the space, staying.

With only the last point left in the secret realm, a series of void cracks began to emerge from the center of the secret realm, and this last little space was about to be swallowed away completely.

Makes this secret realm completely disappear in the Void Zheng

"Drive me!"

Ling Zhi tried his best, transforming the Three Cleansing Techniques into three forms of his figure, and all attacked forward.

The rules of force previously mastered were applied to the extreme at this moment, wave after wave, continuous and uninterrupted force, continuously hitting the space in front of him.

Accompanied by a faint sound, the space in front of him suddenly appeared like a crack in a mirror.

"final hit!"

Lexus condensed his energy and energy, striving for a fight, leaving no room for it.

The blow was still halfway through, and the other two figures slammed into pieces and disappeared.

Three times the power, under the rule of force, was infinitely expanded, and finally a crack was finally opened.

The cracks healed quickly, and Ling Zhi rushed out and escaped the compressed secret.

Breaking out of the cracks, the surrounding space is something that has never been seen before.

Here, in addition to nothingness, there is nothingness, there are no diffuse stars, no diffuse nebulae, nothing, only nothingness, here is the real emptiness, not the starry sky.

This place is the most terrible place.

Because you don't have any place that can be used as a landmark. Looking around, there is nothingness within hundreds of miles, hundreds of thousands of miles.

You can't find the way out, and you can't find the direction. Sooner or later, there will be one. You will get lost in it, drain your body's strength, die here, become a floating object here, floating to the infinite future.

Unlike Lexus, he relied on the moment when this space finally exploded and grabbed the space spar, so he could follow the space exploded and return to the bottom of the river.

Because the geographic location of the secret realm itself will not change, as long as you follow this geographic location, you can find a way back.

Of course, the opportunity is only for a moment. If it is missed, even Lexus can only wander aimlessly in this void with almost no boundaries.

Unless he is lucky, he can take the limit of opportunity at a certain coincidence time, coincidence place, and leave the void when someone from the outside blasts the space.

It is precisely this that Stealing Mouse deeply understands that he will feel that Lexus will escape so fast.


Ling Zhi laughed, his eyes glowing, staring at the rapidly compressing space in front of him, quietly waiting for the last moment.

Now that the seeds have been planted and are rapidly taking root and germinating, all he needs to do is to grab the space spar at the moment the flower blooms, rush out, return to the bottom of the river, and return to the real world.

"Fighting is endless fun."

Ling Zhi smiled and muttered to himself. Not only was he not afraid or nervous, but he was a little strangely excited.

Finally, when that moment came, Ling Zhi didn't even think about it, and went straight down, looking from a distance, like a moth fighting a fire.

In his soul power, there was a place where the shocking void power appeared, and the explosion of this secret realm smoothly condensed to produce space crystals.


What Ling Zhi didn't know was that at that moment in front of him, in this emptiness, there was a huge soul power that trembled.

"Someone is in the void?"

The owner of that voice was surprised,

"Along with the collapse of the secret realm, was it implicated in the secret realm, or came in deliberately, wanting to seize the spatial crystal?"

This person actually stood in the real world, using his soul power to explore the land of nothingness and feel the changes in the land of nothingness. The strength of his soul power reached a shocking level.

Unlike his doubts, Lexus’s goal is very clear. There is only one, and that is the spatial crystal in front. The opportunity is fleeting, seize the crystal and leave the void.

And at the moment he acted, the master of the spirit power, after hesitating for a while, suddenly rushed the spirit power towards this side.

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