God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1608: Let your owner come out



"This person is really interesting. He talks a lot. I thought he was going to pay for the export this time, but it turned out to be such a lie."

"Yeah, who wouldn't say such a thing? This is a middle-grade king-level, worth 70,000 top-grade spirit stones. He doesn't want it. Does he still want a top-grade king-level? What a joke!"

"Your Wantong Bank is open for business. Can anyone come in?"

Yuen Long sneered,

"Shucheng sells flying magic weapons, but your family is not the only one. Don't force me to buy them from another house."

"Don't don't don't, if the young master's is here, how can the magic weapons of other families compare with my Wantong Bank."

The bank manager was in a hurry and stared at Liu Yuan.

"Liu Yuan, if you break this transaction, for such a large amount, the owner will definitely let you go to the bottom to do handyman!"

Things have changed drastically. Yuen Long’s transaction volume this time is likely to reach 200,000 Supreme Spirit Stones. This is a huge number. If it weren’t for the launch of the Interstellar Teleportation Array, it would have been worth a year’s worth of Vantone Bank’s Shucheng Branch. Sold.

Liu Yuan certainly couldn't afford it.

"Young Sect Master calms down, I will let people drive away this stubborn person."

Seeing that Yuen Long was silent, the manager hurriedly said,

"In addition, in addition, I can be the master. The total price of the items purchased by the Young Sect Master can be 9.5 percent off!"

After this sentence, his face hurts.

Two hundred thousand best spirit stones, 9.5 percent off, that is the best spirit stone less than 10,000, he can get at least a thousand rebates for this ten thousand best spirit stones.

Enough for him to be chic for three years.

Hearing the discount, Yuen Long's expression became a little slow, and he snorted, picked up the magic weapon and watched it.

Soon, from the formation of this space, a few men in black appeared, and walked quickly to Ling Zhi, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Please leave with us. Wantong Bank does not allow people to mess around in secrets to disturb other customers' shopping experience."

"Liu Yuan, this time it was you who tried the wrong person. The owner has fined you three months' wages this time. After the meeting goes down, you go to the back to make a record."

The leader said to Liu Yuan again.

Afterwards, these people stood in front of Lexus and gave way.

This turned out to be to drive Lexus away! The secret realm is not big at all, it is only a thousand feet. This change caused all the ideas in an instant, and the people shopping here immediately surrounded it, looking like a good show.

"It's fun, it's fun. I've been here countless times, and this is the first time I saw someone who was driven out by the owner of the bank."

"It's shameful. Fortunately, I don't know this person. What kind of young man is this, it's really shameful."

"No, it's so beautiful to be brought up as a VIP? Now you are going to be taken down again. When you pass the first and second floors, the scene must be very exciting if you want to come to it?"

There was a lot of discussion and laughter from the surrounding people.

Yuen Long was a lot quieter at this time, watching peacefully from the side, enjoying it very much.

"Come on, this is a good thing. This is a bottle of Level 8 Spirit Recovery Pill, reward you."

He casually tossed a bottle of Hui Ling Pill worth six hundred of the best spirit stones, and he threw it to the hand of the steward Zheng Guanshi to take over the medicine bottle. The previous feeling of flesh pain disappeared instantly, and he scolded,

"He doesn't move, don't you move? If it affects Sect Master Yuan's mood, you can afford it?"

"Friends, don't force us to do it."

The black man in the lead spoke, and his cultivation reached the Saint King Realm.

Although he was equivalent to Lexus, he didn't think that Lexus really dared to do things with him at Wantong Bank, even if he was only Wang Jing, he would dare to talk to Lexus like that.

Wantong Bank is a merchant, with interests first.

However, Vantone Bank will never let people be presumptuous in the bank, this is a face problem.

"Trouble, trouble."

Ling Zhi finally spoke, shaking his head and frowning, without even looking at the man in black, he looked at Liu Yuandao.

"If you leave, you will leave, I don't care.

But I was tired of you, which makes me very embarrassed. "

Liu Yuan was also frank. He had really been in the mall and had seen people with strong winds. Although he was a little dissatisfied with Lexus in his heart, he did not lose his attitude.

"The guest officer doesn't need to be like this, it's because I was wrong. I didn't ask clearly and brought you up by myself, which made it difficult for you to do it."

Ling Zhi interrupted him, flipped his hand and took out from the ring a high-grade Wang Bing that he did not know who killed him.

"Wang Bing like this, you wantong bank, dare to accept it?"

In this way, he just made it clear that he killed and gave way to this king soldier.

If Wantong Bank is sold, it may be a little troublesome, after all, the original owner of this weapon may also be seen by the Rao family.

"It's okay, our Vantone Bank only talks about buying and selling, not about the source of goods."

Liu Yuan said casually, showing the domineering style of Wantong Bank. He took over Wang Bing and weighed it up.

"The high-grade king soldiers are sold in my bank. It started with 30,000 top-grade spirit stones, but our bank has to take a 10% commission, so this arrow king soldier, my bank can buy 27,000 top-grade spirit stones."


Liu Yuan frowned,

"Relying on him alone cannot buy a king-level flying magic weapon."

He looked embarrassed, thinking that this was the Wang Bing that Lexus wanted to save his face and took out, but relying on a top-grade Wang Bing alone could not allow Lexus to show greater value than Yuen Long.

The difference between two to three million transactions and two to three million transactions is more than ten times.

"It's ridiculous, still struggling to death."

Yuen Long hummed lightly, his face full of disdain.

"Shut up your mouth, babbled, you talk the most."

Ling Zhi was about to take out Wang Bing to sell it again. Hearing Yuen Long interrupted again, his eyes changed, and the powerful momentum instantly overwhelmed.

Being at the same level as the Saint King does not mean that Yuen Long can compete with Lexus.

This killing intent rushed from Lexus and pressed against Yuen Long, causing the opponent to grunt on the spot, cough up a mouthful of blood, and back again and again.

Since practicing, Lexus has always been invincible in a battle in the same realm and has never lost! Yuen Long was injured, the black man's expression changed, even Liu Yuan's expression changed drastically.

Kaiyuanzong is a local snake near Shucheng, the first force, and Yuen Long's identity is too special. Who dares to hurt him easily.

Several people in black stepped forward and rushed towards Ling Zhi.

"Dare to do something in my Wantong Bank to find death."

But this time, Lexus was too lazy to talk nonsense with them.

"Get me as far away as you can."

Facing the man in black who rushed up, Ling Zhi lifted his foot and kicked it.

The true meaning of Nilong Nine Steps emerged. This kick, seemingly random, was a lore. The man in black flew out at a faster speed.

"Call me your owner to buy something, why is it so troublesome!"

Ling Zhi raised his sword eyebrows and shouted.

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