God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1604: Compete for willingness

Ling Zhi's heart trembled, blessing his soul, he instantly understood what this was.

This is exactly what the Xuebai Big Beast said, calling it the ancestor! Someone broke through, from the Holy King Realm to the Ancestral Holy Realm! I thought about the power of the Ancestral Holy Realm, but I never thought that the battles of breakthroughs were so grand.

The wind and clouds change color, and all directions are covered.

All spirits bowed down and worshiped their ancestors.

This realm is the **** in the eyes of mortals and the **** in the eyes of warriors.

At this level, just like the gods worshiped on the ancestral star of all spirits, as long as you worship them and provide your own aspirations, you can get gifts from the other party, and borrow the power of the other party, which is called the spiritual power of the gods.

"Who would it be?"

Ling Zhi frowned. He suspected that this change was not only limited to the reincarnation star, but also included all directions in the universe.

Whether this strong man is a person of reincarnation is not good.

"I hope you don't be charming, otherwise it will be really troublesome."

Lexus said to himself.

It can be seen that the empty Yunxia began to fall, toward the kneeling crowd below.

Yunxia merged into their bodies little by little, forming a vague impression, like planting a seed in their hearts, the seed will take root sooner or later.

When they begin to realize this seed, they can contribute their aspirations and get the blessing of the gods.

At this moment, from the far west, there was a sudden violent shock.

The diffuse sunlight rushed up from there.

The ground under Lexus' feet was shaking.

In that direction, the rays of light rushed up, blocking all the clouds out.

An extremely tall figure standing upright, holding a rod of descending magic pestle, appeared there.

Obviously separated by an endless distance, it is possible to cross an infinite sea, but this figure still looks so tall.

It seems that it does not become general with distance.

This figure was full of radiance, the rays of the sky were endless, and the face could not be seen clearly, and the rays of light rushed out of the descending magic pestle, blocking all the clouds and the clouds, and never wanted to enter.


A surprise came from the depths of the universe.

"It's still so overbearing and does not allow any other inheritance and beliefs where one's own sect exists."

The voice followed.

Under the shock, everyone looked up to the sky, hoping to see the face of the words.

Inferred from his words, this is clearly the person who broke through to the ancestral holy realm.

And the figure holding the Devil Pestle, standing in the direction, was surprisingly West Florida.

There is only the place where Florida is, where all the people worship the Envelope Buddhism, and there is no second power.

To this kind of voice, there was no slightest reaction from the Florida side. The figure just stood there, resisting all the falling rays of the sun, and ignored everything else.


The unknown strong man snorted coldly, with deep dissatisfaction.

"Since I have broken through, the ancestral sacred realm has reappeared and added new ones for countless years.

This blocked center of the universe should also open its doors to all parts of the universe! "

After he finished speaking, a cloud of clouds suddenly stopped, followed by another. Several cloud clouds flew to all parts of the reincarnation continent, a total of three, and they fell there.

I only saw Yunxia disperse, what happened, it was too far away, even if Lexus opened his eyes, he couldn't really pull it, but I could feel it, a huge shocking space force burst out from there.

The long clouds gradually dissipated.

In the continent of Reincarnation, there are some special places where no clouds have fallen.

Such as the Dao League, the woman who mastered the Three Souls and Six Souls, stood in the void, so that all Yunxia could fall outside the Dao League, and it was difficult to infiltrate the Dao League. Zheng was just not overbearing and could only disperse it.

And the extremely mysterious Sleepy Valley.

Even in Yaowangfeng, there was also a flickering light, blocking this cloud.

But the Yao Wangfeng and Zhuang Yi group who were rushing back, first Ji Fanchen forcibly shook Yunxia away, protecting them and preventing Yunxia from contacting them.

This kind of willingness does not know what it will affect, and it is best not to contact.

Later, when Ji Fanchen was weak, an ice hall suddenly appeared from behind Xia Ning'er. In the ice hall, there was a figure exactly like him.

The figure was cold all over, and slowly opened his eyes, the cold light shining in the eyes, and the clouds that enveloped them, instantly collapsed and disappeared.

This hand really calmed everyone. On Yao Wangfeng's side, some people who belonged to the elders who were a little ready to move, their faces instantly turned pale, and they quickly threw those thoughts out of their minds, and did not dare to think more.

These places may not add up to much, and they can't occupy one ten-thousandth of the continent of Samsara, but Dan is a strange land.

Not only that, but even in Xuanzhou, which was tens of thousands of miles away, across the boundless sea, Yunxia also failed to land.

Outside Lei City, in the temple, the golden statue of Lexus spontaneously emits soft light, absorbing the power of belief of the people of Xuanzhou, forming a light curtain, sheltering Xuanzhou, and making those clouds fail to fall.

All these Lexus felt deeply, how amazing the ability of humans to reproduce, as time slowly passed, Xuanzhou has begun to gradually prosper.

Baifeng and others went to help each other, set up sects, spread martial arts, practice methods, and all development went smoothly.

And the willingness he collected became more and more massive and refined.

Everywhere in Xuanzhou, where there are human activities, his golden statues are bound to be indispensable.

He used to kill demons and save Xuanzhou, which had such a profound impact.

The couple who was rescued by him back then made countless contributions. They didn't know if it was useful for Lexus, but they had been working hard, without asking for anything in return, to promote Lexus' deeds.

Lexus became a god-like figure, and countless biography, more and more exaggerated, spread on the land of Xuanzhou.

"Then this kind of strength is also a willingness?"

Ling Zhi understood clearly in his heart,

"I just don't know what the aspiration power does. This strong man just wants to seize the aspiration power just after breaking through, and Florida and other places are so repulsive, it must be of great use."

Yunxia dissipated, Kong regained its clarity, and everyone beside Ling Zhi slowly stood up.

Ling Zhi left the cluster silently, not wanting to attract their attention, after all, he was the only one in the cluster who had never knelt down.

A bottle of medicine pill slipped quietly from his hand, and fell on the hand of the brawny man Zheng. This kind of injury is the most troublesome. Without a high-level targeted spirit pill, it is difficult to cure.

Ling Zhi admired his will and temperament, so he remained convulsed.

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