God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1551: Nine Pin Lotus Terrace

Ling Zhi sank straight down, because of the width of the crack, he couldn't even see what was underneath.

You can only rely on feelings to sink down like this.

The spirit here has already lost its effect, and it is even impossible to see the surrounding area clearly.

The incomparable tranquility and the incomparable faintness in the cracks, in the long process of sinking, Ling Zhi's restless heart unexpectedly calmed down unconsciously.

He suddenly realized something.

Quiet and far.

From the end of the robbery to the present, he finally sensed his own power.

The tenth floor of the King Realm is complete.

The realm of great perfection.

The spiritual power and soul power in the body have been expanded many times.

If he were to let him be the self before the battle, he could be defeated in three moves.

The body that thought it had reached the pinnacle, in the previous life-and-death struggle and restoration, also received huge benefits, and jointly swallowed the power of the Thunder Spirit.

Ling Zhi was actually a kind of life. The heroic blessing of the flesh could be compared with that of the real dragon. The king of great perfection, stuck him for more than half a year.

This is the first time Lexus has spent such a long time in a realm.

Pay and return are directly proportional.

At this moment, Lexus has a kind of self-confidence and strength between gestures.


Finally, after a long period of sinking, Lexus stepped on the ground to the point of a crack.

Looking up, the magma above the crack is as far away as the sunrise, out of reach.

The flat ground below is not very big, it is only a hundred meters in radius, and Ling Zhi can sweep the whole picture with one glance.

Below this, there is actually a lake.

The lake is round in shape, clear and clear, with faint water ripples, and awe-inspiring caresses.

Here, there is a hint of coolness and meekness.

From Lexus, there is a bridge. The bridge was built on the lake and stretched towards the opposite side. It was only in the middle of the lake that the view was covered by some water mist and the bridge was not clear.

Below the bridge, about a meter away from the bridge, stands a stone monument.

On the stele, there are three blurred fonts.

Ling Zhi approached, only to find that the characters on the stone tablet seemed to have been erased artificially. Only the middle character could barely be seen clearly.

This word is



"Sheng, if the third word is ‘bridge’, what would the first word be?"

Ling Zhi frowned, but could not infer.

He stretched out his hand and tried to figure out what the missing word was from the mark on the stone tablet.

Lexus quickly withdrew his hand after touching the palm of his hand.

There was a ray of blood on his index finger.

It was like being stabbed by a needle.

"It's just that when the word was destroyed, some of the killing intent left behind, with my physical body, can't bear it?"

Ling Zhi was surprised and became more solemn about this place.

There is weirdness here, it seems that it is not as peaceful as it looks on the outside.

"That is?"

Standing in front of the stele, Ling Zhi looked at the lake behind the stele, and suddenly a touch of whiteness was swept away by the light.

The abrupt appearance of this white snow reflected in his eyes Zheng

"This white..."

With a move in Ling Zhi's heart, something spontaneously emerged from his heart.

That was a record on the last page of the manual that Dandi left him.

This thing has been passed down to Zheng Liantai, the master of Buddhism.

There are three green lotus leaves and nine white petals.

It is the Nine Pin Lotus Terrace.

"It turned out to be the 9th grade!"

Ling Zhi was shocked.

The birth of the lotus platform is not so difficult. According to legend, some Buddhas and others hold this thing in the Buddhist school, but their lotus platform is mostly one to third grade.

Some well-documented ones are only Shurao Lotus Terrace, which has reached rank 4 to 6.

There is only one person who once owned a lotus platform, which is also an important record in the Dandi Manual.

It is the master who created the Buddha sect. The lotus platform under his seat is the twelfth grade! The reason why Ling Zhi was so surprised was not because of how precious the Nine-Rank Lotus Stand was and how surprising it was.

Rather, if Lotus reached the Ninth Stage, it had an ability.

The wound of the avenue can be repaired! Until now, there is still a bloodstain on the center of his eyebrows, which has not been completely healed, and the wounds of the avenue are not removed, just like an invisible bomb buried in his body.

It will never be foreseeable, when this bomb will explode, leaving it dead.

When Lexus tried to walk towards the lake, he didn't want to take a few steps, and when he was still three or five steps away from the lake, his heart trembled, and a very bad idea came up.

"not good."

Ling Zhi didn't even think about it, so he retreated quickly.

He had just withdrawn from here less than three steps, and a corpse suddenly appeared out of the lake over there.

The corpse was wearing ancient clothes with a pale complexion and needless face. It emerged from the bottom of the lake, and from the corpse there was a strong killing intent. Even at such a distance, Lexus felt a pain in his body.

This is not over yet. When this corpse fully emerged, corpses began to appear in other directions in the lake.

One after another, in a blink of an eye, the entire lake was covered.

Lexus tried to move around the lake, and found that as long as he approached the lake within three steps, some wonderful changes would occur to the corpses.

As if to come alive.

From the killing intent on these corpses, it can be inferred that their strength is afraid that they have reached the point of appalling. Ling Zhi frowned and walked towards the bridge.

Here, he found the only place where the lake and the corpse would not move.

Step on, and then look back, there is no way out.

Behind him, everything disappeared, only some white mist and foggy everything remained. He wanted to step back, but a powerful force smashed it down.

Can only enter, not retreat! Feeling the strength of this kind of power, Ling Zhi secretly had some cares in his heart, did not force a breakthrough, but walked forward on his own.

Step by step, he looked at the lake and the corpses as if looking at the flowers.

After all, it is no longer the old Wu Xia Amon, and no longer the immature boy. This scene cannot scare him off.

After walking about a third of the distance, Ling Zhi stopped and looked out of the bridge.

Just about two meters away from the bridge is the place where the Nine-Rank Lotus Terrace grows.

It was also the only miraculous thing he saw in this lake.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Zhi leaned over, leaned toward the outside of the bridge, and quickly grabbed it toward the Nine-Rank Lotus Terrace.

With his ability, he was naturally confident, and grasping the lotus leaf was enough to spread the power evenly, bringing the entire nine-tier lotus platform out of the lake and putting it away.

He hooked one foot to the edge of the bridge, his body dangled forward, holding his palm lightly, and grabbed it against the nine-pin lotus platform.

Puff through.

Below him, there was a sound of water.

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