God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1543: Blast the White Tiger Xuanwu

The good times did not last long, and Lexus's success did not last long.

When he slapped a palm behind him, but he was shocked back, he was besieged by countless Thunder Spirits.

In just a short moment, his body was broken and improperly damaged.

The power of thunder leaped on him, piercing his body through one blood hole after another.


Looking at the strange beast that shook himself, Ling Zhi instantly endured it.

The extremely powerful defensive power, among the alien beasts, is Xuanwu, one of the four holy spirits! This Xuanwu was still as big as the other Thunder Spirits, and Zhang Yu's body was far worse than the Xuanwu that Ling Zhi had seen in Xuanzhou.

However, its strength far surpassed the opponent, reaching the peak of the king realm.

These Thunder Spirits are all the strength of the peak of the king realm.

Ling Zhi naturally changed the surrounding gravity. With the help of these changes in the direction of the Thunder Spirit's body, he found a gap and quickly rushed out.

He must rush out of the encirclement first, and then attack.

No matter how strong the body is, it can't hold up a wave or two of attacks by these thunder spirits.

A beam of light first appeared from his left hand. Lexus was very precise in grasping the timing. He was ready just before the light appeared.

At this moment, the feet moved quickly forward, and the body leaped forward, and he had to jump out of this gap directly.

But at the moment he was about to rush out, a white beast claw with extremely sharp claws came head on.

Ling Zhi waved his palm and slapped it towards the white beast claw.

As long as the beast claws fly, he can leave the cluster smoothly.

But the result was beyond his expectations.

There was a sudden pain in his palm, and he was caught by the opponent abruptly. Zheng's strong killing intent hit his face, and a layer of goose bumps appeared on his palm unconsciously.

Immediately afterwards, a tiger head rushed in front of him and gnawed towards his head.

One of the four holy spirits is also the holy spirit that Ling Zhi has been looking for, the last master of the Taoist monument, Baihu! Among the four holy spirits, the white tiger kills, and its killing intent is a real dragon, so it must be afraid of three points.

At this moment, Ling Zhi and Bai Hu were facing each other's hands, and the other party's killing intent almost abolished his palm, stinging extremely.

Lexus's knee was violently raised, and he lifted it up from under his body, accurately knocking on Baihu's chin, and then the recoil force, back again and again.

Bai Hu was leaned back by one knee and landed on the ground steadily, with a roar in his mouth, but did not chase him, but stopped in place and patrolled the periphery.

It obviously played a role that prevented Lexus from breaking through.

As long as Lexus cannot break through, surrounded by so many Thunder Spirits, he will undoubtedly die.

Just being forced to retreat by the white tiger, after such a landing effort, Lexus's body has newly added several terrible wounds.

While Baihu was patrolling the periphery, Xuanwu entangled him directly.

Especially Xuanwu, the body defense is amazing.

Lexus tried several times to repel Xuanwu, but it was difficult to do so.

The formation of this encirclement was mainly based on Xuanwu, as long as Xuanwu fell, then the encirclement would naturally not be broken.

This is the simplest, most direct and quickest way.

But it is also the most difficult way.

The defense of Xuanwu is the strongest among the four holy spirits, and it is even better than the real dragon.


Ling Zhi slapped Bai Hu again, his wrist shook, and a crack appeared on his wrist.

Under such fierce battles, the wounds on his eyebrows once again had a faint tendency to relapse.

The Thunder Dragon and Lei Feng that had been swallowed before, only repaired some of the wounds, and could not heal them at all.

At this moment, as Lexus overdrafted his body to fight, he was injured several times, and the injury was once again somewhat unable to suppress.

Dao injury broke out, and his combat effectiveness would first be sharply reduced by half.

The eyebrows were bleeding, and the thoughts in Ling Zhi's heart turned a hundred times. He no longer tried to kill at the attacks of many Thunder Spirits and rushed out of the encirclement, but instead hit Xuanwu with his purpose.

He had to break the encirclement directly, otherwise even if he rushed out of the encirclement, he would not be able to take these Thunder Spirits.

As long as you kill Xuanwu, Lei Ling is just a large number, and there is always a chance to kill them one by one.

With a dangerous light gleaming in his eyes, Ling Zhi slammed a fist on Lei Ling's body. Just when these Lei Ling thought he was going to attack and surround him again, he kicked his feet and turned back.

Charged towards Xuanwu.


Baihu was on the periphery, watching Lexus all the time. After seeing this scene, its original running body also stopped.

Obviously, it knew that Lexus would definitely not be able to break through Xuanwu's defense, and had to run to it in the end.

Lei Ling Baihu is very confident.


As he expected, when Lexus's first punch hit Xuanwu's body, Xuanwu only moved a few inches back, and then calmly stopped.

However, Ling Zhi did not give up, moved his feet forward, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and suddenly continued to smash it.

The power of this fist was astonishing. When it blasted on Xuanwu's tortoise shell, lightning was splashing, causing damage to Lexus, Xuanwu also let out a cry, slightly injured.

Immediately afterwards, Xuanwu raised his head and was about to slap Lexus to the ground with a paw.

But it just moved something, and another force suddenly came from its back.

This force is three points stronger than the previous force.

The power in Lexus's body was pouring out like waves.

Every time it pours, while causing damage to Xuanwu, it will stay a little bit, and naturally return to his body, and then come and go, in exchange for more powerful strength, and rush out.

This is all thanks to his understanding of the rules of force, so that he can use his limited power like a cluster of steps.

After so many reversals and bombardments, when the power was superimposed for the sixth time, the Xuanwu's tortoise shell finally slammed into thunder and scattered.

These thunder lights rushed into Lexus's body, changing from one to the other, and the basalt that lost this layer of defense was much more physically unbearable.

When the seventh-level attack blasted from Ling Zhi's hands, Xuanwu screamed and lost his combat power, lying on Lin.

Lexus took advantage of the victory and pursued the double-character tactics to the limit. The eighth layer was quickly played. The Xuanwu was violently blasted into a thundering light, and was absorbed into the body by Lexus. .

The majestic limbs kicked vigorously, like a mountain, leaping towards Lingzhi.

The sharp teeth and minions glowed with cold and breathtaking.

"It happened to be here. I was beaten so many times by you, so I happened to pay you back!"

Ling Zhi's eyebrows flickered, and he forced another punch.

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