God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1540: Thunder Temple

Three months later.

There are several wooden houses on a flat ground next to the stream.

Ling Zhi stood by the lake, silently, and above his head, there was a dark cloud that had been floating around. At this moment, the huge cloud almost enveloped the entire stone city, and its thickness could not be measured and could not be seen through.

Not far in front of Lexus, there were bursts of laughter.

In the clear lake, a beautiful person is soaking in Qizheng here, which is probably an underground tributary of magma, unexpectedly forming a hot spring here.

The lake water passes here, because of the extremely high temperature, it instantly becomes hot, just right.

And the next wave of lake water washed over, washing away the overheated lake water that was about to become overheated.

That is, here is a hot spring that is always flowing.

It's wonderful in the meantime, so naturally it doesn't need much.

Xia Ning'er fell in love with this place completely, and went to play here almost every day.

In the beginning, Xia Ning'er took off his clothes and jumped in. Later, under the suggestion of Ling Zhi, and in the twists and turns of the euphemistic explanation, this was covered with a light gauze.

However, Ling Zhi found that he was even more wrong.

The light veil entered the water and stuck to Xia Ning'er's perfect body, vividly rendering her lovely temperament into a kind of sensuality and charm.

However, Xia Ning'er always likes to take him to the hot springs, or else he wants him to practice by the lake. As a normal man, Ling Zhi feels that if this continues, problems will happen sooner or later.

Looking at the playful Xia Ning'er, Ling Zhi's eyes naturally wouldn't be so, and seeing him happy makes him unavoidable.


At this moment, he suddenly heard a faint crack.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Kong.

Sure enough, this voice came from the dark clouds.

I saw the dark clouds that had enveloped the sky, and suddenly a crack appeared in it.

A ray of light came out, and the light was gradually becoming blazing.

"finally coming!"

Lexus didn't have the slightest fear, but a kind of joy.

Procrastinating like this is really not in line with his character.

After talking to Xia Ning'er, Ling Zhi got up and rushed towards the place where the Qilin magical medicine was.

He believed that the two magical medicines of Qilin and Qingli Chihuo must have a profound meaning for him to survive the catastrophe there. This is also the reason why he did not try to leave the cluster during this time.

If the magical medicine also has the intention to kill him, then he would be too hateful.

"Brother, heart!"

Xia Ning'er shouted behind her, rushing out of the hot spring and standing on the water.

Ling Zhi turned his head and glanced hurriedly, throwing his hand over the clothes Xia Ning'er had thrown at him.

"Put on your clothes and don't come over."

Rushing straight to the edge of the cliff, Ling Zhi took off and rushed into the chaos, seeing the Qilin magic medicine and the magma.

Leaping into the magma, Lexus immediately sat down cross-legged, calmly adjusted his state, and prepared for the thunder.

The Tribulation of the Holy King is certainly difficult to overcome, but the calamity is after all considered based on the martial artist's own qualifications and strength.

But when breaking through the realm of Consummation, the Thunder Tribulation that came down was not like this.

I still remember when Ling Zhi crossed the thunder tribulation of the tenth level of the artistic realm, the power of the thunder tribulation, even the demons of the king realm, could not resist.

Because Tao is not to temper you, but to destroy you.

Destroy a warrior who broke through the limits of drying.

Therefore, this thunder tribulation is often of a terrifying level.

"My physical body has entered the tenth floor of the King Realm ahead of time. I think it should be a big help."

Ling Zhi's heart was so clear, he looked up at Kong.

boom! The dark clouds accumulated for half a year, but when they really came, they were very fast.

The cracks opened in the dark clouds, but the power of thunder, these thunder powers raged in the dark clouds, tearing open the cracks.

The previous light turned out to be the light of thunder and lightning.


This kind of suppressed voice has never been cut off, just when Ling Zhi frowned and looked at the dark clouds, guessing what kind of thunder robbery this thunder robbery would be, his expression suddenly solidified.

Thunder Tribulation is nothing more than the three, six, nine, or even increasing, doubling, etc. in various records.

But Ling Zhi had never heard of, or even thought about, such a thunder robbery.

What emerged from the dark clouds was not a ray of lightning, but a palace! The whole palace is made of thunder and lightning, and there are rays of thunder glowing all around.

The thunder light raged, and it had penetrated the surrounding void.

The Thunder Temple slowly emerged, half hidden above the dark clouds, and half appeared in front of Ling Zhi.

It's really like a palace, exactly the same, the lightning is so real.

With the advent of this temple, this area has undergone some changes.

When Ling Zhi loosened his shoulders, he jumped up directly, breaking through the forbidden air restriction of the cluster.

After a deep groan, Ling Zhi took the initiative to greet the temple.

The temple rumbling, staying there, as if quietly waiting for the arrival of Lexus.

Flying to the temple, unexpectedly, the temple did not attack Lexus.

It's just those raging thunder lights that snapped towards Ling Zhi.

Ling Zhi deliberately wanted to try the power of this thunder light, put away the spiritual defense on his body, and confronted him with his body.


A thunder light, like a long whip, slapped his right arm, stabbed and pulled a piece of flesh and blood.

"With my physical body, even the outermost thunder light can't resist?"

Ling Zhi was surprised.

It's not that I haven't thought about the abnormality of the thunder robbery of the tenth layer of the king's realm, but I didn't expect it to be so abnormal.

You know, this is only the outermost periphery. What kind of power would it be to contact the real Thunder Temple? The palace itself is not necessarily larger than many palaces that Lexus has seen, but because its whole body is made of this kind of thunder, it has added a lot of majesty and tolerance.

On both sides of the palace, there is a dragon-shaped statue and a phoenix-shaped statue. Of course, these statues are also cast by thunder and lightning.

Ling Zhi suddenly cast his eyes on the phoenix-shaped statue. For some reason, he always felt that just now, this Leifeng glanced at him.

While in doubt, Lei Feng suddenly spread his wings and pounced towards Lexus.

Between the opening and closing of the Thunder's wings, the ground was torn apart, and he slammed into Ling Zhi extremely quickly. Ling Zhi stepped on Nilong's nine steps and backed back again and again, still being scratched a little.

His left hand was dislocated and dropped in an instant.

He gritted his teeth and took his arm back, Ling Zhi became fierce.

"Whether you are a real phoenix or a fake phoenix, you should destroy it first."

He put away his full attention, ignored all the weirdness in front of him, concentrated on the burden and turned him into a green dragon, fighting with this thunder phoenix.

In front of the Thunder Temple, there was a burst of thunder, Qinglong and Leifeng slaying, there was low blood, and there were feathers that turned into lightning.

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