God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1536: Too rigid

"But, no matter what, the first stage is the foundation of martial arts, the foundation of martial arts.

It is the most important cornerstone. "

Snow White Big Beast groaned and continued to speak.

"And there is only the first stage. Each realm is divided into nine realms.

You did a good job. In each of the previous realms, you didn't rush for quick success and quick profit, rushing to make a breakthrough, but all stepped into the tenth level of Consummation. "

"And the king realm naturally has ten layers.

This tenth floor is called Dzogchen.

If there is no accident, only those who have stepped into this realm are qualified and possible to step into the realm of the ancestors and surpass the realm of the holy kings. "

According to the Xuebai Great Beast Institute, the tenth level of the King Realm is the realm of Dzogchen and the most difficult realm.

Anyone who can break through to the tenth level of the King Realm and break into the Holy King Realm is just within easy reach.

However, those who can break through to the Saint King Realm and want to step into the tenth floor of the King Realm are very difficult.

In the latter part of the second stage, the ancestral sacred realm in the mouth of the Xuebai Big Beast was also a real pseudo-emperor realm, but it needed a premise.

That is, in the physical realm, artistic realm, and king realm, all have stepped into the tenth-level perfection realm. Only in this way can it be possible to glimpse the ancestral holy realm in the three-layer holy king realm.

"Then, if you don't know this and directly break into the Saint King Realm, isn't it impossible, Ancestral Saint Realm?"

Ling Zhi asked when thinking of Weng Wen Baifeng and others.

"Yes, nor is it."

The snow white beast chuckled,

"They have another option, that is, to go through the first stage again and polish the missing foundation well."

"Isn't that tantamount to re-cultivation?"

"Otherwise, do you think that the ancestral sage is nothing more than? Although it is only the second stage, the third stage has never appeared. What is wrong with calling the ancestral sage the ultimate realm?"

Snow White Big Beast sneered, disapproving.

"It's just that I have seen the barriers of the tenth level, and the power has reached the limit of this state, and the physical body has already stepped into the tenth level.

But why, the barrier is under me, but still, motionless? "

Ling Zhi frowned and asked the most important question.

It is also a problem that has plagued him for a long time.

If this problem is not solved, he will not be able to step into the tenth floor of the King Realm and achieve Consummation.

Snow White Big Beast showed a smile, walked out of the magma, stood above it, just opened his mouth, but suddenly closed his mouth.

It stared at Ling Zhi suddenly, staring at it for a long time.

On its body, a figure suddenly appeared.

It was the figure of an old man.

And this figure, holding a flag, is the figure of Liancheng! The Snow White Big Beast, who had always been calm, suddenly changed his expression and looked a little strange.

It fell silent suddenly.

But Ling Zhi and Xia Ning'er didn't know about all this.

They just thought that the snow white beast was meditating, standing on one side quietly, waiting quietly.

After a long time, the Snow White Big Beast spoke again, opened his mouth several times, but turned into a sigh.

"Actually, the reason is very simple, but you are involved in too many things. I will tell you some realms, just let you know in advance, and there is no actual impact.

But I can't interfere with your cultivation, the influence is too great! "

He sighed heavily, and his body started to blur and disappeared.

It wasn't until the end that he glanced at Ling Zhi, and then his gaze fell on the magical Qilin medicine in the distance.

Its gaze was very weird. It was not looking at the Guru of the beast, but really, looking at the magical medicine of the unicorn.

That strain bathed in the power of the yin and magma, the magical medicine of the unicorn! Immediately afterwards, its figure completely disappeared in the cluster.

It was as if it had never appeared before.

"What? What the **** did you involve? How so ordinary, suddenly disappeared."

Xia Ning'er pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction and said.

Although she didn't quite understand it, she knew very well that if the Snow White Big Beast did not come out, it was very important to Lexus.

So naturally she will have some dissatisfaction because of Lexus.

Lexus stood there, motionless, not a word.

"What's wrong, brother, are you angry? Are you disappointed?"

Xia Ning'er looked over worriedly, clutching Ling Zhi's clothes and asked.



Ling Zhi suddenly laughed, his eyes fell on the Qilin magical medicine.

"That's it, that's it, it's that way!"

Then, Ling Zhi ran up and slapped it twice before jumping directly into the magma Zheng Xia Ning'er exclaimed, only to see Ling Zhi swimming towards the Qilin magic medicine quickly.

The magma ran across Ling Zhi's body, showing the defensive spiritual power on his surface.

However, Ling Zhi didn't care, he went straight to the Qilin Magic Medicine.

Then he jumped up directly, mobilized his spiritual power, sat cross-legged on the magma, facing the Qilin Magic Medicine, staring at the Qilin Magic Medicine, and observing.

Seeing that he was okay, Xia Ning'er was relieved and glanced at him speechlessly, wandering around boredly.

Ling Zhi was observing the miraculous unicorn medicine in front of him, and a light flashed in his eyes.

He knew very well that the Snow White Big Beast couldn't do meaningless actions, and the last glance he glanced at must be profound.

As for what it was, he had already faintly caught some traces, but it was still very vague and not clear.

Moonlight passed through the chaos, poured into this magma land, and then was directly absorbed by the Qilin magic medicine.

But the strange thing is that while absorbing these moonlight, the unicorn magic medicine is still absorbing the power of this magma.

From the magma, there is a kind of extremely hot force, from the source of its rhizomes, it continuously rushes in.

This creates a spectacle.

On the three unicorn fruits, half are white and half are red. Cold and hot are on the same fruit, interlacing back and forth, sometimes divided, sometimes intertwined, sometimes blended, and sometimes distinct.

The power of the lunar yin, Zheng Lingzhi, who poured into the unicorn, frowned and watched, just watching it all night.

Until the first dawn, appeared on the side.

The moonlight disappeared completely.

Ling Zhi was surprised to find that Qilin's magical medicine did not fail to absorb the power of the sun, but was absorbing, but it only absorbed very little! It is even possible that the magic medicine of the unicorn is repelling the power of the sun.

At this moment, Qilin's magical medicine gave up the power of absorbing magma.

The unicorn fruit has more than half of the position, which is the power of the lunar yin absorbed last night.

At this moment, the sun's rays are shining, and blending with these powers of the yin, slowly, forming a stable balance again, blending together.

If it is too rigid, it is easy to fold.

Too soft, softer.

Both rigidity and softness, Fang is king.

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