God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1534: Dialogue through time and space

This white flame is clearly the fire of devouring spirits.

And this completely different flame color also made Ling Zhi instantly understand that this is what the Spirit Devouring Fire looks like after it has morphed into a holy body.

And this big white beast was also the one he saw in the tower that day.

It's just that the momentum between the two is somewhat different.

On that day, the Snow White Big Beast had passed, and there was also a cluster of spirit-eating fire in their clan.

Come to think of it, this is the cluster.

Because the scene was illusory, it was only a reappearance of the scene, so Lexus couldn't really feel that the power of this cluster of spirit-devouring fires could only be estimated by the behavior of the Qilin magical medicine.

The Snow White Big Beast intercepted part of the spirit-devouring fire and bounced it towards the Qilin magical medicine.

The three fruits of Qilin's magical medicine suddenly rushed over, the dragon head opened, and this part of the spirit-devouring fire was divided into three parts and swallowed each.

Afterwards, the Qilin magical medicine spontaneously transformed a part of its power, and rushed towards the young white egg lying beside it.

The medicine was wrapped around the white egg, slowly blending into Qi Zheng. Seeing this scene, Qingli Chihuo, who had been behind Ling Zhi and Xia Ning'er, suddenly rushed over, looking at this place, his body swaying, seemingly quite There are words.

Ling Zhi glanced at it strangely and suddenly understood.

I'm afraid that the Snow White Big Beast also placed the beast's egg in that lair, and gave Qingli Chihuo some spirit-devouring fire as a nutrient, and at the same time exchanged part of its medicinal power to warm the beast, right? Thinking of this, Ling Zhi quickly understood. According to this calculation, it is very possible that his previous guess was also wrong.

It was not that Xia Ning'er robbed Gulu's lair.

But the beast grumbled and seized Beirao's lair.

With the character displayed by the big snow-white beast, he clearly brought the beast, with the help of various magical medicines and spiritual grounds, to warm the beast.

Naturally, it is impossible to build such a nest by yourself.

Then there was only one explanation, that was originally, Qingli Chihuo was in the lair, and there was something else in the lair.

But the beast robbed others' lair and also robbed Qingli Chihuo.

Later, when Xia Ning'er arrived, the beast didn't know why he arrived on the hill behind Luoyezong, and then for some time, he met Lexus again.

That mysterious lair had three owners successively.

"Look at it this way, could it be,"

Ling Zhi looked at Qingli like a red fire.

"Is that really the nest built by Suzaku? Where did Suzaku go?"

After doing all this, Xue Bai Da Beast turned around and walked out of the magma.

Entering into this magma, its hair has not changed at all.

Although this magma is the place where the Qilin magical medicine is located, it is absolutely extraordinary, but it is still, and it is impossible to get close to its body.

Walking all the way to the end of the magma, when he was about to go ashore, Xuebai's big hand suddenly frowned. This was the first time it showed such an expression.

Immediately afterwards, it looked towards Lexus.

Ling Zhi was startled and looked at the other party in a puzzled manner. He didn't think the other party could really see him.

Between each other, the sun and the moon are separated by unknown geometry.

This is just a reproduction of the old scene.

At that big tomb, he had also seen such a situation.

I don't know if it is due to the pseudo-world clusters or why it will cause such a scene.

However, the Snow White Big Beast was real, staring in his direction and never looked away.

"It was calculated that my son would leave this world because of some changes. I didn't expect it to be because of you."

He suddenly spoke.

The voice was rolling, seeming very vague, but very clear, Zheng Lingzhi's eyes shrank violently, he knew that the Snow White Big Beast was talking to them.

At this moment, you in his words are obviously worthy of Xia Ning'er! Thinking of this, Ling Zhi hurriedly stepped forward.

"Senior, don't blame, she herself doesn't want to bully Gulu, there are many twists and turns and reasons."

Xuebai Big Beast prepared for the growth of the beast so carefully, he was really afraid of the other party's anger.

No, Snow White Big Beast didn't have any emotional changes. It just gave a faint hmm, which seemed to indicate that he understood it and didn't need to explain more.

Did not care about it.

It seems that it already knew that Guru would have such a change, but now it only saw Xia Ning'er, and knew what it had calculated and why it happened.

"If you borrow my son's place, you owe someone a favor, right? You will help him in the future."

It took a deep look at Xia Ning'er, and suddenly said.

Xia Ning'er was taken aback.

"Is yours that pretty egg?"


can. "

Xia Ning'er nodded, but didn't know that one of her promises was actually much heavier than she thought.

"What about it?"

Snow White Big Beast looked at Ling Zhi and asked.


Ling Zhi touched his nose awkwardly. He really didn't know where the beast followed the tower, but he couldn't tell the other party, did he lose the beast? Snow White snorted,

"Have you seen my soul thought, and have you communicated with it?"


Ling Zhi nodded. This word just came out, and suddenly there was a thunder, which fell.

He slashed towards the snow white beast.


Snow White Big Beast frowned, waved his palm and shot the thunder back.

"I just asked for something inconsequential, but is it not allowed?

I did not try to jump out of the long river of time. "

He mumbled a few words casually.

It's just that every sentence, every word, is so appalling.

It seems...Guru, his father, ever did such a thing? How else would he know that he would be stopped by Tao.

How terrifying is it to jump out of the long river of time? This can almost travel through the past, the present and the future!

"It's not as simple as you think."

He seemed to know what Lexus was thinking, and his father interrupted him.

"The power of time is the real top god, and the impact of traveling through the past and present is too great.

In fact, I have a lot of questions I want to ask you, and I have a lot of things I want to tell you.

But no. "

"I might just tell you one thing, but how do you know, after a long period of time, what will happen to this thing?"

If you blow a dandelion at will, the star of reincarnation may have appeared long ago, and there are no dandelions everywhere.

And the one sentence you move once, will change another person, another thing.

This matter, this change will naturally lead to other changes.

No one can bear this kind of cause and effect.

Ling Zhi was silent, slightly enlightened, but he seemed to be blocked by something.

"However, you have these steles, maybe I can point you to one or two."

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