God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1532: Magical medicine

In the arms

"Xia Ning'er"

Ling Zhi didn't know what was the relationship with the sister he had recognized at the endless sea, that girl.

Is it the same person, different souls, or the same soul, different people.

He is also not clear.

But Ling Zhi knew that this Xia Ning'er and his sister must have a relationship, even life and death.

And these years,

"Xia Ning'er"

It was enough to rely on him in every way. Ling Zhi saved her first.

He wants to save his life, save the book Feiyao, search for the tower, go to the reincarnation world to find his mother, go to kill Noah and find Ouyang Hao.

His life is very important.

But, just because of this, he could not care about Xia Ning'er's life and death? His life is worth money? No, this is not the reason why he is greedy for life and fear of death! He gave up his life and also wanted Xia Ning'er to be safe, which was his most instinctive choice.

Leave him outside and fight with enemies in every possible way. In front of his family, friends, and brothers, he is still that Lexus, that big boy who loves to laugh.

This is a man's choice, responsibility, and responsibility.

This is the man! This is the man! When Ling Zhi rushed out holding Xia Ning'er, Xia Ning'er had already sensed that the drag that Ling Zhi made for her greatly stimulated her. She didn't remember her life, only that she was in the egg. Memory and perception in the lair.

She is ignorant of world affairs and has almost no memory.

But at this moment, a deep bitterness and unwillingness rushed to her heart.

"Go away, don't hurt brother!"

"Don't hurt him!"

She yelled twice in Ling Zhi's arms.

Qingli Chihuo directly threw a fiery red crystal, hitting the surroundings with the flames of Suzaku's immortality.

Swish, half of the thunder and lightning rolled away.

As a result, a vacuum of about one and a half meters appeared around Lexus.

This is the undead fire, extremely powerful.

But it only stopped here, because it was only the next moment, more thunder and lightning flooded in, just to win a little more opportunity for Lexus.

There was a chance for Xia Ning'er to survive safely.


At this moment, Ling Zhi suddenly coughed, and a ray of blood suddenly overflowed between his eyebrows.

The blood slid down the center of his eyebrows, slid down to his eye sockets, then slid down, entered his eyes, and slid down the bridge of his nose.

Tick ​​and fall to the ground.

Ling Zhi shook his body and wanted to almost fall to the ground.

He gritted his teeth, strongly supported the dizziness, and used all his strength to fight the thunder and lightning, moving forward slowly but firmly.

Black iron rods flew by his side, resisting thunder and lightning for him.

There were only three Taoist monuments, in his dantian, they didn't move. No matter how the Lexus was mobilized, there was no response, very weird.

He had already suppressed Ling Zhi's Dao injury, but today he consumed too much power and soul power, and was injured one after another. At this moment, his desperate use of power immediately caused Dao support to erupt, but it became more serious.

This is Dao injury, he will consume your life little by little and consume you.

It may make you weak at any time.

Until the end, you died from the injury.

Dao injury is the last kind of injury that warriors dare to face.

Imagine that you are playing against people in a slow state. Suddenly, the injury does not have any premise. How to fight?

"Don't hurt brother, don't hurt him, don't hurt him."

Xia Ning'er kept these words in Ling Zhi's arms.

She spoke extremely fast, shaking her head.

Every sentence, her eyes, her pupils, will be nothing.

All of Ling Zhi's mind was rushing out, without a decision. At this moment, Xia Ning'er exuded the chill, it was so terrifying.


Just after another thunder and lightning struck Lexus's shoulders, it failed to scorch all the flesh and blood, causing some scattered blood to splash directly on Xia Ning'er's face.

Among them, there was even a drop of blood that splashed directly into Xia Ning'er's eyes. Zheng faced the drop of blood. Her eyes didn't move a bit, letting the drop of blood rush into her own eyes. The eyes at this moment are all snow white, without the slightest black, white as the moon, bright as the sun.

This drop of blood entered abruptly, as if a drop of ink was suddenly dripped into a glass of clear water.

Brush, spread, spread.

In her left eye, on this white eyeball, some red marks appeared like spider webs.

"I am, don't hurt him!"

Her voice suddenly rang from Ling Zhi's arms.

Without the slightest feeling, it is as cold as ten thousand years of ice.

Immediately afterwards, she suddenly rushed out of an ice temple from her Shenting acupoint. Once it appeared, it quickly enlarged and enveloped Ling Zhi.

At the center of Ling Zhi’s eyebrows, blood overflowed again, and the wounds broke out completely, making his state extremely bad, almost losing his mind. It was an instinct and a kind of thinking to hold Xia Ning'er firmly in his arms with difficulty. The instinct to protect Xia Ning'er is supporting him.

And Xia Ning'er leaned in Ling Zhi's arms, stretched out his hand on the wound on Ling Zhi's body, and stroked it.

"Brother, they hurt you like this."

"How can they, how dare they."

She spoke softly and slowly.

But the conversation changed again, and his snow-white eyes looked outside the ice hall,

"What hurts you, whether it is a person or a thing, cannot exist!"

boom! She suddenly probed her hand and grabbed it outside the ice hall.

When the thunder and lightning that washed up saw her hand, it seemed to have seen the most terrifying thing. It was so humane that it dodged backwards.

However, Xia Ning'er was reluctant and slammed his palm.

This long thunder and lightning, all the lightning in the formation, are concentrated here, there is no doubt about the power.

But now, these thunder and lightning were directly caught by Xia Ning'er. Zheng followed her together with her palms, and all disappeared, leaving nothing left.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Ninger's palm fell and patted directly towards this land.

The array flashed rapidly, it was Qingli Chihuo, and he had to come over, trying to stop it.

However, Xia Ning'er just watched all this coldly, a palm breeze flew Qingli Chihuo, and then she patted the formation regardless of the drum.

Rumble! Flip the floor.

The whole cliff swayed.

The magical medicine array flickered crazily, igniting countless lightning forces, rushing towards Xia Ning'er's palm, and breaking down the pressure.

However, Xia Ning'er only gave a cold drink, pressing down firmly with his palm.

boom! In the next moment, the surface broke inch by inch, and all the rocks underneath were pouring up, and there was no trace of the formation.

The magical medicine guarding the formation was directly destroyed by her!

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