God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1523: Holy nest

"Cough." Ling Zhi coughed, which was unimaginable in the past. He is like a sickly patient. But when he saw a rare elixir, his feet moved at a speed that was not even slower than before. Dao injury, if it cannot be cured, it will slowly consume a warrior. "This is probably the heaviest support in my history, right?" Ling Zhi laughed at himself. This injury turned out to be caused by his crazy search for a breakthrough. Reaching out to wipe the blood off his eyebrows, Ling Zhi continued to walk in the stone city of Zheng in this forest, like a space of its own. He looked up, and what he saw was nothing like the outside world. "God King Tree." He stepped into a new forest and looked at everything around him. His heart was shocked. "There are as many as six trees." These six King Trees happened to be located on the edge of the flowing stream. , Like a weeping willow. There are three or five **** king fruits on each **** king tree, but most of them are blue. Not yet mature. Mature, but have fallen into the stream, melted into the water, or eaten by other strange animals. After looking around, Ling Zhi found a mature fruit of the King of Gods. He picked it off with his hands and preserved his heart. Staying here was eaten by other strange beasts as ordinary wild fruits, so Ling Zhi took it very calmly. But when he was plucking the **** king fruit, a handsome white jade horse rushed to his side from one side. This white jade whistling horse is slightly different. On the top of its head, there is a single horn. The single horn is still a little immature, but its sinuous shape is somewhat similar to the horn of a real dragon. "True dragons are not necessarily dragons. All creatures may morph, escape, and evolve into the only true dragon." Ling Zhi couldn't help but think of these words, and stretched out his hand to gently put his hand on the head of Bai Yusifengma. Bai Yu Nei Feng Ma snorted comfortably, rubbed his head on Lexus, and then gently pushed Lexus onto its back. The alien animal here requires land more than the outer world, but it is too difficult to find something that can heal the Tao! "Okay, no need to run." Seeing Bai Yu He Feng Ma still running, Ling Zhi patted him lightly, "My injury is not treatable by these elixir, so I don't need to work hard for me." Bai Yu He Feng Ma stopped in doubt, as if he was thinking about the meaning of Lexus' words. These strange beasts have only one point, that is, their wisdom, they are not complete. If they are in the outside world, a wild beast in the king realm is no different from humans. "Humph." Bai Yu Hsi Fengma suddenly snorted, reluctantly, as if he had made a decision, took Lexus in one direction, and ran away. Ling Zhi had no choice but to let it run. It was not excessively unreasonable. He believed that he would always find a way to solve the problem. At the speed of the white jade whistling wind horse, it took two days before it stopped. Wow. Ling Zhi only felt that there was a lot of light in front of him, and a kind of water vapor came to his face, accompanied by the sound of the waterfall falling. Could it be that I saw a large open space, in front of which, a high mountain appeared, and a huge stream of water dropped from the top. Really has the momentum to fly down three thousand feet. Baiyu Neifengma carried Lingzhi here, and suddenly stopped. After signalling Lingzhi to come down, it pushed against Lingzhi with its head and signaled him to walk towards the waterfall. He was standing on the edge of the jungle and did not come over. Some fear, awe. Ling Zhi didn't think that the white jade whistling horse would harm him, so he walked towards here calmly. After the waterfall fell down, a huge lake was formed below, the lake was about a hundred miles in radius, clear to the bottom. In the center of the lake, an isolated island stands there. The lake divided into streams and spread into the jungle. The water in this entire lake is almost solidified together. It contains rich to the extreme aura, spiritual power, medicinal power, etc. There was nothing near the lake, Ling Zhi raised his foot and wanted to fly to the isolated island in the lake. Puff through. The force of squeezing in the air suddenly appeared, driving him directly into the lake above the lake, and in desperation that he was not allowed to fly to the school, Ling Zhi turned his head and waved at the white jade whistling horse, swimming towards the isolated island. Soaking in the lake, Lexus once again was shocked by the effect of the lake water, which... almost dilutes the milk of the earth! This handwriting makes people speechless. The isolated island is not big, only a few meters away. As you swim close, you can see that a nest has been built on the isolated island with dense branches. It is the only thing on the isolated island.

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