God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1510: He Huanlong

This time he was injured, and he came out of his previously unrecovered injury.

In his body, there was a banging sound, which was even connected.

The breath of Lexus slumped.

When he stabilized his figure, his strength had almost fallen to the initial stage of the ninth layer of the king realm.

Just a little bit, he was about to fall to the ninth floor of the king realm and return to the eighth floor of the king realm.

When the time comes, I think about it again, but it will be troublesome.

The strength of this Fangxiang is just like a smile, I am afraid it is not bad at all.

It is a truly terrifying enemy.

When Lexus’s two clear breaths were slapped away, the Beastmaster was also shocked, and then burst into laughter, the horror on his face was no longer visible.

It knows that the person in front of him is different from the person at the beginning. It is just the same method, not the same person.

Ling Zhi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were red, and he stood up.

The power of the Beastmaster not only didn't make him fear and shrink back, but it aroused his fighting spirit.

The opponent's strength is comparable to the Saint King Realm, but it does not have spirit power and does not follow the rules.

Such an opponent is simply his best object at the moment.

Taking out some spirit pills from the ring and taking them, the Beast King rushed to Ling Zhi before the effects of the spirit pills exploded.

He sat down on the horse, extremely fast.

In this non-flying place, there is an advantage.

"Good job!"

Ling Zhi shouted, unfolding eight steps against the dragon, gave up all the exercises and adopted the technique of hand-to-hand combat.

In the first punch, his **** clicked and was shattered. The snow-white bones, bloodshot, struggling out of the flesh and blood, very terrifying.

However, Ling Zhi didn't care about this, and with the undefeated will in his heart, he attacked and killed with the Beastmaster.

"You hurt me a thousand, I want you to hurt yourself eight hundred!"

Ling Zhi was fierce, he yearned for this kind of battle, this kind of battle between life and death.

[Biquge www.sbiquge.xyz] He wants to break through and become stronger.

On the edge of life and death, step into the land of the king's consummation and see the style of the new realm! cough.

Beastmaster slapped his right chest with a palm, his sternum broke and sunk in, but Lexus violently hooked his toes on the opponent's feet, and sent him towards the opponent.

Before the Beastmaster withdrew his hand on his chest, he had already deceived him to the point.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped on the horseback again.

The huge strength made the horse unbearable all of a sudden, and the horse's hoof bent and knelt heavily on Lin.

The dust rushed up, covering the bodies of Lexus and the Beastmaster.

Those Fang Xiangshi from the outside world screamed impatiently.

The Beastmaster yelled, and they were quiet now, staying in place, staring at this side firmly.

There is no doubt that if the Beastmaster is in danger, they will rush over immediately.

Ling Zhi stepped on the horse's back, and when the Beastmaster closed his hand to grab him, he jumped over the air, head down and feet up.

Dangerous and dangerous, avoiding the blow of the Beastmaster.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Zhi made his tail with his feet, one foot stood upright against the sky, but one foot slammed down, attacking the Beastmaster with a tricky posture.

This is exactly the dragon attack method passed down to him by the real dragon, but these methods are displayed in the body of the real dragon, so when Lexus uses it, it will be strange.

The Beastmaster didn't notice it, and was kicked directly on the back of the neck by Lexus.

A blood hole was kicked out on the spot.

A large artery was directly kicked and exploded. Lexus’s toes were almost as deep as his neck.

The blood shot out along the gap.

The Beast King was furious and frightened. He directly ignored the injury and quickly grabbed it with his backhand. Ling Zhi wanted to take it out again, but it was too late.

Beastmaster’s big claws were directly on Lexus’s ankles, and with a violent pull, while expanding its own wound, it also firmly grasped Lexus’s feet in his hand. With his feet half propped on the ground, he shook Lexus as if he was holding a hammer.

Ling Zhi wrote his mind, almost lost his voice in his ear, and flew in the air.

Rotating at an exaggerated speed.

The originally docile wind, at this speed, becomes a piece of refinement.

Instantly blur his cut flesh and blood.

The blood was originally flowing only slightly, but at this speed, the blood in his body began to riot. Once there was a gap on the body surface, it would rush out.

In just a moment, his face was pale, and there was almost no blood on his body.

At this moment, he was like a real dragon nailed to his tail, unable to escape.

"True dragon, true dragon."

Ling Zhi thought of a solution quickly in his heart, he forced himself to calm down, think and respond calmly.

He began to deliberately adjust his posture, just as he did when he practiced dragon Dafa, adjusting every part of his body exactly the same, every inch of muscle and every inch of skin.

He was in the air and was picked up by the Beastmaster, which caused difficulty in his movements. It took several breaths to complete a certain part of the movement.

He substitutes himself into the real dragon. If the real dragon is himself, what would he do in this situation? Then, he found the answer in the inheritance of those dragons.

Longyou in the wild, full of ambition.

People trapped in the marsh can also enjoy the sky.

Some strange thoughts flashed in his mind, and Ling Zhi took out the scale of the real dragon from the ring.

Inverse scales.

In the end, True Dragon let him take it away.

Since it has fallen off, he no longer intends to use it again.

Ni Lin took it out, and the breath of the real dragon instantly spread.

Bang bang.

These two sounds were the last two hoofs of the sitting horse. It panicked suddenly and crawled on the Lin.

All the Fang Xiangshi around him were like this. Although they didn't kneel down yet, they all shivered and looked at this place in panic.

He retreated a little bit to the rear, his eyes were full of horror and horror.

The Beastmaster's movements also gave a fierce meal, and looked at Ling Zhi in shock.

"This is the moment."

Ling Zhi's heart was bright, knowing that his chance to break free was the moment when the Beastmaster and the others were startled by the breath of the real dragon.

He stood up fiercely, and his whole body was winding like a dragon.

It seemed that he really had his tail caught by the Beastmaster, and with the posture of a real dragon, he broke free and forced the opponent back.

Ni Lin flew out of his hand voluntarily, shrank, and finally stuck to Ling Zhi's eyebrows.

At this moment, he turned into a blue dragon! A blue dragon appeared in the hands of the Beast King, the tail of the dragon struggling away from the Beast King, two dragon claws violently grabbed the head of the Beast King.

With the dancing of the dragon's body, the big head, raw, was pulled out.

The blood spurted wildly, and the head and body of the Beastmaster separated, and Ling Zhi was thrown aside.

Ling Zhi's head turned like a dragon, and it was directly wrapped around the remaining body of the Beast King.

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