God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1495: Shi Huang's body

"Look, the two bodies collided together, revealing the appearance of another body."

Suddenly, Lu Chuan pointed to the boundless sea ahead and shouted.

Ling Zhi was shocked, glanced over Lu Chuan's eyes, and looked back.

He could see clearly, Lu Chuan's eyes were filled with a little gold, which was the same as the white in his eyes, and it was a symbol of eyes.

To open your own treasures, naturally there will be some differences because of the individual.

This made him secretly awakened in his heart, there are countless capable people and enchanting evildoers in the world, and you must not take it lightly.

If the eyes are used in battle, there is only one effect, that is, the opponent's movements will slow down in their own eyes.

All fajus, exercises, actions, and body practices will become something that can be followed.

Following this trail, those with eyes can grasp the opportunity.

You can fight, you can retreat, everything is up to you.

This fully explained why Lu Chuan made two shots before, once forced to stop smiling, and once forced the full smile into the thunder robbery, so he grasped the timing so wonderfully.

Even smiled completely without thinking about it.

I'm afraid, this is the use of eyes.

And if it weren't for the appearance of this blood and boundless sea, how could Lexus know this? Saint-king-level powerhouses should not be looked down upon.

... As Lexus's eyes moved, the corpse, by coincidence, had some collisions with another corpse, and its head was slightly raised, revealing its face.

The **** sea water faded from him, showing his appearance to Lexus's eyes Zheng Deng! Pedal! Ling Zhi had not retreated half a step before with the killing intent, at this moment, he suddenly retreated three steps in a row! He suddenly retreated from the area covered by the blood killing intent.

Lu Chuan didn't doubt that he was there, so he hurriedly drew back and came to Lexus, slightly worried and concerned.

Ling Zhi's eyes were dull, filled with deep shock, drool in his throat, with an exaggerated range.

The passage after the six reincarnations suddenly became a little gloomy and a little scary.

What did he see, he actually saw Shi Huang.

I saw the original owner of Xuanyuanjian.

I saw the person who taught him how to make a soldier.

I saw it, the one in the biography, the eternal emperor! However, when he was learning the exercises, he clearly saw the first emperor, fighting some unknown enemies somewhere in the starry sky.

Why did he suddenly arrive here, only to find that Shi Huang turned into a corpse, just floating in the endless sea? He believed that he would not be wrong.

"Then, seems to be a strong surnamed Qin?"

Lu Chuan hesitated for a moment, brewing his own words, said.


Ling Zhi nodded, then reacted, his eyes changed.

"No, how do you know him?"

Lu Chuan curled his mouth,

"It doesn't work if you don't know it. I have been to our Buddhism school in this short period of time, and my Buddhism school has his stories circulating. I have not been able to completely wipe out these stories."

"Shi Huang has been to Buddhism?"

Ling Zhi was surprised.

According to time calculations, during the time when the first emperor was in, it seems that Buddhism did not appear in China.

Of course, this is only the history he saw.

The true history of the earth has long been buried in the long river of history. The Emperor Zheng Shi Huang, who reigned only a few years and lived less than a hundred years old, was obviously wrong.

Who knows what historical facts have been missed?

Time is the most powerful force. Only time can be truly annihilated.

"No, not only have I been there, but I almost overturned the Buddhist sect. Although I don't know why it didn't fight in the end, it also had a great impact on the Buddhist sect at that time."

"What did he do?"

Ling Zhi asked curiously.

"He? His attire is different from the person in this boundless sea. I have seen his portrait, a dragon robe, and his eyes are always looking into the distance, penetrating the void, looking at the eternal unknown, even if it's just painting. , Is also very domineering.

Yes, the kind of dominance in him is the most sufficient and the most powerful I have ever seen. "

"After he came to Florida that year, he went directly to the Buddha Zong. According to the Buddha Zong, he had a close conversation with the elders of the Buddha Zong for three or three nights. Until the end, the sound of fighting seemed to be heard inside, and the momentum broke out. Unstoppable."

Lu Chuan fell into deep thought, but there was only one sentence that passed down, it was from the man named Qin.

"He, if you had no lonely people in Buddhism, you would have already severed the last tradition of causality, retribution is unhappy, some things, you back down, and some things, you can't back down.

Self-destruction of cause and effect will only destroy your tradition."

"After finishing this sentence, he flicked his sleeves and walked out of the Buddhist temple. From that day on, in the future, there was nothing about this. At most, a strong man came to my Buddhist temple and clamored.

However, the elders who had a close conversation with him that day later used the power of cause and effect, but things happened one after another. "

"As the elders of my Buddhism, they are not strong enough. Naturally, the research, exploration, and application of causal power are beyond comparison.

But these people, they are all planted on the power of cause and effect.

Some were killed by backlash, some were suddenly demented with the power of cause and effect, all in all weird and varied. "

"After such a thing happened, let the words spread in Buddhism once again, and formed a huge influence. Everyone is wondering whether it was the time when Buddhism really existed when life and death existed. The earth behind the person saved the Buddha Sect, but the Buddha Sect only left this cause, and did not return the result?"

Lu Chuan breathed a lot, his eyes were filled with admiration and yearning. He did not simply think that Shi Huang Keng killed those Buddhist elders, but really felt that this matter was about Shi Huang. , It is the problem of those elders, Shi Huang is the supreme figure who truly sees through the past and present.

"But, how could it be him?"

Ling Zhi thought hard and couldn't accept it.

He also expected to see Shi Huang with his own eyes and return Xuanyuan Sword to the opponent.

I was also thinking about being able to confront the enemy with Shi Huang and help him solve those enemies who oppressed the earth.

He swiftly stepped forward a few steps, but stepped directly across the pool of blood, and never saw that scene again.

Only the ups and downs, the corpse of Shi Huang, lingered in his mind.

After being silent for a long time, Ling Zhi and Lu Chuan continued on the road. This time the two of them became more concerned, always paying attention to their feet and surroundings, and their hearts were guarded.

I don't know how long it took until a big hole appeared in front of them.

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