God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1490: Extremely dark place

Between him and Lu Chuan, he has always maintained a distance between him and Lu Chuan, keeping the most basic guard.

Ling Zhi didn’t speak until he stood in front of this hall.

"It's all here, why did you come and why did you bring me, can't you?"

"How do you know that I am taking you?"

"Ha ha."

Ling Zhi sneered.

"Are you stupid, am I stupid?"

Lu Chuan smiled awkwardly.

"In fact, I don't want to take advantage of you. I just think that the appearance of the real dragon outside is related to you. I want to bring you here. At least, the real dragon will not suddenly pull its tail.

I can't stop it. "

This time, Lu Chuan's words seemed a little sincere, as if this were the truth.

Ling Zhi was stunned for a while, then took a deep look at Lu Chuan, not much.

It is not unreasonable for Lexus to be so cautious when seeking skin from a tiger.

In front of the two of them, there was a wide open door to the temple, and the inside of the temple was pitch black. From the outside, there was nothing to see.

Except for the heavy threshold, everything else is hidden in the dark Zheng Fenming. From above their heads, there is bright light shining down. These lights fall on them and cast their shadows. Naturally. It shone toward the main hall, but disappeared when passing through the hall door.

Outside the temple gate, the light is bright and the spring is bright and beautiful.

Inside the temple gate, it was pitch black, like an abyss.

Lu Chuan looked at Lexus and motioned for Lexus to go ahead. Seeing that Lexus didn't move, he gave a dry smile, shook his head, and stepped forward.

Stepping into the hall, Lu Chuan's figure was also swallowed by darkness and disappeared without a trace.

It can be clearly felt that he is right in front of him, less than ten feet away, but he can't be seen by his eyes, spiritual power, or soul power.

Ling Zhi frowned and walked in.

As they entered, Sima Changyi appeared from the other side of this hall, and the difference between Zheng He Lingzhi in another side hall was that at this moment, he held the sea **** pearl tightly in his hand, inspiring the sea **** Zhu, aroused a layer of blue light curtain, guarding his side.


"There is such a...dark place in the world!"

After not taking a few steps, Lu Chuan suddenly stood still and said with a wry smile.

After he and Ling Zhi entered here, no matter what they did or used various methods, they couldn't see what was in front of them. Only when all the power was poured into their eyes, could they see the big palm in front of them.

The place I saw was pitiful.

And even so, what you see is still darkness and nothingness.

This feeling is frightening and shocking.

"Unexpectedly, when I arrived here, I, the Holy King, turned out to be a mortal. No, even mortals are not as good as mortals. Mortals can still light candles or something, but we are better. Even the fire is forced out, and I can't see this hall. Looks like."

Lu Chuan murmured.

"It's no wonder that all the records I see here have only one adjective, black, this is really black."

Because they couldn't see anything, the two of them could only fumble slowly, searching forward heartily, not daring to go too aggressively.

Relying on the sound of breathing, he simply judged the location of the opponent, stretched his hands forward, like a blind man, groping forward, hoping to walk out of this place and see the light.

"There is not even the slightest sound of wind, and it is impossible to judge the direction.

Perhaps we are just walking around in this hall. "

After going away for about half an hour, Ling Zhi stopped and expressed his doubts.

"What else did you see in the record?"

he asks.

Lu Chuan groaned.

"Less, except here, it's black, but it doesn't seem to be dangerous. Most of them walked here. After a while, they walked out inexplicably.

Few people were killed here. "

"Then you didn't make any preparations?"

Lexus helped his forehead.

"Yes, I used it, but you can't see it. Even the light of spiritual power is covered by the cluster, and the light of all the objects themselves are also covered. It seems that the existence of light is not allowed."

Lu Chuan was innocent, and he said that he was not an unprepared person.

"Besides, I thought I was different from others. When I came here, the clusters would be a bit strange, which I noticed."

"Do people of Buddhism also become narcissistic?"

"Hey, I, it's better to be like this. You don't want to restrain me as a Buddha. It's good to look at me. In this case, we can still be friends."

Lu Chuan suddenly withdrew a step back and came to Ling Zhi's side. His shoulder slammed into Ling Zhi's body, and he took his arms around Ling Zhi.

From that person to a gangster, he seemed to enjoy this feeling quite a bit. He put his arm around Ling Zhi’s shoulder and asked,

"What about my proposal? Becoming friends with me will do no harm to you."

"Naturally, there is no harm, but the impression that you, the Buddha sect left on me, is really not that good."

"You, you don't believe in Buddha, what do you believe in?"

"I don't believe in anything. If I want to pull a sect I like, there is a sect in my hometown, I really like it."

Standing in this hall, Ling Zhi and Lu Chuan chatted without a word in the darkness.

"Sect? Seriously?"

Lu Chuan’s eyes seemed to brighten for an instant even in the darkness.

"What sect? People like you have sects that can convince you?"

Ling Zhi was silent for a long time, Fang Dao,

"That sect has only one word for its name, Taoism, and Taoism."


Lu Chuan exclaimed.

"Your hometown, Taoism?"

Ling Zhi clearly felt that Lu Chuan's body trembled. Although he was forcibly suppressed soon, but such close contact naturally couldn't escape his perception.

In the darkness, Ling Zhi's eyes suddenly became deep.

Lu Chuan knows Taoism, and knows that the birthplace of Taoism is the earth and China.

Otherwise, he would not be so shocked.

"Do you know? How is it, is it much more powerful than your Buddhism."

He asked heartily, without expecting Lu Chuan to answer.


Lu Chuan calmed down and nodded calmly.

"Compared to Taoism and Buddhism, that is more powerful. At this point, I may not have the qualifications. I don’t know how much you know about Buddhism, but I can tell you that the water of Buddhism is so deep that you can’t imagine. ."

"It's just that what shocked me was that you came from that place.

That sacred place, a place full of heroes. "

"Heh, isn't it a place of evil, a place where great evil gathers?"

Ling Zhi sneered, mocking.

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