God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1482: big trouble

"Since I am embarrassed, I will accept this thing for you first."

This voice sounded extremely suddenly.

When Ling Zhi heard this voice, they reacted immediately.

At almost the same moment, Weng Wen and Bai Feng rushed out and stood in front of Lexus. The two of them were very tacitly in touch, and attacked on both sides.

The attack was like a rainbow, blasting forward.

Lexus's attack followed, followed by a few people.

Zhuo Ling and the others took a defensive posture for the first time, with their feet staggered, standing behind Lexus and the others.

"Can you stop it?"

The voice sounded again.

Both Bai Feng and Weng Wen shook their bodies, and they were in front of them. They attacked. They didn't know what they were hitting, but they were drawn back.

At a faster speed, rush towards them.

The two were in a hurry, and then they barely stopped.

This blow from Lexus was even more directly grasped by a figure directly in his hand, rotating along with the figure's hand movement.

It is possible to be thrown out by that figure at any time.


Suddenly, Ling Zhi stretched out his hands, grabbing onto Weng Wen and Bai Feng's body one by one, and threw them back in front of him.

At the same time, he narrowed his eyes, stared at the figure, and after he stepped back a few steps, he uttered a word in his mouth.


With a word out, the spiritual power in the figure's hand suddenly exploded.

On the side of the figure, a sudden explosion.

The figure was also shocked, and then he gave a cold snort, and suddenly raised his left hand, blocking his face.

That powerful impact burst out, blasting on his palm, but it was like a firecracker thrown by a child, falling on a giant, but it made a clear and loud sound, but it did not cause the slightest harm to the giant.

The look of surprise in Ling Zhi's eyes became more intense, that the body couldn't help but quickly retreated back, and distanced himself from this person.

"It's kind of interesting, there is so much soul power in the spiritual power, and the fusion is so perfect, even I couldn't notice it for the first time."

The figure opened his mouth, in the void, his appearance finally slowly appeared and appeared in front of everyone.

This is a very ordinary man, with ordinary clothes and ordinary appearance. Only that temperament has a feeling of being in a high position for a long time, which is impossible to despise.

"Holy King!"

Ling Zhi stared at him for a long time, and finally slowly said two words.

It's just two words, but this land is eclipsed.

Let this island be silent, and needles can be heard.

In the Boundary Sea, there are such old monsters as Yang and Ge Nan. I don’t know how many there are. Why can the Sea God Temple dominate the Boundary Sea for a long time? Is it really just because they have many powerful men? In the face of those old monsters, those in the early and middle period of the kingdom, rushing to remove the death, it has no effect.

The real reason was that there was a strong king in the Sea God Temple, Sima Changyi.

Even if Sima Changyi's body had a problem, even if he only appeared once in a long time, even if he could only use spirit power, it was enough to calm the entire boundless sea.

Otherwise, with Weng Wen's temperament, he would have come to the door every other time and could kill a few masters.

"I was worried that it was too late to come, and you would be killed by the Seagod Hall again. I will go back when I come back, and I will be in trouble again, but now it seems that it was just right and I came on time.

This Sea God Temple, since Sima Nahuo's body had a problem, it seems that one day is not as good as one day. You have been bullied like this by a few generations. "

"I don't know if you killed a few, Sima Changyi should thank me very much."

The figure turned an unknown metal ring carved into the shape of a beast on his finger, and smiled.


Bai Feng stared at this person, and shouted.

"So it was you, traitor!"

Licking his lips with a full smile,

"It just so happens that the guy in the league is getting angry after knowing about your situation. This time it was for you. You dare to kill my disciple. You are also courageous. But if you are lucky, he must study you carefully. , So I won't kill you."

Full of laughter, there are a few people in the Dao League, who are in charge of real power, and the cultivation level of the first level of the Saint King Realm makes them like a fish, even in the Dao League, they are among the best.

This time, he personally passed on his disciples and was slaughtered all at once. In addition, Deadpool defected and killed the master. Baifeng and Lingzhi released the other three deadpools in a row, causing the Hang League to practice three souls and six souls. The attention, and attention of the strong.

This will lead to a full smile, leaving the continent of Samsara and coming here.

Weng Wen smacked and touched his unshaven chin.

"This is a lot of trouble."

Indeed, trouble, big!



Weng Wen and Bai Feng shouted angrily, stood on both sides, and rushed forward with Ling Zhi.

Start first, be strong.

This time, the expressions of Sanrao were extremely serious, their strength was accumulated, and they were silent, smiling, facing the powerhouse of Saint King level, no one dared to be careless.


It is this boundless sea, Sima Changyi can't come out, there is no warrior in the Saint King realm, so you have such an arrogant heart, dare to shoot at me. "

Full of anger, he wanted to laugh, turned his hands, pinched and pushed forward.



Wind blows.

Water, drop.

This is exactly the same as the force of rules Yang used at the time.

However, all this is not over.

At the moment when the wind rose and the water fell, a thunderbolt suddenly fell.

A bolt of thunder suddenly jumped out of the sky at extreme speed, split into three, and slashed straight at the Lexus trio.

The lightning speed was fast, and in the blink of an eye, three lightnings flew to Lexus's side.

Lexus, who knew the power of thunder and lightning, exhaled deeply, only had time to send out a reminder, and it collided head-on with this thunder and lightning.


This time the collision, strong, and the strength that condensed him, instantly shattered, Lexus vomited blood on the spot, retreated three steps wildly, repeatedly stepped under his feet, shattered the void, and then stopped with difficulty. .

Compared with him, the state of Weng Wen and Bai Feng is very tragic.

None of the three of them had been in contact with Thunder Tribulation. Their first experience, both in terms of experience and physical resistance, were very inadequate. They were irrigated by thunder and lightning, their bodies were numb, their reaction was not timely, their bodies were burnt and their breath was weak. Three points.

However, this is far from over.

Because at the moment when these three lightning strikes were finished, smiling and raising his hand, another lightning bolt was generated out of thin air from the wind and rain, one divided into three, three divided into nine, and charged towards the three of them.

"Now, it's troublesome!"

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