God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1475: Holy King Jie

This spiritual pill was also refined with the Demon Flower before Lexus.

For him, it is more about the proficiency in refining nine-level spirit pills, and his growth along with alchemy.

But for Wu Xingyun, it has a different meaning.

Ling Zhi and Wu Xingyun had no grievances and no grudges, but they did not have any good feelings. He sent this spirit pill naturally not because of sympathy, and it was not because he destroyed the other's demon body.

It is only aimed at Yang.

Martial arts double cultivation, mostly to enhance each other's cultivation base, love this kind of thing, among the martial arts, really rare, very rare.

For example, Sima Changyi, in order to pursue Wu Xingyun's mother, just took a fancy to the other's demon body, and wanted to get some benefits through double cultivation.

However, it was discovered that the other party's virgin body had already been handed over, and this was an angry murder.

As for Yang, it's totally different.

Only a spirit pill, warrior, should be free and easy.

Yang took the Ling Pill and didn't say a word for a long time.

In the end, he bent down and gave a big gift to Lexus, which was almost ninety degrees.

"See you in the future, we will help you if you are in trouble."

Afterwards, he took Wu Xingyun, turned and disappeared.

"Thank you Brother Weng for your help."

Ling Zhi stepped out with a calm face and said to Weng Wen.

"Er Xie had inherited the jade pendant from Brother Weng and learned the method of cutting three fingers."

Cut three fingers, which was the proceeds from Lexus' auction in Leicheng, and indeed helped him a lot when he was weak.

Weng Wen stretched out his hand and wiped the ring, and a hip flask appeared. He took a big sip before he wiped his mouth clean.

"So you know that cutting off three fingers is my practice."

"It's also in the seagod's burial ground, I just found out."

"Well, it's okay, that was what I left to the sect back then, and the sect disappeared later. I didn't expect this inheritance jade pendant to fall on you."

Weng Wen shook his head, and was not more inquiring about this matter.

It looks very open.

"The obsession in your heart is too deep, you can't break a step, it's hard to break through, and step into the Holy King Realm."

At this moment, Zhuo Ling suddenly spoke, staring at Weng Wen, and finally said this.

Ling Zhi couldn't help but cast a grateful look at her.

Zhuo Ling used to be a Saint King Realm, so he was naturally qualified for this, and if he could help Weng Wen, he would naturally be able to set aside the relationship between Ling Zhi and Weng Wen.

It's always bad to owe no mercy.

Weng Wen was taken aback, frowned and thought for a long time before he leaned forward.

"Thank you friends, it's just this obsession. If you let it go so well, it won't be called obsession."

"Don't let go of the obsession, the heart demon lives, Saint King Jie, how can you live, you will die?"

Taihe opened his mouth and said gravely.

"Yes, obsession must be cleared, otherwise you will definitely not be able to pass the level of Saint King Jie!"

Dai Quan's rare seriousness also followed.

These three Saint King Realm, at the same time, said such words and made such cherished suggestions, which suddenly made this matter become very strict.

They will naturally not be born out of nothing, but are really in great danger.

"Holy King Jie?"

Ling Zhi and Weng Wen spoke almost at the same time, showing doubts on their faces.


Zhuo Ling was taken aback and found that Bai Feng and Kong Xuan were equally puzzled, and then he helped the emperor helplessly explain.

"You really have a lot of things you don't understand, you don't even understand some of the great realms of the martial artist."

"In ancient times, when a martial artist practiced, every time he broke through a great realm, he would experience a thunder tribulation. While tempering himself, it was also the suppression of Tao.

Martial artists practice, go backwards, and win their lives. You should know this, right? "

"Later, for some reason, Thunder Tribulation became rarer and rarer, and later, it would only go through Thunder Tribulation once when breaking through to the Saint King Realm.

Among thunder tribulation, it is divided into body tribulation and heart tribulation.

Body robbery tests the martial artist's physical body, and heart robbery tests the mind and will of the fighter. "

"The body is defeated, the body is destroyed, the heart is defeated, and the soul is destroyed."

Zhuo Ling solemnly told the crowd, without any playfulness.

"However, it is precisely because of the lack of a lot of Thunder Tribulation's training, so the current martial artist is much weaker than the ancient warrior in the same realm."

Taihe added, turning to Lexus,

"Of course, he has to be excluded. Both his physical and artistic states have reached the perfect state. Poseidon has also done this. He will experience a very powerful thunder tribulation. Therefore, their strength is better than that of the ancient times. The warrior is only strong but not weak."

"Heart Demon Tribulation."

Weng Wen murmured, thoughtful, some obsessions, under the strong cultivation mind, automatically weakened some.

He threw a hip flask to Lexus again, then raised his head and took a sip of the wine, standing on his side, his eyes widened, not knowing what he was thinking.

"This trip to the Seagod's Burial Ground finally came to an end."

Seeing this, Bai Feng smiled and said.

There have been too many changes, one after another strong people emerged, one strategy after another, one formation after another [书趣阁www.shuquge.xyz], which made people think about it.

The group went straight to a secluded island, went down to the island, and each found a place, sitting cross-legged and adjusting their breath.

Rest and rejuvenate.

In this way, until a few days later, everyone will fully recover from the injury.

The scar on Zhuo Ling's arm has long since disappeared, and her cultivation level has also recovered extremely quickly, almost on the verge of the Saint King Realm.

As long as she completely restores this body to its previous state, it will be when she breaks into the Holy King Realm.

At that time, even if it is Sima Changyi, what is there to fear? Dai Quan and Taihe were treated with Lingzhi's Lingzhi Pill, but they always wanted to break the seal several times in the Nine Profound Crystals, and encountered some disturbances when they were born. They were always a little lacking, and the speed of strength recovery was slow. Come down.

boom! But far away from them, there is a melee that is unfolding.

The fighters were Lexus, Bai Feng, and Weng Wen.

These three are enemies to each other, and opponents to each other, they have fought several times on this island.

When Ling Zhi raised his hand, he cut off three fingers and slashed towards Weng Wen.

Weng Wen's eyes lit up,

"It can still be used like this, good, good, good!"

He even made three good words, raised his hand in the same move, and blocked forward, with the same moves, and the effect was completely different from that of Lexus.

Unclear strengths and weaknesses are divided into different colors.

Bai Feng's exercises are even more strange. The ghost knows how many sects he destroyed during the Deadpool of the Dao League and how many exercises he created.

"Haha, I'm slightly better this time."

Finally, Bai Feng stood still and laughed.

Ling Zhi and Weng Wen fought fiercely, and the two of them suffered the most injuries, but it was Bai Feng.

"This time is the fourth island, isn't it? Give me the power of the Sea God Temple on this island!"

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