God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1471: Dog blood

The true master of the Sea God Temple.

That person lives in seclusion on the first island in the boundless sea.

The owner of the True Dragon Palace.

Sima Changyi! The teacher of Wu Xingyun, the name in the mouth of the silver-moon and golden-eyed beast, the boundless sea saint king realm powerhouse! Huh.

A figure appeared.

It was just that Sima Changyi used his soul power to condense into a figure out of thin air, which was beyond the scope of the king realm.

This is a very domineering man, but in addition to dominance, there are some vicissitudes of life, even old.

In him, there was a twilight, a dying, decayed feeling.

This is exactly the result of the approaching end of life and the end of life.

However, this does not hinder his strength.

"How did you make it like this?"

Seeing the injuries on Wu Xingyun's body, Sima Changyi frowned, his face suddenly ugly.

A strong man like him, his spirit power swept through from a distance, not just a person like Wu Xingyun, just a dust, he could never escape his eyes.

Wu Xingyun was here, he naturally discovered it a long time ago. Before, he just focused all his attention on the stone statue.

He cares about Wu Xingyun, and his disciples who allow others to bully him are not the same concept.

He didn't care about Wu Xingyun's life and death.

But he cares whether Wu Xingyun's life and death will lose his face.

Now that Wu Xingyun appeared in front of him with such an embarrassed posture, this made his original domineering attitude towards Dai Quan, invisibly, dropped by three points.

"It's him!"

Wu Xingyun's eyes fell on Ling Zhi, and he shouted sharply, suddenly rising up.

"Wu Xingyun, I am kind to let you go, but you have to rely on nothing, like a dog, you have learned how to bark."

Ling Zhi coldly looked at Wu Xingyun and snorted coldly.


For the first time, Sima Changyi set his gaze on Ling Zhi.

It was also the first time that there was doubt and a trace of surprise.

"Just rely on him?"

He looked at Ling Zhi contemptuously, a little puzzled.

"He's just someone who just broke through to the ninth level of the king realm, isn't he? You will be beaten like this by him?"


Sima Changyi suddenly yelled, his soul power surged, and he grabbed Wu Xingyun from the air. The surging soul power was injected into Wu Xingyun's body and searched.

After a long time, my brows wrinkled deeply.

"How can your body lose so much? Where did the magic lines in your body, the strength accumulated for a long time, go?"

"Do you know how much money I spent on you in order to accumulate the power of magic lines for you? I have nurtured you for so many years, but you have consumed those powers in such a short period of time? "

"Did I remind you that you are not allowed to enter these places without authorization, your demon body is more important than you?"

For some reason, Sima Changyi suddenly fell into a violent rage, and directly took Wu Xingyun in his hand, poking his soul power directly at the center of his eyebrows, making Wu Xingyun pale suddenly.

Big beads of sweat dripped from his forehead, and he looked at Sima Changyi in horror, shaking all over, speechless.

"Let him go!"

Suddenly, a medium-thick voice sounded, and Yang actually faced Sima Changyi and shot.

He slashed at a distance, and slashed towards Sima Changyi's soul body.

On the long knife, wrapped his own soul power, he went forward bravely.

"Go away."

Sima Changyi snorted disdainfully, slapped his backhand, and at the same time shook the knife away, it also made Yang cough up a mouthful of blood.

Yang Ben was injured, and at this moment, the injury was added to the injury, and he couldn't stabilize his figure, and he slammed into the sea, embarrassed.

"It seems that you are not dead because of him?"

Sima Changyi looked at Yang sarcastically, his face was full of contempt.

"You lost to me in the fight for that female rap. Now that so many years have passed, you are still thinking of her, and even her children care so much?"

"Stupid! You dare to confront me for her, you really think I can't kill you? Let you go free on the boundless sea, but you didn't see you in your eyes!"

"Give me a while, wait for my breakthrough, wait for me to enter the Holy King Realm, and kill you, the old immortal, what about?"

Yang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said sharply.

"Isn't he your child? Demon spirit body, his mother is the demon spirit body, you don't recognize him, why should you accept him as a disciple, why don't you treat him well?"


"Don't be blind, how could the master be my father!"

Wu Xingyun actually shot Yang against him! He was clearly still caught by Sima Changyi, but now he vented his anger on Yang.

After all, he is a demon spirit body with strong strength. Yang body was seriously injured. He was the end of the crossbow. He was hit by this blow, and he fell completely to the bottom of the water, half failing to climb up.

Seeing this scene, Sima Changyi was in a good mood, laughed up loudly, and threw Wu Xingyun aside.

"Yang ah Yang, you lost to me, you really lost it completely, now you have been hit by him, it is really wonderful."

"I don't know what she thinks of this scene?"

Sima Changyi smiled grimly,

"After all, you, but his father."


He laughed and laughed wildly.

Wu Xingyun's body was shaken, standing there, suddenly lost movement, his body was stiff, twitching, and the shock of the shock by Sima Changyi's sudden shock.

Puff through.

Yang rushed out of the sea, his whole body wet, his long hair stuck to his face and his body, his eyes were red.

"You, what are you? Impossible, impossible, she has been with me, impossible, impossible..."

"What you did yourself, it's impossible for you to come and follow me? Back then, I relied on my strong strength to bring her under her command. I thought she would surrender to me, but I suddenly discovered that she was pregnant. Under my various questions, She refused to let go. In the end, in the end, I directly extracted her soul and deprived of that memory."

"You have had sexual **** long ago, and you have had that disgusting relationship long ago!"

"Originally, I wanted to kill him directly, but I found that he turned out to be a demon body, a demon body, I can't get a demon body for dual cultivation, can't I cultivate a demon body, as Will it be used in future seizures?"

"For this, I carefully trained him, but after I fed him so many elixir, he actually consumed all those powers.

How can I wait so long now? Sure enough, he deserved to die long ago, and you are even more damn! "


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