God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1458: Faith and Karma

This was the first time that Lexus had been crushed so thoroughly when he was fighting against the same realm.

This fully understands the power of cause and effect.

Both demon corpses were mobilized by Wu Shan, and Wu Guang knew that his actions had completely angered Wu Shan. If he procrastinated all the way, it would be counterproductive.

Leaving aside the power of cause and effect, he didn't have the guts to start with Wu Shan.

"I can only blame you for provoking people who shouldn't be provoked."

Wu Guang spoke,

"If it weren't for Tuo to be too far away from Florida, it could bring you back to Buddhism, where you can take refuge in my Buddha."

"It is better to become a demon if you take refuge in a Buddha like you."

Ling Zhi snorted and closed his eyes.

His soul expanded infinitely, following the perception in the dark, drifting away in the direction of Xuanzhou.

The power of faith is boundless and boundless.

It was as if he had returned to Xuanzhou again and saw the land of Xuanzhou.

He saw warriors rebuilding the city in Qili, children chasing and playing, and smoking smoke rising slowly.

Finally, he saw the temple, saw the tomb of Joy, saw the temple, and people kept walking in and out, worshipping the statue in the temple piously.

That statue carved in the shape of Lexus.

His spirit entered the statue and saw a vast ocean.

There is an endless ocean, and there are not many currents in the ocean, just covering a shallow layer, but these currents are all formed by the power of faith.

And, all the time, from the land of Xuanzhou, there is scattered power of faith, floating towards here.

Ling Zhi's spirit has only entered the cluster for a moment, and he can feel that the wounds of his spirit have been warmed up a lot, which is of great benefit.

"The Sea of ​​Souls!"

Ling Zhi stared at the vast ocean and slowly spit out the word.

He finally knew the reason for the formation of the Soul Sea in the tower.

That was not the result of the colorful soul-raising lotus, but the power gathered by the master of the tower back then, perhaps because of faith, perhaps by cause and effect, or perhaps by other forces.

The tower master is indeed extraordinary, he has already gone so far and reached this point.

However, even he died in the war of the year! Only Luo Ya, with the tower, walked back to Xuanzhou alone! Because of the arrival of Ling Zhi, the power of faith in the clusters boiled over, cheering and came to Ling Zhi's side, surrounding his soul.

Just like the humans in Xuanzhou, they saw the gods they were grateful for and believed in all day long.

Following the group of people that Ling Zhi had saved, and when Ling Zhi had traveled through Xuanzhou to kill demons, countless people had recorded his presence.

In particular, with some deliberate promotion and admiration, Lexus has reached a peak in Xuanzhou.

Xuanzhou was thriving, and many religions, sects, and forces were all overthrown, and Lexus became such an existence.


In particular, Xuanzhou Dao was rescued twice by Lexus and got help from Lexus. Although he could not directly intervene in this kind of thing, it allowed those who believe in Lexus to get some favor and favoritism.

Some people who made a wish to Ling Zhi found that they were actually rewarded, their luck was a little better, their bodies were really clearer and more comfortable.

As a result, Ling Zhi's temple in Xuanzhou became more and more sacred.

Thanks to the help of the Tao, Lexus's actions in Xuanzhou have been infinitely expanded. The efficiency, speed, and quality are beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"The power of faith, come!"

The Lexus body whispered, and the power of faith rose into the sky and went straight to the sea god's burial site.

This long distance came in just a blink of an eye in front of the power of faith.

It is generally the same as the power of cause and effect.

Countless white spots floated out, surrounding Ling Zhi's body.

At this moment, Lexus started.

Without the slightest hesitation.

He waved these white spots, concentrated on his fingertips, and rushed towards Wu Guang.


Wu Guang took a surprised look at the power of faith beside Ling Zhi, unable to believe this scene.

"Impossible, how could you have such power?"

Whether it is the power of cause and effect, the power of faith, or the power of gods, there is actually a unified name.

All beings, willingness! This is the Saint King's three-level realm, and I can only come into contact with it, and I have studied and pondered it in depth, in order to break through to the emperor realm.

The reason why his Wu Guang can be used is because of the Buddhist school.

But Lexus, why? In this continent of reincarnation, in addition to the power of cause and effect, who else, which sect, can actually gather the aspirations of sentient beings? boom.

The white dots collided with the golden light, and the white dots scattered around with a bang, as if they had been knocked apart.

"Haha, it turned out to be just a fake, just some rudiments."

Wu Guang's eyes condensed, and he cried out in surprise, his heart suddenly relieved, raising his palm aroused a golden mang, and he slashed towards Ling Zhi.

Wu Guang hummed lightly,


Jin Mang went straight to Lexus, and in a blink of an eye, he came to Lexus and blasted towards his chest.

But when the golden light rushed in, those white spots suddenly returned and rushed towards the golden light.

The faster, faster, fiercer, and fierce Jin Guang charged towards Ling Zhi, the more violent and shocking the white spot.

These white spots rushed past, hitting the golden light like a sieve, densely packed holes.

The remaining golden light was punched by Lexus casually, blasted into dregs, and dissipated between the ground.

"Guardian power?"

Zhuo Ling's eyes lit up and he cried out in surprise.

This is a special kind of sentient being's aspiration power, and its own attacks are not strong, or even weak.

Its defense is not top-notch in its lifetime aspiration.

But when a person using this power encounters an attack, this power will burst out endless magic.

The strongest attack, the strongest defense, and the fastest speed, it has almost unlimited potential.

To some extent, it is more like an auxiliary force, a guardian force, the strongest support, and the strongest defense.

This is something that Lexus never thought of.

After realizing this, he chuckled and started his hand. Wu Guang waved his hand and shot a golden light, but Ling Zhi was completely indifferent to it.


The white dots are like shrinking stars, blooming with bright light, dazzling and dazzling, rushing from the side of Lexus, and before the golden light touches Lexus, all the golden light is blocked.

Later, Wu Guang almost didn't have time to make a move, and the white spot forced the past, and it directly regarded it as a threat to Lexus.

To be destroyed.

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