God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1350: You ungrateful animal


Zong Feng snorted and laughed out loud.

"What is this? You think we haven't seen the true body of Seagod?"

He sneered, almost burst into tears.

Looking at Zhen Bing's eyes, it was full of provocative and successful light.

Ling Zhi ignored him, and when he mobilized the Seagod Law Body, he suddenly saw rows of lights in his dantian in front of his soul body.

There are a total of nine bright lights, which are nine kinds of ghost beasts, corresponding to the nine sea gods.

When these nine phantoms appeared in front of him, Ling Zhi suddenly had a strange feeling. It seemed that he could feel the happiness, anger, sorrow, sorrow, and his vitality of this phantom.

And another more intuitive feeling is that he can control the birth and death of these phantoms.

Shenhun slowly got up from the stage, his eyes swept through the nine lights one by one, and suddenly stopped on one of them.

The shiny appearance was a scorpion-like appearance, with its long tail barbed and thrusting into the air, while on both sides of its face were the appearance of tall bulging fish, like gills.

Ling Zhi slowly stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards this bright light. The moment he grabbed it, his soul suddenly entered the Zheng of this light. The light was like a bank, a galaxy, and there was still light in it. countless.

There are strong and weak, and the breath is different.

Frowning slightly, he felt a familiar breath from the light.

Without hesitation, he reached out his hand, grabbed the light, and withdrew from the perception.

Standing on the sacred platform, Ling Zhi's spirit grasped this light and felt this completely different feeling.

This feeling is a feeling that controls his life and death.


Ling Zhi suddenly spoke.

Zong Feng looked at him strangely, not knowing why.

But at this moment, a sneer appeared at the corner of Lexus's mouth.

If a woman is careful, it's true.

When she saw this smile, Zhen Bing was so excited that she instantly reacted, a sense of horror went straight to her heart, she opened her red lips and yelled.



However, it was too late.

Ling Zhi gently shone the light in his hand.

A part of the light spot was like a stain, easily removed by him.

Only less than half of the light spots were left, flashing rapidly, and he was grasped by his soul indefinitely, Zheng Po! Zong Feng suddenly raised his head and spouted a large mouthful of blood, his breath was instantly wilted, his black hair turned whiter in an instant, and his skin was full of wrinkles and lost its luster.

At this moment, he seemed to have lost most of his life, and he was aging.

"It turns out that it is not only linked with the spirits, but also with your lives."

Ling Zhi showed a hint of astonishment. He thought that doing so would only harm Zong Feng's spirit, but he didn't expect that even his life would be wiped out.

This sudden change shocked everyone! In this case, hundreds of people suddenly fell silent, and no one dared to say something extra.

He didn't even dare to exhale, and all held his breath.

Most people looked at Ling Zhi in horror and at the black Seagod Law Body behind him. It was only then that they realized how true they were thinking and how outrageous they were.

The young man in front of him had never thought about controlling them with the imprint of his soul.

That's why he didn't use the Seagod Law Body, and if he was kind to them, he would personally take action to help them resolve the entanglement of evil spirits.

But they, they just want to anger each other and force each other to show such a scene.

The relationship of cooperation has been ruined into the present, the relationship of slavery.

Seeing Zhen Bing standing alone beside Ling Zhi, they suddenly showed a touch of envy.

Among the nine books, Zhen Bing is known for his unique wisdom. Why are they not willing to believe in Zhen Bing today? Zong Feng looked at his body blankly, at the originally strong flesh and blood that had become withered, and at the withered fingers like bones.

That extreme sense of weakness surged into my heart.

Even in this air, maintaining a flying posture, he was somewhat unable to maintain.

Doing iniquity can still be violated, and you cannot live by doing iniquity!

"Give you face, get along with you, demons are born, and everyone fights together."

Lexus’s voice sounded without the slightest emotion,

"But why, I give you a face, but I don't want it?"

Ling Zhi Mind moved slightly.

Just behind Zong Feng, an old man who had reached the seventh floor of the King Realm suddenly fell into a daze from midair.

Before reaching the ground, it turned into a dead bone. The hair first went from black to white, then lost its luster, turned into dust, and drifted away with the wind.

The flesh and blood went from ruddy, to dry, then black, until it slammed on the ground like a stiff zombie.

Who could have imagined that a man on the seventh floor of the King Realm, one with his hands up, a mountain collapsed, and a strong man who could travel across the starry sky of the universe, would die in the moment of Ling Zhi's thoughts? Those who did not stand in line all broke out in a cold sweat.

Ling Zhi glanced at everyone indifferently, and didn't move any more.

The effect of deterrence is enough, and blindly killing is not a solution.

Approaching the Fallen Leaf Sect, the rush of red light entered all Raoyan Zheng. Although they were puzzled, no one dared to ask. They were just silent and cautious, following Lingzhi.

My heart is full of deep regret.

Some elders frequently spread Taoist thoughts to Zhen Bing, wanting to ask her to say a few words in front of Ling Zhi. After all, the relationship between her and Ling Zhi is better now.

"What is this red light?"

Zhen Bing ignored him all the way, until then, looking like a curious baby, walked to Ling Zhi's side and asked.

That kind of seeking knowledge actually gave birth to a cuteness, matched with its charming eyes, and itchy people.

This beautiful young woman is definitely one.

"Zhou quenching body formation, a type of body refining formation that is turned around by magic core."

Lexus did not hide it.

"Oh, to what extent can you refine at most?"

Zhen Bingmei glanced at the red light, because the formation was obscured, they couldn't feel the power of blood in the formation, so they didn't care.

Ling Zhi raised his hand to open the formation, without looking back, he said casually,

"With enough mana, it is no problem to refine the martial artist's physical body to a ninth-layer physical body in the king realm that can be compared with spirit beasts."

As soon as the guardian formation was slowly opened, the power of strong blood and qi came to his face

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